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Russia Offers To Develop Engine For Turkey’s Indigenous Fighter Aircraft


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Russia Offers To Develop Engine For Turkey’s Indigenous Fighter Aircraft
Our Bureau

04:44 PM, May 3, 2018


Russia Offers To Develop Engine For Turkey’s Indigenous Fighter Aircraft
Russia has expressed interest in developing an aircraft engine for the TF-X, Turkey’s first locally-developed fighter jet.

“There is a Russian interest in this regard, but it is too premature to say if the idea would gain further ground,” the Defense News website quoted a Turkish procurement official as saying.

The development of an engine for the TF-X could be undertaken by the Russian defence conglomerate Rostec. A director of the company told press at the Eurasia Air Show in the southern Turkish city of Antalya that a proposal for an engine was being put together.

A Turkish diplomat said Turkey’s political ties with Russia were “excellent,” adding that the current political ties paved the way for deeper military and procurement cooperation.

Earlier this year, the Turkish government earmarked an initial investment of 4.817 billion liras (U.S. $1.178 billion) on the conceptual design phase of the TF-X program. The investment plan has been taken under a government incentive scheme.

Two of Turkey’s largest defence firms, Aselsan and Turkish Aerospace Industries, have already signed a memorandum agreeing to share work on the project, for the design of which the Turkish government has earmarked $1.178 billion.

“After formal go-ahead from President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the program would race ahead, procurement officials say. The TF-X and other major indigenous development programs are Erdogan’s pet projects,” said the article.

The choice of engine will be made in the next phase of the project after the conceptual design is complete.
Russia should first learn to make 5th gen fighter
Russia miss the AESA radar, thermal camera IRST, and other technologies to make one which Turkey will fill that gap.. Turkey has every technology for 5th generation unlike India, except Turbofan engine technology...

Even though some people say Russia need new engine for 5th generation jet, 27000 lbf thrust will be enough for each engine..
Russia miss the AESA radar, thermal camera IRST, and other technologies to make one which Turkey will fill that gap.. Turkey has every technology for 5th generation unlike India, except Turbofan engine technology...

Even though some people say Russia need new engine for 5th generation jet, 27000 lbf thrust will be enough for each engine..

Russia has developed numerous types of airborne AESA radars for both their MiG-35 and Su-57, the latter of which has both frontal and side-facing arrays. The Su-57 (and all members of the Flanker series) have IRST and the appropriate sensors.
Russia has developed numerous types of airborne AESA radars for both their MiG-35 and Su-57, the latter of which has both frontal and side-facing arrays. The Su-57 (and all members of the Flanker series) have IRST and the appropriate sensors.
the problem is Russia use first generation of thermal cameras. They even bought the thermal cameras for t-90 tanks from france, you can look for that..
As it will be their eyes, its very important to see from far away...
There is a reason why RUssian jets dont use Pods like Aselpod or lightening..
the problem is Russia use first generation of thermal cameras. They even bought the thermal cameras for t-90 tanks from france, you can look for that..
As it will be their eyes, its very important to see from far away...
There is a reason why RUssian jets dont use Pods like Aselpod or lightening..

This is false; the IRST used on the Su-27 (OLS-27), MiG-35 (OLS-35), and Su-57 (OLS-50M) are sequential in terms of "generation" and are not related in any way to the equipment used on the T-90. The OLS-27 has a max range of 100 km, which is definitely not a capability you would find of a "first-generation" thermal "camera".
This is false; the IRST used on the Su-27 (OLS-27), MiG-35 (OLS-35), and Su-57 (OLS-50M) are sequential in terms of "generation" and are not related in any way to the equipment used on the T-90. The OLS-27 has a max range of 100 km, which is definitely not a capability you would find of a "first-generation" thermal "camera".
Thats true.. there are also waves for thermal cameras. in jets, mostly medium waves used..
My concern is why Indian refused the project when they dont have other options yet?
Russia has developed numerous types of airborne AESA radars for both their MiG-35 and Su-57, the latter of which has both frontal and side-facing arrays. The Su-57 (and all members of the Flanker series) have IRST and the appropriate sensors.

non of them are operational(radar)...
Thats true.. there are also waves for thermal cameras. in jets, mostly medium waves used..
My concern is why Indian refused the project when they dont have other options yet?

Honestly nobody would know unless they have direct links to the Indian MoD. Usually it's a combination of capability, price, reliability & serviceability, geopolitics, and an outlook on Indo-Russian business/political relations.

non of them are operational(radar)...

The MiG-35 should be entering service in 2020. Su-57 should be a bit sooner.
the problem is Russia use first generation of thermal cameras. They even bought the thermal cameras for t-90 tanks from france, you can look for that..
As it will be their eyes, its very important to see from far away...
There is a reason why RUssian jets dont use Pods like Aselpod or lightening..

T-14 thermal camera is way ahead of T-90 thermal camera. Actually, T-14 is the only tank that has a thermal camera for the driver.

There is a reason why RUssian jets dont use Pods like Aselpod or lightening..

