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Russia planned nuclear attack on China in 1969

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Alot of people used to try and bring China down.
they paced sanctions on China and america even bombed China in 1953.
but now that China is strong they are making it seem like they like China.
China is way too strong now, nobody can do anything to stop China's growth.
But, he says, Washington told Moscow the United States would not stand idly by but launch its own nuclear attack against the Soviet Union if it attacked China, loosing nuclear missiles at 130 Soviet cities.
Sorry, no. What happened was fairly well-known: after the Ussuri River clashes U.S. diplomats around the world were suddenly - sometimes subtly - confronted by Soviet interlocutors with the question of what the U.S. would do if the Soviets nuked China.

Nixon and Kissinger considered the matter carefully. If they replied that the U.S. would do nothing that could trigger a war; if they replied that they could not ignore such a deed - implying that the U.S. would attack Russia - that could be turned around as warmongering AND further ruin Nixon's desire for détente and pushing the Russians and Chinese out of the Vietnam War.

So Nixon and Kissinger carefully instructed U.S. diplomats world-wide to say nothing at all in response to these startling inquires. The uncertainty this created in Russian minds was enough to prevent matters from escalating beyond border clashes.

In their final analysis, as reported a decade later by defecting Soviet pilot Victor Belenko, the Soviets concluded that China's large size and immense population meant their nukes could not be employed in a first strike to good effect: they could kill 900 million Chinese, but that would still leave a hundred million live but angry Chinese afterward, facing only 3-4 million Russians in thinly-populated Siberia. The Soviets set up Finland-style border defenses of overlapping artillery coverage from concealed bunkers 1-2 kilometers apart and left it at that.

On 15 October 1969, he quotes Soviet premier Alexei Kosygin as telling Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev that Washington has drawn up "detailed plans" for a nuclear war against the USSR if it attacked China.
Wrong again. Kissinger reports that U.S. nuclear war plans in 1969 considered the USSR and China as a unified "the Sino-Soviet bloc" - in a nuclear war with the U.S. both countries would have perished together! It was only after the clashes and pointed inquiries from the Soviets that the U.S. realized the Sino-Soviet split was real. Targeting lists were revised accordingly and Nixon further encouraged to push towards better relations with mainland China.

(The simplicity, effectiveness, and Asian-like silent response of the Nixon Administration apparently made a very powerful impact upon the Chinese leadership. In a series of steps they advanced Sino-U.S. rapprochement. And they never, ever, lost their regard for Richard Nixon, not even after he resigned his office as president in the wake of the Watergate scandal.)

All of which begs the question: knowing all the true facts, why did today's Chinese leadership want this skewed story to be given wide circulation?
Hitler was just an individual.

But his thoughts and actions were what that made him different.

I admire Hitler, because he believed in DNA and racial fraternity.

Hitler should be an inspiration for the Asians, who are brothers in DNA, to get united against the Russians.

I didn't know there were Asian supremacists :what:
People shall be asking why Russian wants to nuke China in 1969....

Becos despite backward of Chinese military technology compare to Russian that time, we still pwned Russian in conventional warfare.

They used T-62 and we use T-59 tank. But our impressive military tatic beat off the Russian. The Russian want to save face and decide to use nuke to threaten us to back off but of cos that plan failed..

The only thing Russian gained is the spread of the propangada to the whole world that Russian beat China in border battle. Which reveal currently, is not.

So USSR used 4 T-62 tanks in swift operation, kicked you out of island in 1 day, made you suffer from several hundreds to thousands of loses (by different estimations), and the only thing you managed to do - hit one T-62 tank and kill 20 soviet soldiers. And this is what you call "pwned in conventional warfare" and "impressive tactic"? :lol: Is delusioning your permanent state?
So USSR used 4 T-62 tanks in swift operation, kicked you out of island in 1 day, made you suffer from several hundreds to thousands of loses (by different estimations), and the only thing you managed to do - hit one T-62 tank and kill 20 soviet soldiers. And this is what you call "pwned in conventional warfare" and "impressive tactic"? :lol: Is delusioning your permanent state?

Haha... Trying to save face for Russian? Russian used T-62 tank which is state of art for them that time can't even kick us out of zhen Bao island. Zhen bao island is always under Chinese hand. If Russian do easily kick us out, why would they resort to threaten us with nuke. Lol...
Can't beat us the conventional way and decide to use Nuke? We wipe out 20 Russian soldeirs , killed a colonel and lost none. I don't know where yr thousands came from?

