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RUSSIA starts work on second 5th generation fighter.

sir moscow,
do you think - as per openion it might be competing with ----The New Generation Bomber program a medium bomber currently under development by the United States Air Force. It is projected to enter service in 2018 as a super stealthy, subsonic medium range, medium payload "B-3" type system to augment and possibly to a limited degree replace the U.S. Air Force's aging bomber fleet.
unrefueled range of 3,250 nmi
* weight of 290,000 to 350,000 pounds each
* payload of 15,000 to 20,000 pounds
* support of 37 to 40 percent of the current USAF tanker fleet and 100 air superiority fighters.

The Mach 2 bomber could attack targets almost anywhere in the world while operating from well-protected, permanent bases on US and UK territory. A total inventory of approximately 80 to 105 of these Mach 2 bombers could deliver enough PGMs (about 560 tons per day) to replicate the USAF Desert Storm effort.
as i read in the transcript Бомбардировщик будет создан с применением технологии стелс - so it has to be created with stealth technology
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recent update:-
following the merger of the RSK MIG and sukhoi its appears from local news analysis that both mig and sukhoi will be working together for the speedy implementation of the pakfa then both of them will move to the LMFI.

Flight Tests of Russian Fifth Generation Fighter to Start Within Year

Flight tests of the Russian fifth generation fighter will begin within a year, the first vice president of the Unified Aircraft Building Corporation (OAK) and general director of the Sukhoy and MiG companies, Mikhail Pogosyan, reported to an ARMS-TASS correspondent at the seventh international Aero India 2009 aerospace exhibition.

He noted that a significant part of the developments have been accomplished on individual systems, for example, on the airframe, while to a lesser degree on the radar. "However, that volume of work which has been performed up to now allows us to begin flight tests of the fighter," M. Pogosyan emphasized.

He also announced that it is planned to develop a whole series of modifications of the basic variant of the airplane - a twin-seat variant and a ship-based variant.

According to M. Pogosyan, cooperation with India on the fifth generation fighter will bear the broadest of characteristics and the agreements signed between Russia and India on this program provide for a 50/50 partnership. "We think that we are realizing the partnership plan fully in the creation cycle for this airplane and the development of its modifications," M. Pogosyan added.

He recalled that some fifth generation fighter program developments are being used successfully on upgraded fourth generation airplanes. In particular, the active phased array radar (AFAR) has been integrated successfully onto the MiG-35 which increases this airplane's chances in the Indian air force tender for the purchase of 126 fighters.

The co-development with India of the fifth generation airplane will parallel the licensed production program of the Russian Su-30MKI fighters in India.

first news
Fifth Generation Fighter Will Never Fly This Year

The first Russian fifth generation fighter, the PAK FA ("future tactical aviation aircraft complex"), contrary to the promises of vice premier Sergey Ivanov, will never fly this year. Dates for the fighter's creation will be put off yet again, Novyy Region ((New Region)) reports today.

A massive layoff of the work force is expected at the top secret production facility in Komsomol'sk-on-Amur. (More than a thousand people will be laid off as early as June from the Gagarin Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO, included in the Sukhoy Holding Company).) The official KnAAPO union representative, Pavel Arslanov, said that notification of the massive reduction of part of the workforce reached the union at the beginning of March.

The in-plant conflict may aggravate the situation with delay of the realization of the fifth generation fighter project. The unwillingness of Sukhoy Aviation Holding Company's top management and the KnAAPO leadership to increase workers' pay has become the reason for the protracted confrontation. Today they pay them less than at the other Sukhoy plant, Irkut. In contrast to Irkut where they pay workers up to 22,500 rubles, up to now at KnAAPO wages have not exceeded 17,938 rubles.

((Rest of earnings stuff snipped.))

Source: 16.03.09, Avia.RU

second news
Reduction of Komsomol'sk-on-Amur Aircraft Plant Workers Will not Impact Time for Creation of Fifth Generation Fighter - Production Association Management

The Komsomol'sk-on-Amur Aviation Production Association (KnAAPO) lay off 700 workers in the very near future, but this will not impact time for realization of basic projects, enterprise management declares.

"Optimization is underway owing to reorganization of the enterprise's ancillary departments. We intend to let go not more than 700 people in the coming 6 months. Primarily it is a question of workers who have reached retirement age," the KnAAPO deputy director, Sergey Ageev, reported to journalists.

He was commenting on a reports of a number of medial that massive reductions of workers are planned at KnAAPO that may frustrate dates for realization of the program for creation of the fifth generation fighter, and also construction of Sukhoy Superjet 100 passenger airplanes in which KnAAPO, included in the Sukhoy holding company, is participating.

