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Russia Pressurized China To Release Indian Soldiers, End Border Conflict With India

china is under pressure because of american exercises in south china sea.this is why they are backtracking 2 km away from LAC.
Events in South China Sea do not have a direct impact on Ladakh. China is capable of paying attention to both theaters simultaneously. It would be very naive to assume that one will have impact on other. Whatever they are doing is because of what is happening in Ladakh and their objective there.

There is no advantage for Russia to secure return of captured Indian solders. Why would they want to spend political capital for no gain?
Events in South China Sea do not have a direct impact on Ladakh. China is capable of paying attention to both theaters simultaneously. It would be very naive to assume that one will have impact on other. Whatever they are doing is because of what is happening in Ladakh and their objective there.

There is no advantage for Russia to secure return of captured Indian solders. Why would they want to spend political capital for no gain?

what is the reason for current withdrawal of chinese from galwan ?
what is the reason for current withdrawal of chinese from galwan ?
One the withdrawal is in progress currently. Secondly they are withdrawing from their temporary positions in the valley not from Galwan. This withdrawal is results of talks between two countries.
We can only guess the exact reason for the withdrawal but it seems that with potential summer flooding in Himalayan ranges, those position might not be logistically viable.
You got low IQ

1. You are suggesting that Galwan is Indian territory.

2. China was the aggressor.

3. Chinese troops retreated.

Think before you hit the keyboard.
What's with low IQ statement? Was it necessary? :angry:

No more stupid remarks from you.
Fake news ... Russia's interest is in China and India border conflict escalating so that way it can send earn money from Indian weapons purchases lol

Chinese Military Advisors and Rus Military Advisors are deployed together in many Frontlines. Alaska, Mexico, South Korea, Central Asia, Europe, Australia, Iran and Pakistan !!!!

But the Question is this , Can Chinese Military and Rus Military Fight War Continuously for 3 Months on all the Front lines !!! Indian Armed Forces are Prepared and Fighting on the Front-lines, Arab League is Fighting on the Front-lines, Turkish Armed Forces are Fighting on the Front-Lines !!!!

See the Realities on the Ground !!!! International Air Force has been Neutralized !!!! Allied Nations Forces are knocking out the International Forces !!! Be that West Asia, Asia, Afro and Maghrib !!!! Welcome to Hindu Civilisation !!!!

Lol Eurasiatimes is run by an indian based on canada. Before trusting news first see who run it. Indians try hard to put some western names and pass it as credible sources.

The owner of this media outlet is binod kumar based on Toronto. With zero credibility.

Any report from them take it as grain of salt.

I think Eurasia is run from Armenia and Europe !!!!!
It's just a dream of keyboards warriors. Pakistan will also avoid to jump on a full flesh war..

We will decapitate Hindustan in a heart beat. If we were alone we would do it. China attacking Hindustan from the other side makes it only more appealing.

Lol Eurasiatimes is run by an indian based on canada. Before trusting news first see who run it. Indians try hard to put some western names and pass it as credible sources.

The owner of this media outlet is binod kumar based on Toronto. With zero credibility.

Any report from them take it as grain of salt.

It is. This is an irrelevant biased and pro-India source. LOL at Indian monkeys jumping up and down. India is a pathetic nation that likes to celebrate at time of loss.
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Chinese Military Advisors and Rus Military Advisors are deployed together in many Frontlines. Alaska, Mexico, South Korea, Central Asia, Europe, Australia, Iran and Pakistan !!!!

But the Question is this , Can Chinese Military and Rus Military Fight War Continuously for 3 Months on all the Front lines !!! Indian Armed Forces are Prepared and Fighting on the Front-lines, Arab League is Fighting on the Front-lines, Turkish Armed Forces are Fighting on the Front-Lines !!!!

See the Realities on the Ground !!!! International Air Force has been Neutralized !!!! Allied Nations Forces are knocking out the International Forces !!! Be that West Asia, Asia, Afro and Maghrib !!!! Welcome to Hindu Civilisation !!!!

I think Eurasia is run from Armenia and Europe !!!!!

"Editor in Chief
Binod Kumar
Editor – EurAsian Times
Email: editor@eurasiantimes.com

Binod is the Editor in Chief at the EurAsian Times. Binod holds a Masters Degree in Business Management and is one of the founding partners of the EurAsian Times. Binod is based in Canada"
1. Japan and Australia are enough military wise to defend their territory of interests. By that logic what is nepal and pakistan military wise ?
2. One will sell weapons to a friend not a foe.
3. France does stands up for india in UNSC and many other international forums. Thats common knowledge you should have, before questioning france.
4. India dont need USA to teach china a lesson. And its proved twice now, first in doklam and now in ladakh.
5. Again whats your point there ? and US is omni present everywhere in the world, it has almost got china encircled. And no its no stuck in afghanistan.
Your response literally makes no sense. Do you know how much weaponry Russia has sold to China in the past 2 decades? Russia desperately needs India to fill the arms purchase void left by China, which is why these Ladakh tensions are very good to Russia as a whole. India recognizes that it is the far weaker power so what does it do ... it buys weapons from Russia. So why in the world would it be in Russia's interest to settle this dispute when it could stand to gain a huge deal from Indian arms purchases?

What is so funny
Inside your sick to the death your big daddy China chickened out India called their bluff
Usa sent carriers to scs.
Indian soldiers killed 40 plus

India will be ramming this down your throats for years
Looks like the Indian army is the only "invincible" army in the world ... they have always been victorious in every conflict they've fought. When I say victorious I mean the ability to spin an obvious defeat into a victory.
One the withdrawal is in progress currently. Secondly they are withdrawing from their temporary positions in the valley not from Galwan. This withdrawal is results of talks between two countries.
We can only guess the exact reason for the withdrawal but it seems that with potential summer flooding in Himalayan ranges, those position might not be logistically viable.
both sides agreed to de escalate by mutual disengagement during the second army general meeting on 6.6 but then 615 happened,and now three weeks after the clash,despite their whole nation swore to revenge but they have to back to reality,so this is what we see, back to 6.6 agreement.

"Editor in Chief
Binod Kumar
Editor – EurAsian Times
Email: editor@eurasiantimes.com

Binod is the Editor in Chief at the EurAsian Times. Binod holds a Masters Degree in Business Management and is one of the founding partners of the EurAsian Times. Binod is based in Canada"

Eurasia is a project started by Rus Federation because of CSTO. Rus Federation and Central Asian Republic's !!!

Eurasia Name completely explains everything !!!!
Can any Indian members here tell me how many Chinese prisoners did India captured? Since India claims that it win in this military engagement against China. India must have captured some troops, right?
Can any Indian members here tell me how many Chinese prisoners did India capture. Since India claims that it win in this military engagement against China. India must have captured some troops, right?
Given how the Indians were noble enough to release footage of them gang beating one PLA recon officer, I am sure they would also be noble enough to release pictures of the PLA soldiers they captured or killed.
Given how the Indians were noble enough to release footage of them gang beating one PLA recon officer, I am sure they would also be noble enough to release pictures of the PLA soldiers they captured or killed.

From Bharat Raksh*t, they are debating when Indian military would release Chinese prisoner footage. You can’t any more delusional than these online Indian keyboard warriors.
From Bharat Raksh*t, they are debating when Indian military would release Chinese prisoner footage. You can’t any more delusional than these online Indian keyboard warriors.
The Indians talk the loudest when it comes to a war of words ... but when it comes to actual fighting, well let's just say the June 15th incident sums it up pretty well.

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