What a disgrace for Russian. :lol:
Haha... Trying to save face for Russian? Russian used T-62 tank which is state of art for them that time can't even kick us out of zhen Bao island. Zhen bao island is always under Chinese hand. If Russian do easily kick us out, why would they resort to threaten us with nuke. Lol...
Can't beat us the conventional way and decide to use Nuke? We wipe out 20 Russian soldeirs , killed a colonel and lost none. I don't know where yr thousands came from?

What a disgrace for Russian. :lol:

Yeah what a disgrace to kill thousand and lose 20 with ratio 1 to 50 :lol: After all thousand is the same as none for you.

For someone living in delusional world, from CIA:
On 12 March also, a Soviet reconnaissance aircraft reported
seeing truck convoys t o t a l i n g some 70 vehicles i n the border
area not far from the island moving up forces. T h i s w a s
preparation f o r another Chinese attack to clear the island.
Then, on 13 March, the Chinese declared i n a note t o Moscow
that since the first engagement, the Soviets almost daily
had been intruding into "Chinese t e r r i t o r y on Chen Pao."

The Soviet leadership decided to h i t hard at Chinese forces. On 15 March, the first Chinese detachment
on Chen Pao was cut down i n the ambush, and i n the course of
the day-long battle, i n which Soviet tanks w e r e used,
"several hundred" Chinese w e r e k i l l e d . The evidence indicates
that t h i s was the biggest defeat for Chinese border
u n i t s s i n c e skirmishes began w i t h the Soviets. Subsequent
overhead photography confirms the Chinese complaint that
Soviet forces used "artillery fire" (Chinese Foreign Ministry
Note of 15 March 1969) and the Soviet assertion that a
"mighty rain of a r t i l l e r y " came down on Chinese positions.

The Chinese reacted w i t h even more concern and greater
care than they had reacted a f t e r the smaller first encounter.
Their note of 15 March was less threatening than earlier
notes, omitting previous threats of r e t r i b u t i o n , and more
troubled, complaining that the Soviets have "continued to"
use a r t i l l e r y and tanks and t h a t , "The incident is expanding."
They did not again launch demonstrations before the Soviet
embassy. They did not mention their c a s u a l t i e s , which the
Russians claimed were "several hundred." In s h o r t , they
had taken a beating i n the field and had to retreat, tempora
r i l y .

Yeah what a disgrace to kill thousand and lose 20 with ratio 1 to 50 :lol: After all thousand is the same as none for you.

For someone living in delusional world, from CIA:
On 12 March also, a Soviet reconnaissance aircraft reported
seeing truck convoys t o t a l i n g some 70 vehicles i n the border
area not far from the island moving up forces. T h i s w a s
preparation f o r another Chinese attack to clear the island.
Then, on 13 March, the Chinese declared i n a note t o Moscow
that since the first engagement, the Soviets almost daily
had been intruding into "Chinese t e r r i t o r y on Chen Pao."

The Soviet leadership decided to h i t hard at Chinese forces. On 15 March, the first Chinese detachment
on Chen Pao was cut down i n the ambush, and i n the course of
the day-long battle, i n which Soviet tanks w e r e used,
"several hundred" Chinese w e r e k i l l e d . The evidence indicates
that t h i s was the biggest defeat for Chinese border
u n i t s s i n c e skirmishes began w i t h the Soviets. Subsequent
overhead photography confirms the Chinese complaint that
Soviet forces used "artillery fire" (Chinese Foreign Ministry
Note of 15 March 1969) and the Soviet assertion that a
"mighty rain of a r t i l l e r y " came down on Chinese positions.

The Chinese reacted w i t h even more concern and greater
care than they had reacted a f t e r the smaller first encounter.
Their note of 15 March was less threatening than earlier
notes, omitting previous threats of r e t r i b u t i o n , and more
troubled, complaining that the Soviets have "continued to"
use a r t i l l e r y and tanks and t h a t , "The incident is expanding."
They did not again launch demonstrations before the Soviet
embassy. They did not mention their c a s u a l t i e s , which the
Russians claimed were "several hundred." In s h o r t , they
had taken a beating i n the field and had to retreat, tempora
r i l y .


Western view is always biased , they will never accept Asian beat western including russian..