Su-24 and Su-34 have internal EO targeting system. That way they don't waste a hardpoint carrying a pod. Su-35 and Su-30 use T220 pod.

Russia miss the AESA radar, thermal camera IRST, and other technologies to make one which Turkey will fill that gap.. Turkey has every technology for 5th generation unlike India, except Turbofan engine technology...

Even though some people say Russia need new engine for 5th generation jet, 27000 lbf thrust will be enough for each engine..
this is beyond delusion with grandiose scale, Turkey is nobody in modern aviation industry, FACT, and has almost next to "0" technological know-how of even 4th gen fighter, let alone 5th gen that only U.S, China and Russia can play alone``````I just cant get what needs to be done to make you Turks this delusional.

India's aviation industry is far ahead of you Turks, and for the Russia, even it stands still for 3 decades, you wont be anywhere near Russia, period
the problem is Russia use first generation of thermal cameras. They even bought the thermal cameras for t-90 tanks from france, you can look for that..
As it will be their eyes, its very important to see from far away...
There is a reason why RUssian jets dont use Pods like Aselpod or lightening..

Russia uses the T220 pod, and they make fine thermal imagers. Russia also has multiple aerborn AESA, sea based AESA and ground based AESA.

Russia should first learn to make 5th gen fighter

Don’t worry about Russian stealth. I’m sure Russian engineers don’t need your expert eyeball stealth any analysis to deem what works.

In gerneral don’t worry about Russia or the T-50. When someone is able to fit 4 long range cruise missiles in the weapons bays and still achieve supercruise and safely hit targets well out of radar and threat range then the mission is accomplished and ‘stealth’ is achieved. When someone incorporates side facing AESA, thrust vectoring, long range and supermanauverablity then they can talk trash.
Russia uses the T220 pod, and they make fine thermal imagers. Russia also has multiple aerborn AESA, sea based AESA and ground based AESA.

Don’t worry about Russian stealth. I’m sure Russian engineers don’t need your expert eyeball stealth any analysis to deem what works.

In gerneral don’t worry about Russia or the T-50. When someone is able to fit 4 long range cruise missiles in the weapons bays and still achieve supercruise and safely hit targets well out of radar and threat range then the mission is accomplished and ‘stealth’ is achieved. When someone incorporates side facing AESA, thrust vectoring, long range and supermanauverablity then they can talk trash.
i couldnt may be explain it right.. i meant the QWIR IRST.. none of RUssian jets use it yet, but they probably work on it..

T-14 thermal camera is way ahead of T-90 thermal camera. Actually, T-14 is the only tank that has a thermal camera for the driver.

Su-24 and Su-34 have internal EO targeting system. That way they don't waste a hardpoint carrying a pod. Su-35 and Su-30 use T220 pod.

its not the only tank, Turkish Altay tank also use thermal camera for drivers and even for reverse camera...
Did you see any imagine of thermal view in that video?? can you show me one?

about the jet, i cannot see the lenses of thermal camera in that pod, its more like a TV camera which RUssians use mostly...
you have IRST system, but not the QWIR IRST.. that what i mean..

this is beyond delusion with grandiose scale, Turkey is nobody in modern aviation industry, FACT, and has almost next to "0" technological know-how of even 4th gen fighter, let alone 5th gen that only U.S, China and Russia can play alone``````I just cant get what needs to be done to make you Turks this delusional.

India's aviation industry is far ahead of you Turks, and for the Russia, even it stands still for 3 decades, you wont be anywhere near Russia, period
with more than 1 billion population and tons of money, you still purchase your engine from Russia.. You better shut up... There is reason Pakistan refused your cheap helicopter and choose T129..

This is false; the IRST used on the Su-27 (OLS-27), MiG-35 (OLS-35), and Su-57 (OLS-50M) are sequential in terms of "generation" and are not related in any way to the equipment used on the T-90. The OLS-27 has a max range of 100 km, which is definitely not a capability you would find of a "first-generation" thermal "camera".
it can detect maximum from 100km, which is actually mentioned like 70km, but the one Eurofighter use can detect from 160km and the one Rafale use detect from 140km..
can you feel the difference with 1st and later generations?


some even claim that its only 20 km because of this picture..
Everyone likes knocking Russia. Hitler did. Guess what? When he invaded Russia he got shocked how technologically advanced Russian fighter planes and tanks were. Bette than German fighter planes and tanks. Russians sent the first satellite into orbit, sent the first man into space, did the first space walk, sent the first probe to another planet, sent the first space station into orbit, built the first space suit, sent the first remote controlled rover to the moon. What has Turkey done? Thermal camera? BS.
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Don’t worry about Russian stealth. I’m sure Russian engineers don’t need your expert eyeball stealth any analysis to deem what works.

In gerneral don’t worry about Russia or the T-50. When someone is able to fit 4 long range cruise missiles in the weapons bays and still achieve supercruise and safely hit targets well out of radar and threat range then the mission is accomplished and ‘stealth’ is achieved. When someone incorporates side facing AESA, thrust vectoring, long range and supermanauverablity then they can talk trash.
Sorry bro:-) Why u take every comment serious
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