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Russia refuses to sell Nimitz Aircraft Carrier and space shuttle to China

Your obsession with nimitz class aircraft carrier

:lol: :lol: :lol:

now as you have encountered 'EPIC' fail to build a sea going Nimitz class carbon copy but end up in a pond with a reinforced concrete cement Nimitz class Xerox copy blame that Russia refused to sell it to you, so u ended up a pond worthy Nimitz class Xerox copy. :rofl:

of course I agree, your Nimitz class Xerox copy, 100% indigenous copy without Russian help can play a vital role in the pond denial mode and be the most powerful weapon system in the pond without any external help for any nation, and when it is not any worthy blame a random nation that it didn't sell the Nimitz class to CCP and hence it is a good for nothing Xerox copy.
There is a difference between the admirable Soviet's achievements in defense industry and the new strategy of packaging/advertising the old Soviet toys by the Russians.
that's ultimately right although I have big respect for my friends russian guys don't forget the aftermath of fallen soviet era, that was a big shock for the russian they still try to recover of it.
Talking about this nimiz rumor, I just heard of another one:

according to well connected Indian sources, DRDO + DRBRAG + HAL are in an intense negotiattion with China to purchase 240 retired J-7 for IAF ( yes! even without legally binding clausula for not copying - the Chinese side is very confident it seems) with unit price of UAD 15 million FOB, to replace failed 30-year-old-and-counting Tejas Project (Sorry, Frenchy, and GE!). The pros are: unlike Tejas, J-7 is a proven fighter even though it belongs to the same generation as the former, that's to say both are 3 gen, and ON PAPER( I know, Indians' favorate buzzword) J-7 could offer more realistic upgrades than Tejas could ever fancy.

Any comfirmation from Indian DOD?
Chins started the thread to troll and have now trolled their minds out..

That's one of the reasons Chins should not feed their kids with melamine tainted milk. It results in a chinaman like one above..
Everyone, even Indians admit defeat in 1962. You make yourself look like a fool with this post. Admitting past defeats is a sign of strength and maturity; trying to twist things around to make failure look like success is a mark of incompetence and future defeat.

My pay scale is more than you when it comes to taking about using military terms specifically military objectives of any war.

The twisting is done by PLA and trolls like you. And Indians you talk about admitting are just simple minded non professional bloggers.

PLA itch to recapture Indian territory was a common phenomenon even after 1962 but was treated with good offensive scratch by Indian army every time.

You Chinese have to first stop contradicting yourselves about when boast on net and sounding fool when talking on defence forums. Your propaganda business thrives only at PDF because it helps Pakistani cause against India for feel good sake, otherwise what PLA's military objective was/is regarding LAC and territory they claim is still not meet and wouldn't be meet ever.
My pay scale is more than you when it comes to taking about using military terms specifically military objectives of any war.

The twisting is done by PLA and trolls like you. And Indians you talk about admitting are just simple minded non professional bloggers.

PLA itch to recapture Indian territory was a common phenomenon even after 1962 but was treated with good offensive scratch by Indian army every time.

You Chinese have to first stop contradicting yourselves about when boast on net and sounding fool when talking on defence forums. Your propaganda business thrives only at PDF because it helps Pakistani cause against India for feel good sake, otherwise what PLA's military objective was/is regarding LAC and territory they claim is still not meet and wouldn't be meet ever.

yes buddy it is DAMN funny.. these Chinese Ran back and vacated the same terriory which they beg now from India all year along. which raises the qsn why they left?
clearly not a favoured choice, but had to leave coz of
1)inability to hold that area.
2)even if they had tried holding, all of the plz in that area would have been massacared by subsequent Indian offensive.
3) India would have got support by them from US or Russia and chiniese would have been beaten in Tibet also

so they saved their izzat and ran away before the fight could become full fledged. and sounded their victory before finishing the match and running away inbetween. Its like a team scoring 90 runs in their 46 overs in cricket(all out coz) and abandoning the pitch and going home claiming victorious ..!! :lol:
CHINI are INSANE…I am sure with that…As you talk about Tejas…First point... we are trying to do everything that we can and getting help from other country as required Agree with that we are not born Intelligent…Second point…No country in this world can say we have stolen technology from somewhere ..LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE NOT AGREEING WITH THIS…CAN YOU SAY THIS ABOUT CHINA… Third Point ....about facing mirror… CPC is killing CHINI…A BIG example is Tiananmen Square Massacre…CAN YOU FACE MIRROR…???... In India we have right to speak and right to express view…DO YOU HAVE…???....Finally… even we are doing everything to blast each and every enemy.

1962 Incident was a big Shock for Indians…we never expected that from CHINA…But this time…MAA BHAWANI KI SAUGANDH…WE ARE READY… JUST DO THAT WE WILL LET U KNOW.


First, you are trying to do the best, but as you said you are not born brilliant. Ok, let’s forget it, do not talk Tejas. BTW, I’m not a big IQ fan. Unless more type of your people prove to me otherwise.

Second, India doesn’t steal technologies? You bet you! You Indians steal missile technologies and Bank technologies. Well reported: (India) Man Who Sold Missile Technology to India Receives 35-Month Sentence Indian stole computer code from US bank

Third, Tiananmen Square tragedy happened in a few days, 30 years ago, a few hundred lost lives. India’s killing of child with starvation happens unstoppably since it’s independence. Even now, every year there are 2 million Indian children were massacred. Two Million Children in India Die because of Hunger - BestVolunteer.org Every day you kill 10 Tiananmen Square worthy amount of children! That is a daily massacre happening in your land! India is the only insane country that kills its chldren in this massive scale! On the other hand, at least the Chinese have right to live as of now, and make riots on the street freely...