Below is an account of a Chinese view of ZhenBao Island incident. The english is a little bad becos of the goggle translation but more or less tell you repeated Russia renew assault on ZhenBao Island failed badly..

The dead Russian Colonel picture which you can find from youtube and Russian T-62 tank display at China military museum clearly demonstrated the actual happening on who is the winning side in 1969 incident.

Not to mention why Russian need to resort to nuke threat. Cos they can't beat us conventionally :lol:

Zhenbao Island conflict in 1969

At 8 o'clock on March 2, 1969, China sent a patrol unit landed on the island the implementation of border patrols. Soviet troops discovered, immediately dispatched 70 people aboard two armored vehicles, a military trucks and a command vehicle, from the Soviet Union, in shunt to the radical Zhenbao Island, close to Zhenbao Island, the column to open the battle formation to the Chinese border patrol unit press on, and to a Chinese border patrol forces unit to a group of lateral interludes. Invasion of the Soviet border patrol unit to its disregard of China issued a warning, suddenly opened fire, killing and wounding a Chinese border patrol 6. Chinese border patrol unit was forced to return fire in self-defense. Chinese border patrol group to the second lateral invasion of the Soviet Army a heavy blow. Subsequently, the Chinese border patrol unit to launch counter-attack, but were under heavy fire of Soviet troops in the jungle. After more than 1 hours fierce fighting, the Chinese border guards repulsed the invasion of the Soviet Union Zhenbao Island border.

Zhenbao Island in the river in mind

Soviet troops on Zhenbao Island

March 15 morning, the Soviet border guards, more than 60 people in six armored vehicles under cover, from the northern end of invasive Zhenbao Island. Chinese frontier guards to send a reinforced platoon of a battalion landing, the formation of confrontation with the Soviet invasion. 8 pm, the Soviet attack, the row of stick favorable terrain, sending some troops to the Soviet division, after an hour battle, fought off a Soviet attack. 9:46, the Soviet border guards under cover of artillery, sent out six tanks Zhenbao Island close to the five armored vehicles, attack from the north and south sides, and to intensive fire blocked river forks, block China's border landing support. China occupied a favorable position, blocking the Soviet defenders, hit consecutive 3 armored vehicles. 15:35, the Soviet heavy artillery attack on the Chinese border guards in-depth defensive positions, positive up to 10 km, depth is about 7 km. 2 hours after the shelling, the Soviet Army more than 100 people in 10 tanks and 14 armored vehicles under cover, to launch a third attack. Morijima China's border division of its infantry and armor, tanks, close contact with the Soviet war, weaken its firepower. Chinese soldiers in the ice and snow more than 30 degrees below zero, the get rid of cotton-padded clothes and sweaters, has destroyed and damaged four Soviet armored vehicles. After more than 50 minutes battle, the victory of the Soviet border guards crushed the third offense.

Operation of anti-tank rocket launchers of the Chinese soldiers

Zhenbao Island conflict of artillery in the back

On this day, the Soviet Army has mobilized more than 50 tanks, armored vehicles and more than 100 infantry, using helicopters and artillery fire in depth cover, and artillery fire deep inside Chinese territory. Chinese frontier guards were fighting with the Soviet invasion of more than nine hours, withstand 6 times the Soviet border guards fire Jixi, repulsed the attack on the Soviet border guards three times and successfully defended the Zhenbao Island. 17, the Soviet Union also dispatched an infantry more than 70 border guards, to the island of laying mines in an attempt to prevent the Chinese border land on the island was towed back to the Chinese border Jihuai stranded in the river forks of a T-62 tanks. Chinese frontier guards drove them off with gunfire, bombing bad Soviet tanks captured by Chinese border guards as clear evidence of the Soviet invasion of Chinese territory. After years later, declassified information on Russia's announcement of the conflict, Soviet troops killed 58 people and injured 94 people, loss of tanks, armored vehicles dozens of cars. The Chinese side at the expense of 29 people, wounded more than 60 people. In August 1969, the Chinese army Zhenbao Island to set a fixed garrison outposts from these figures point of view, the Chinese army to victory.

Zhenbao Island conflict, the PLA captured T-62 tanks (No. 545), is now housed in Beijing Military Museum.

Iman Soviet Border Corps killed in the fighting, more than 20 soldiers funeral.

