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Russia Offers To Develop Engine For Turkey’s Indigenous Fighter Aircraft

with more than 1 billion population and tons of money, you still purchase your engine from Russia.. You better shut up... There is reason Pakistan refused your cheap helicopter and choose T129..
I expect no less from extremely ignorant Turks, who to believe their funny aiviation industry can develop a 5th gen plane````what a total joke`:lol:```kid, there are hundreds of new fighters are now with Chinese engine FYI```so you better indulge your European parts assembly T129 while you can
I expect no less from extremely ignorant Turks, who to believe their funny aiviation industry can develop a 5th gen plane````what a total joke`:lol:```kid, there are hundreds of new fighters are now with Chinese engine FYI```so you better indulge your European parts assembly T129 while you can
You might not agree with that poster however try to be realistic instead of sarcastic in your comments.

If you are saying T-129's is assembly line instead of a production line, burden of proof lies on you.
I expect no less from extremely ignorant Turks, who to believe their funny aiviation industry can develop a 5th gen plane````what a total joke`:lol:```kid, there are hundreds of new fighters are now with Chinese engine FYI```so you better indulge your European parts assembly T129 while you can
yeah right, you build your engine but for just fun keep purchasing Russian Turbo fan engine...
what else?
Russia is ahead of other parties people tend to downplay Russia for their true potential
It is enough that Russia has alway lead humanity forward

a) First man in Space
b) First animal in Space
c) First mission to Venus
d) First orbiting of earth
e) Orbitted Moon most likely first at it
f) First sattelite Sputnik I think
g) Landded on Venus / Mercury etc

Views from Planet Venus surface captured by Russia in 1975


VENUS the most technically advance Location Humans have made landing in Universe so far
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Russia is ahead of other parties people tend to downplay Russia for their true potential
It is enough that Russia has alway lead humanity forward

a) First man in Space
b) First animal in Space
c) First mission to Venus
d) First orbiting of earth
e) Orbitted Moon most likely first at it
f) First sattelite Sputnik I think
g) Landded on Venus / Mercury etc

Views from Planet Venus surface captured by Russia in 1975


VENUS the most technically advance Location Humans have made landing in Universe so far

First space suit. First space walk. First robotic moon rover. First lander on another planet. First space station.

In terms of space exploration, no other country has done more than Russia.

Even today, Russia jet engines are the best 3D thrust vectoring. Truly incredible stuff.
this is beyond delusion with grandiose scale, Turkey is nobody in modern aviation industry, FACT, and has almost next to "0" technological know-how of even 4th gen fighter, let alone 5th gen that only U.S, China and Russia can play alone``````I just cant get what needs to be done to make you Turks this delusional.

India's aviation industry is far ahead of you Turks, and for the Russia, even it stands still for 3 decades, you wont be anywhere near Russia, period
:omghaha::omghaha: :rofl::rofl:
Russia is ahead of other parties people tend to downplay Russia for their true potential
It is enough that Russia has alway lead humanity forward

a) First man in Space
b) First animal in Space
c) First mission to Venus
d) First orbiting of earth
e) Orbitted Moon most likely first at it
f) First sattelite Sputnik I think
g) Landded on Venus / Mercury etc

Views from Planet Venus surface captured by Russia in 1975


VENUS the most technically advance Location Humans have made landing in Universe so far

Russia did not exists when that happened.
All these accomplishments were made by the Soviet Union.
Kazhakstan are the true ancestors of the Soviet Space Program.
Check for the location of Bajkonur. Not in Russia.
Russia did not exists when that happened.
All these accomplishments were made by the Soviet Union.
Kazhakstan are the true ancestors of the Soviet Space Program.
Check for the location of Bajkonur. Not in Russia.

The Soviet space agency was in Moscow. The Soviet space program was done by Russians. Russia with its current borders existed since the early 1920s, made by Communists out of Russia empire.

Russia is the only former Soviet country that produced scientists. No other Soviet republic produced a single scientist.

Russia did not exists when that happened.
All these accomplishments were made by the Soviet Union.
Kazhakstan are the true ancestors of the Soviet Space Program.
Check for the location of Bajkonur. Not in Russia.

There was no Germany when Gauss was alive. Gauss is considered a German scientist because he's ethnic German. Soviet space program was done by ethnic Russians, not by ethnic Kazakhs.
Russia did not exists when that happened.
All these accomplishments were made by the Soviet Union.
Kazhakstan are the true ancestors of the Soviet Space Program.
Check for the location of Bajkonur. Not in Russia.
Oh, man, it is low for you. In coming millenias people will forget about Russia or Sweden or Germany, but they will remember Yuriy Gagarin as first ever man in space.
Oh, man, it is low for you. In coming millenias people will forget about Russia or Sweden or Germany, but they will remember Yuriy Gagarin as first ever man in space.

And guess what ethnicity he was? Certainly not ethnic Kazakh.
And guess what ethnicity he was? Certainly not ethnic Kazakh.
It is one of the main Russian contribution to the human history, to humanity itself. So, I think it is low for him to deny it. It is like to deny Newton was Englishman or Aristotle was Hellene.
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