According to S. Ageev, the proposed decrease in no way will impact the speed of the fifth generation fighter's construction, and also Su-35 and SSJ 100 airplanes. "It will have no impact on dates for fulfillment of government orders," he added.

Source: 17.03.09, Interfax

FInel answer!!

KnAAPO: Information About Shifting Dates for Realization of PAK FA Project Is Wrong

Information that dates for realization of the Russian PAK FA fifth generation fighter project may be delayed yet again due to forthcoming massive layoffs at KnAAPO Yuriy Gagarin is wrong, The newspaper Nash Gorod (Our City) reports referring to a KnAAPO announcement.

It is recalled that according to a number of information agencies who are referring to a the words of the KnAAPO union representative, Pavel Arslanov, notification about reduction of part of the workforce reached the enterprise at the beginning of March. Layoffs are supposed to start in 3 months.

According to the KnAAPO deputy director, Sergey Ageev, the information being spread by the union has nothing in common with the reality. "We actually intend to optimize the strength of the workers over the first half year. We do such optimization every year. The most socially defended group of KnAAPO workers falls under the decrease. Optimization is underway owing to reorganization of the enterprise's ancillary departments. We intend to let go not more than 700 people in the coming 6 months. Primarily it is a question of workers who have reached retirement age," one of the plant's manager's reported.

In fact, KnAAPO management has refuted the words of Pavel Arslanov, who maintains that more than a thousand people fall under the cut-back and also as "the official reason for the decrease" names "a reduction of manufacturing workload," the newspaper writes.

Source: 17.03.09, Avia.RU

If we go by the answers given - if we get the fifth gen fighter flying this year.
May be it will be in service earlier than MRCA ( j.k) lol
Well i am persoanlyl having very high hopes for this fighter and i am being optimist -in expectign to see first block ready by 2 yrs.
Military Reducing Expenses for GLONASS and Fifth Generation Airplane

The country's military leadership is promising to reduce costs for training, arms purchases, social payments and military reform. But they will reduce expenses for GLONASS, the creation of the fifth generation fighter and reform of the sergeants' service, the Vedomosti newspaper writes today.

The defense ministries main expense should remain untouched despite the crisis and the budget reduction, president Dmitriy Medvedev and defense minister Anatoliy Serdyukov gave an expanded defense ministry panel to understand at a meeting yesterday.

Two huge arms programs were subjected to reductions, the military part of the GLONASS satellite navigation systems was cut by 2 billion rubles and the development of the fifth generation fighter by 938 million rubles. A representative of the Russian Scientific Research Institute of Space Instrument Building of the Russian Aerospace Agency (the institute responsible for the creation of GLONASS), Aleksandr Zubakhin, says that this reduction will have no impact on plans to launch new satellites this year, inasmuch as the cycle for their assembly is large and it already in fact has been paid for. And the Sukhoy representative (developer of the fifth generation airplane) believes that plans for the aircraft's first flight before year's end are unchanged, the publication reports.

Source: 18.03.09, Avia.RU
Latest renders of Mikoyan LMFS from paralay website:








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I am bumping this thread back up ..because of Sri Lankan thread of J XX being based on SU-47 and also Benny was asking bout the Mig sleath project

good news for russians.

Look forward to more russian advances in technology

how is the russian economy going?
I am bumping this thread back up ..because of Sri Lankan thread of J XX being based on SU-47 and also Benny was asking bout the Mig sleath project


Somewhere i read that the design has been changed and it would a single engine fighter just like F-35.. dont have anymore info though.
does HAL-UAC signed deal to jointly develope LMFS or the PAK FA...???

i got a suspision coz PAK FA is almost a complete poject already....
Is Russia Looking for partner On this project , If yes then India should Join this project
does HAL-UAC signed deal to jointly develope LMFS or the PAK FA...???

i got a suspision coz PAK FA is almost a complete poject already....

HAL signed for PAK FA only... This is a completely different project and nothing is heard whether its discontinued or still going on...
does HAL-UAC signed deal to jointly develope LMFS or the PAK FA...???

i got a suspision coz PAK FA is almost a complete poject already....

HAL signed deal with Russia to jointly develop FGFA which will be based On Pak FA

PAK Fa And FGFA are two different projects , while LMFS is different

LMFS will be based on cancelled mig 1.44 - I read that at some article on net
HAL signed for PAK FA only... This is a completely different project and nothing is heard whether its discontinued or still going on...

i had a very old article which says india intrested in MIG design then the sukhoi one for 5th generation fighter...

Understanding IAF interest in the MiG fifth generation fighter.
also it was always names as deal for 5th generation fighter , the names of LMFS or the PAK FA were never officially thrown up..i
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