Zhenbao Island after the outbreak of conflict, the Soviet leadership of the very strong response. Grech the Soviet Defense Minister Marshal, assistant marshal chuikov, who led the military hard-liners advocate "once and for all eliminate the China threat." Ready to use medium-range ballistic missiles in the Far East, carrying equivalent of several multi-megaton nuclear warhead, on China's military and political and other important targets, "surgical nuclear strike." At the same time, the Soviet Union with the United States contact the tentative proposal of a joint right to develop nuclear weapons Shangchu the initial stage of China's nuclear force a destructive attack. At the same time to create the Soviet Union in the international public opinion and attempt to expel the General Assembly of communism Communist Party of China and isolate China. In June 1969, the Soviet Union continued to stir up trouble in the border areas, and conflicts continue. August 13, 1969 sent hundreds of infantry, tanks, armored vehicles invaded China's Xinjiang border under the cover of manufacturing iron Lieke Ti, resulting in nearly 40 Chinese soldiers sacrifice.

The former Soviet SS-9 ICBM, 60 years China has significantly compared to the former Soviet Union's nuclear superiority.

Although at the time the Soviet Union to the United States proposed a joint attack on China, but U.S. President Richard Nixon after discussions with his aides believe that the greatest threat to Western countries from the Soviet Union, a strong Chinese presence in the West's strategic interests. The Soviet nuclear strike on China, will inevitably lead to China's full retaliation. This will result in a worldwide nuclear war, acts of the Soviet Union no less than open a Pandora's Box. Therefore, the Soviet Union, the United States to quickly release the contents of a secret link to the United States, suggesting that the exceptional gravity of the situation in China, then China's National access to nuclear war readiness, troops entered a combat readiness, high-level personnel began to evacuate hidden. Among the Soviet Union has entered the brink of war time, the Soviet leaders of the world's major strategic rivals out of the United States, strategic focus in Europe, it is inevitable retaliation after the bombing of the Chinese and many other considerations, a sudden easing measures taken by the Soviet Council of Ministers Chairman Kosygin use in early September to visit Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam, to offer condolences machine suddenly with the Chinese delegation to express condolences to the willingness to negotiate, and then Premier Zhou Enlai and Kosygin meeting suspension of tension between the two sides, but has not been any resolution. Since then, begun to enter China and the Soviet Union for nearly 20 years of hostility state of readiness.

September 11, 1969, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, Chairman of the Council of Ministers with the Soviet Union Kosygin met at the Beijing Airport.

China Zhenbao Island conflict, the performance of the whole world to see an indomitable Rao new China, in the face might not bow to the Chinese army's heroic let alone the Soviet Union realized that a method of warfare is difficult to conquer China, directly checked the Soviet Union's war in an attempt to. Chinese army in the conflict after the event revealed many of the problems have been a better solution, in particular, was very much the lack of effective anti-tank means, after years of catch up, today's anti-tank equipment and technology of China's reserves in the world the forefront. For the world, the Zhenbao Island war, the Chinese leaders recognize that the U.S. is not China's enemy, but also become China's strategic ally, thus opened in China and the United States and the Western world, the curtain to improve relations, China's international strategy status has improved, China's smooth accession to the United Nations, the international influence is increasing, making China really become a big country, the Soviet Union was officially formed the situation of Three Kingdoms, the world has entered a relatively stable period of development.
The only solution to this problem is to surpass Russia and US in building and deploying strategic nuclear war heads.

China urgently needs to build more than 20,000 strategic nuclear warheads so that if Russia and US jointly nuke China, China would be able to destroy both of them at one go.

Let them decide whether they want to live or die.
thats why white countries let thousands of asian and africans into their country because they hate them and want to wipe them out so white people can take the world

Youre nuts and simple hate white people racist
it always depends on russian's will,this relationship will be good in the next 20 years

no its you too, arguing by how your countryman behave i dont think its good. But it doesnt matter cuz russia doesnt need China USA, India, Japan, Korea, EU and other we can always switch.

Western view is always biased ,+++++

you lost 1000 men
I really love this great man.




Goddamn commies of China betrayed the entire Asians during the world war II by allying with the commie Ruskies against the Japanese brothers.

Why did Mao Tse Tung, who seems to have had no vision, support the Slavs and betrayed the Japanese brothers?
I too love him , he was responsible for shift of power and independence of many countries including India/Pakistan . At his time Germany was technically advanced . German told mass can be converted to energy , they invented 300kn ranged ballistic missile which was later copied by US and USSR .
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