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Russia Says Taiwan is Part of China as Two Powers Further Align Against U.S.

EU and US are as hyprocrite like snake! Selective freedom and selective democracy.

At least China is not double head snake telling other we offer freedom and democracy but on other hand beat up protester who ask for independent,

Why do you even argue with him?

There are only 2 ways in which problems get solved:

1. By rational agreement.
2. By use of force or threat thereof.

Note how whining, name calling, etc. are not ways in which problems are solved. Since rational agreement doesn't seem possible here, then the answer is the law of the jungle.
Yes...all were equal...infront the fireing squad. :D :D :D :D

And what could you vote ? Mao or Mao 2?

Dude you crack me up xD

In Greece we were able to squash that commie scum before it could lay eggs.
Before WW2 there were much more true democracy in USSR than in most of capitalist world. Do not forget - African, Asian and South American countries were part of Western capitalist world in one form or another. They were literally enslaved by your beloved "democratic" states. Fascism and Nazism - both are part of Western history, different form of capitalism, as agly as modern day liberalism.
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Might doesnt make right, intelligence does. China was dumb enough to invest alot of money into Greece. They will learn the hard way thats worthless. They could have thrown the money in the oven, would have been same investment for them. Since they have no might here, we can simply kick their investors out and there is nothing they can do.

Lol if only you had the balls to fight your own government on this.

You can try to kick Chinese investors out as an individual. The first one to arrest you will be your government.

If it's so easy why doesn't your government do anything about it?
No, China just kills anyone with different opinion. 😆 Do they have installed gas chambers already?

Thats the problem. China always lost when it was against powers outside its realm. Even against mongolia
@waz @LeGenD @SQ8

Look at this madman with no intention to discuss but just provoke and intend to cause a reaction. I highly even doubt he is a Greek.
Lol if only you had the balls to fight your own government on this.

You can try to kick Chinese investors out as an individual. The first one to arrest you will be your government.

If it's so easy why doesn't your government do anything about it?
He is a fake greek. Looks like false flag flagger.
Doesnt change the fact that Taiwan is independend and will stay that way. Nobody who comes from democracy wants live in a tyranny like China.

US and EU follow one China policy.
Because that geography belongs to China, the people on it are optional. If they want to be free, they can go be free on the moon.

China should ask all patriotic Taiwanese to move to mainland and then carpet bomb Taiwan to take full control of Taiwan.
Thats the problem. China always lost when it was against powers outside its realm. Even against mongolia

We overthrew the Mongols and defeated them so hard that they never posed a threat again. The same Mongols that conquered almost the entire world.

We took half of Mongolia - the richer half - and now more Mongols live in China than Mongolia.
Lol if only you had the balls to fight your own government on this.

You can try to kick Chinese investors out as an individual. The first one to arrest you will be your government.

If it's so easy why doesn't your government do anything about it?

Dude you dont know our government, they take your money. But you get nothing for it in return, ask the germans.
Look at this madman with no intention to discuss but just provoke and intend to cause a reaction. I highly even doubt he is a Greek.

He is a fake greek. Looks like false flag flagger.

I hate communism and i hate dictatorships. I will never supporf chinese communist tyranny.

We have a saying here, bettr dead than red
not sure if its something to be proud of...

Of course it is. The Chinese are incredible naive but the italians screw them over even worse, i see no problem by taking from china.
I hate communism and i hate dictatorships. I will never supporf chinese communist tyranny.

We have a saying here, bettr dead than red

Of course it is. The Chinese are incredible naive but the italians screw them over even worse, i see no problem by taking from china.
ruins your reputation and credit rating as a country
not good in the long run
Im sure china will definitely take taiwan because it is time too show military musxmcle to the world as US did in WW 2 only thing left for china to make world understand
Im sure china will definitely take taiwan because it is time too show military musxmcle to the world as US did in WW 2 only thing left for china to make world understand
10 more years, I don't think they'll do it right now
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