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Russia reject India’s claim of testing intercontinental missile as baseless

This is a pretty damning indictment. Given that Indian tech is imported wholesale from Russia, the Russians would no doubt know every minutiae of the Indian WMDs program. Why would Russia expose and humiliate India like that?

Hilarious.... wait .... still laughing!!!!

1st of all india cannot fire Agni-v during war reason they knows better
2nd why russian are giving statement against india that is really serious
Comprehension skills fail...

This is a case in my opinion of someone saying the emperor has no clothes. I have always felt that comparing India with anything other than much smaller countries shows India not to be incredible but poor in every sphere period

Repetitive Fail!
See you are back from your break with the usual cheap banter......bread basket which feeds the public is usually harvested by the farmers.
And the tragedy of your farmers would put any nation to shame, no such records logged in Pakistan..... Pakistan doesn't needs missile that fly over your head, it's got weapons to strike at your hearts. You kind have been hoping for Pakistan's destruction for the last sixty years but have ended up with a red corridor in your own land.....with no appetite to address the issue. !!

I dont see the need for off topic rants in an ICBM thread, but i'll still play along.
Relax, there was no need for fear mongering, we evil bramhin-neocon-zionist-hindus are not hoping for pakistan's destruction, Your army is a viable threat to indian security but your tactics just has nuisance value for us. Please take your regular red corridor nonsense elsewhere, if the amount of red corridor effect is correlated from the areas they operate, what should we assume for your country vis-a-vis reach of Islamic terror.

AGNI V is not really a ICBM, but then again is it's range really 5000kms as stated by the government. Russia's downplaying of Indian AGNI V is to ensure that India is not viewed with any insecurity by the west.
Its called an ICBM to feed the news media a sensational news. The western press would not make a deal out of the test if its a IRBM that can hit China. So the type of missile is named to publicity purposed instead of the actual range of the missile. Also, call it an ICBM help create such an article

Vision 2030: Superpower India | Deccan Chronicle

watch the video in it.
I dont see the need for off topic rants in an ICBM thread, but i'll still play along.
Relax, there was no need for fear mongering, we evil bramhin-neocon-zionist-hindus are not hoping for pakistan's destruction, Your army is a viable threat to indian security but your tactics just has nuisance value for us. Please take your regular red corridor nonsense elsewhere, if the amount of red corridor effect is correlated from the areas they operate, what should we assume for your country vis-a-vis reach of Islamic terror.

AGNI V is not really a ICBM, but then again is it's range really 5000kms as stated by the government. Russia's downplaying of Indian AGNI V is to ensure that India is not viewed with any insecurity by the west.

it certainly is a damp to the Agni v hype in the days, but again, a long range around 2000km missile to us is enough for deterrence goals.
i just find it laughable these guys call a 5000km missile an ICBM.
85 you know what at work i guess.
i just find it laughable these guys call a 5000km missile an ICBM.
85 you know what at work i guess.

most aren't bothered by the name son. it meets the security requirement, that's what counts.

your own media was complaining that India has understated the range
Yeah Yeah... We all Indians accept with heartfelt apologies for trying to con the world that we have an ICBM...

Now please don't over estimate us... thanks
No range of the Indian missiles stated ever is true. You just need to look at the deployment of the BrahMos in the North East to figure out what its actual range is.
Iran, N Korea have no long-range ballistic missiles - intelligence

Maj. Gen. Igor Sergun, head of Russia’s General Staff Main Intelligence Department, has vowed that only official nuclear powers today possess ballistic missiles with a range of over 5.5 thousand kilometers.

“Only officially recognized nuclear powers have intercontinental ballistic missiles with a range of over 5.5 thousand kilometers, as well as the technological know-how to produce them,” he said at a Moscow conference today.

Maj. Gen. Sergun listed Israel, India, Iran, North Korea, and Pakistan among non-nuclear states, possessing medium-range ballistic rockets and vying for regional dominance.


Iran, N Korea have no long-range ballistic missiles - intelligence : Voice of Russia

This is how a news can be twisted according to will.


Russia terms India’s claim of testing intercontinental missile as baseless
By Agencies - May 5th, 2012


Moscow: Russia has rejected India’s claim of testing intercontinental missiles and said New Delhi was naming its medium range rockets as Intercontinental missiles.

