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Russia says in race to bag mega sub deal


Jun 24, 2012
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It is considered an outsider in the race to bag the Indian navy's contract for a new generation, long endurance conventional submarine but Russia maintains it is a strong contender as it will soon have the Air Independent Propulsion.

It was the lack of the AIP, which drastically increases the capability of a submarine to stay underwater by reducing dependence on compressed oxygen to burn fuel, that was seen as a disadvantage to Russia's participation in the navy's Project 75I to procure six new generation conventional submarines. Conventional submarines can stay underwater for a few days but those equipped with AIP can stay submerged for more than three weeks, giving the operator advantage in terms of stealthy operations and sneak attacks.

Russian designers said the system will be ready by 2016 and may even be fitted on Russian vessels by 2018. "The AIP is no longer a stumbling block to our participation in the P 75I," Andrey Baranov, deputy director general of the Rubin Design Bureau, said. "We will have a prototype of the system ready and in place by 2016."

Russia has offered to help the DRDO develop an indigenous version of the AIP, Baranov said and stressed that India was unlikely to find other partners who would share such critical technology.

"The main difference between our system and others in the world is that we do not store hydrogen onboard but generate it. We also use standard diesel that the submarine has," Rubin Design Bureau chief designer Igor Molchanov said. This, he said, makes the Russian AIP stealthier than the French and frees it of the need for shore-based hydrogen generating facilities which are required by the German system.

Both the French DCNS and the German HDW are strong competitors for the P 75I contract, which will be one of the largest global tenders in terms of money. There has, however, been delay in floating a tender though the decision to procure the submarines — to restore India's edge in underwater operations in the region —was taken years ago.

Link - Russia says in race to bag mega sub deal - Indian Express
If Russians lose this tender,they will have a hard time convincing the world that their weapons are world class.So far Russians lost every single tender in India.

Scorpion subs have an upper hand as they have a proven AIP, I think there are also talks about installing Brahmos onboard these boats.Indian ship-yards are now fast absorbing the technology from last scorpion tender thus making it easier and faster to absorb the next generation tech.
If Russians lose this tender,they will have a hard time convincing the world that their weapons are world class.So far Russians lost every single tender in India.

Scorpion subs have an upper hand as they have a proven AIP, I think there are also talks about installing Brahmos onboard these boats.Indian ship-yards are now fast absorbing the technology from last scorpion tender thus making it easier and faster to absorb the next generation tech.

The cuurent Scorpion Subs that we are making in MDL does not have AIP .It is option that we can order to fit in last Two subs.
I was talking about follow-on subs tender.

But Germans are leader in AIP technology but AIP has serveral demerits such has AIP subs have very ultra slow so they are not suitable for escort role. Russian Amur class subs have also highly advance some people mentaly hater of Russian products but they forget that Russians are one who produce high class stealth subs.
The cuurent Scorpion Subs that we are making in MDL does not have AIP .It is option that we can order to fit in last Two subs.

Thats the P75 program, this is about the P75I program.
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AIP holds more relevance as cruise missiles can be launched from torpedo tubes too.

yeah but Brahmos in present form can't be fired from normal tubes. They will need silos. And I guess in future Nirbhay won't be able to be fired from tubes too.
PS: though India can fire club missiles from tubes.
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It's actually crazy - K4, and K15 don't have a platform for at least a decade or more.

But Brother here I am talking about cruise missiles like Brahmos or Nirbhaya. They can't be fired from normal tubes. Anyway AIP is more important.
But Brother here I am talking about cruise missiles like Brahmos or Nirbhaya. They can't be fired from normal tubes. Anyway AIP is more important.

Nirbhay on P75I? we haven't got the land version correct yet. even a sub size Brahmos hasn't been tested from a submerged platform yet. The concern would most definitely be a platform for the K4 and K15 under development first.

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