1962 Indian tragedy is caused by your jingoistic nation. Your democratic leader Nehru and Parliament are to complain. Do you hear of “forward policy?”. Never? No surprise due to your propaganda machine. your stupidity lies in the fact that you invaded other country's territory via "forwarding", but when others stroke back, why it actually served as "shock" to you! :lol: Indeed you are not born brilliant. :lol:
yes buddy it is DAMN funny.. these Chinese Ran back and vacated the same terriory which they beg now from India all year along. which raises the qsn why they left?
clearly not a favoured choice, but had to leave coz of
1)inability to hold that area.
2)even if they had tried holding, all of the plz in that area would have been massacared by subsequent Indian offensive.
3) India would have got support by them from US or Russia and chiniese would have been beaten in Tibet also

so they saved their izzat and ran away before the fight could become full fledged. and sounded their victory before finishing the match and running away inbetween. Its like a team scoring 90 runs in their 46 overs in cricket(all out coz) and abandoning the pitch and going home claiming victorious ..!! :lol:

A typical definition of Mental Masterbation.
that's ultimately right although I have big respect for my friends russian guys don't forget the aftermath of fallen soviet era, that was a big shock for the russian they still try to recover of it.

Well, they even believe that their technological gap with USA is less than the Soviet era.

It took them so many years to build a single 4k tons modern frigate, now they are talking about building the nuclear supercarriers, what a delusional nation.
Well, they even believe that their technological gap with USA is less than the Soviet era.

It took them so many years to build a 4k tons modern frigate, now they are talking about building nuclear supercarrier, what a delusional nation.

I don't see anything funny about Russia making a nuclear supercarrier. They almost did it before the Soviet Union collapsed. Why are you insulting Russia? Our only aircraft carrier is an old Russia carrier. Our technology was learned from Russia. Russia has taught China so much (even if it was inadvertent) and we benefit so much from having Russia as an ally. Without our Russian teacher, our aircraft would be nowhere near where they are now. Even if our technology surpasses Russia's by far in the future, we must never forget this. He who dishonors his teacher dishonors himself.
I don't see anything funny about Russia making a nuclear supercarrier. They almost did it before the Soviet Union collapsed. Why are you insulting Russia? Our only aircraft carrier is an old Russia carrier. Our technology was learned from Russia. Russia has taught China so much (even if it was inadvertent) and we benefit so much from having Russia as an ally. Without our Russian teacher, our aircraft would be nowhere near where they are now. Even if our technology surpasses Russia's by far in the future, we must never forget this. He who dishonors his teacher dishonors himself.

Varyag is only a training carrier, and PLAN doesn't even see it as a real aircraft carrier.

While USSR has left its aircraft carrier base to Ukraine, so the modern Russia cannot rebuild what USSR has done before without Ukraine.

They even need to import the gas turbine from Ukraine.

Again Varyag was a gift from Ukraine, it has nothing to do with Russia, so you need to learn some history before making noise.

The modern Russia is simply a big joke compared to USSR, this is only what they are capable of doing.

Nice, accurate description, currybomb. And China begged, did we? Please show me the words that a Chinese official used to "beg"? Or perhaps you misunderstood. He was in India and was begging that the windows be opened immediately due to the smell, but then realized that the outside smells worse, so begged you to close them quickly again. Since our versions of history are different, then we won't discuss this. It is like talking to a wall. In 1950, America had captured all of North Korea. China fought and took everything back up to almost Seoul. And this was in 1950, when America just attained its superpower status and was on the rise. Fighting America was considered suicide. But we did it, and we pushed them back 200 miles to the 38th parallel. "Once you cross the Yalu into North Korea, consider yourselves dead," were the words of General Peng Dehuai, before 260,000 Chinese troops marched to defend a country that was not theirs against a nation that was considered invincible. That is Chinese courage. Would Indians even dare to consider fighting America? At any provocation? No, not now, not ever.

not "almost to Seoul". We actually entered Seoul and held it for a while. Seoul changed hands something like 5 times.

Fighting the US at the time was not just suicidal. It was total folly. It would be an egg against a boulder. The US had just defeated Japan and Germany at the same time, using less forces (in the case of Japan). Japan and Germany, on the other hand, wreaked incredible destruction and brutality on China and Russia just a few years earlier. If the people that almost defeated you were crushed like a bug by someone else, fighting that someone else would be utterly foolish.

However, we did and won.
ChineseTiger, I understand very much the history of the Varyag. It is an old Russian carrier. But this issue expands so far beyond carriers! Do you have any idea how much Russia has helped China? Do you believe that Chinese aircraft, even the indigenous ones, would be here today if it wasn't for learning from the Russians to gain a solid base? Our engines just started working well and you forget those who helped us before? Prior to this, if the Russians refused to sell us engines, we would have NO airforce!! No one is allowed to sell us any weapon but Russia does so anyway. We have bought Russian fighters, Russian tanks, submarines, SAMs, everything, and you insult Russia?? ChineseTiger, be careful not to bite your own friends!

Yeah, Seoul was tossed back and forth but in the end, we didn't keep it so I didn't count it.
You complete moron. I respect Russians for what they did for us. Did I asskiss them? I just asked you to stop insulting them. I don't understand at ALL what pleaseure you get out of insulting allies. Crappy weapons at a ripoff price? Compared to what? No one else was gonna sell us anything. If you don't like Russian weapons in 1990, how would you like to be unarmed instead? People like you can turn allies into enemies. I don't know what strategy you have but I don't want to be on the bad side of both Russia and the US at the same time. Those who help you in your time of need will regret the day, scum.
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