Russian Intelligence chief Igor Sergun termed the India’s claims as baseless. He was speaking at a conference organized by defence ministry and attended by 50 countries, including 28 Nato members.

He said that countries like India and North Koria didn’t possess long-range intercontinental missiles.
During the conference General Nikolai Makarov, Russia’s most senior military commander, warned Nato that if it proceeded with a controversial American missile defence system, force would be used against it.
President Dmitry Medvedev said last year that Russia will retaliate militarily if it does not reach an agreement with the United States and NATO on the missile defense system.

Russia terms India's claim baseless

Pakistani source?Lol
Btw..SpArk busted it...Awesome job..desperate Pakistanis busted again :rolleyes:

ICBM or not...How the fk does it matter?What matters is it covers the hostile nation neighboring us...you call it a Diwali rocket or a toy..doesn't change the fact does it?You are still under our range.

LOL - The simple minded Chinese people can't distinguish between a news source and a mouthpiece - but then in China - both are the same thing.
In Communist China government runs you!:lol:

Chini govt saying the missile has a range of 8000+KM ...and now a desperate Pakistani source twisting the news...Typical!
Guys A5 is an 8000km missile or its range is close to 8k. The 5000km is a deliberate downplay
created by New Delhi. Russians never said A5 wasn't an ICBM. The news is twisted by a pakistani
hopeless with chinese help. Mr. Igor was concerned about Iran and North Korea, not India & NK.

@ chinese members

Seeeshsh!! Go check your 70's "ICBMs". As I said earlier they took like 2 hrs to be filled with their liqiud
fuels, deviated flight paths by 800m, fell 1000km short of the designated target location in trials, and had
CEPs of 4000m! (4 kilometers). Such an imperfect lot. Typical chinese stuff:rofl:

I dont see why pakistanis and chinese need to create rift among friends for their own idiotic benefits,
India & Russia are like te closest of friends and are likely to remain so forever! The pakistani attempt has
failed yet again...give up!

@ Spark

Thanks for busting the thread buddy:tup: I admire you, keep it up
Guys, the Russian guy, as per the original source, did say, "“Only officially recognized nuclear powers have intercontinental ballistic missiles with a range of over 5.5 thousand kilometers, as well as the technological know-how to produce them”.

But in any case, India has every reason to feel satisfied with the performance of the Agni V, even though we merely call it a "long range" missile, instead of an IRBM or ICBM.

One has reasons to believe that the original source is in any case somewhat suspect. Not that what the general said matters, but unless there is independent confirmation from a more reliable source, the news is suspect.
lol,russian papa look down at his son india .

What about Papa's mistress?? :) What is she looking at in Papa??


Short size dwarf missile, it doesn't look right to me...:rofl:painting horrible instead camouflage styles.

LoL, if size mattered so much to you, then why would Pakistan so lovingly possess the Chinese missiles and proudly parade them too by giving them scary names? :)

1st of all india cannot fire Agni-v during war reason they knows better
2nd why russian are giving statement against india that is really serious

You lost me on the 1st :confused:
I suggest you read the OP the Russians put Indian capability along with smaller countries than India. Which imo is fair

LoL, first that missile guy and now you. What is the pakistani fascination with size?

Japan and Korea too are countries that have smaller territories, India is pretty happy dealing with them, so what made you think that India will find it unfair to be compared with the smaller ones?

This is a case in my opinion of someone saying the emperor has no clothes. I have always felt that comparing India with anything other than much smaller countries shows India not to be incredible but poor in every sphere period

LoL, so then you would say that the nations that are being compared too are parading naked? Really the limits of non sense which you would visit tryiing to show India in bad light. But then what would an obsession be otherwise :)
Until then India is a Mickey mouse in missile technology and technology in general, 5000km is child's play for china.
5000km???? WTF!!!
I think you're under the influence of some potty substance! Your twaddle is both nonsensical and hilarious!

Get this into your head (Which it seems you use only to keep your ears apart!). India has made the 5000 km weapon of death just for blowing the crap out of your cities that include Beijing and Shangai etc. These WMDs are sufficient to create a firestorm that will wipe your cities off the face of the Earth!

We do NOT need to waste time resources and effort to build missiles of greater range. That would be dumb! In other words, 5000 km is enough for the Chinese. Now go have some fresh coffee instead of the hallucinatory stuff you smoke!

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