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Russia Knows Perpetrators of Attack on its Syrian Bases, It's Not Turkey - Putin

Its good that Putin cleared it was not Turkey. Many respectable analysts were suspecting Turkey along with other possibilities. I think the coup attempt in Turkey was a blessing for Russia as it brought them together. MBS and his mentor in UAE are pests destroying the Muslim world.
They are not "drones" but RC toys. You can order way better ones on internet.

@Arabi is right. Iranians shelled Russian base and killed 2 and damaged aicraft. Then to hide the embarrassment Russians made up that drone attack nonsense.

“RC toys” attacked to a military base protected by Pantsir SAM/electronic warfare sensors and damaged a few Russian aircrafts ? Although a few of them are destroyed by Pantsirs, rest dropped munitions over the base. Which type RC toys are those? Why does Iran needs to shell Russian base in Syria? You know something that Turkey, Russia don’t know ?
I totally agree with you, Hezbollah and Iraqi terrorists must leave Syria
Also, Pakistan has about 5000 of its citizens working as full-time terrorists in Syria in the name of the terrorist Khamenei..
When Pakistan will have the guts to condemn Iran's recruitment of Pakistanis?
Yes you Arabs need to stop being the slaves of jews and we will then have peace. Bow to Allah and not to trump and the jews
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They are not "drones" but RC toys. You can order way better ones on internet.

I'm sure Amazon or DHL delivered those drone components including eplosives into a war zone, :lol:

Some of those RC "toys" also cost over $15,000 US dollars. Average RC aircraft do not have a range of 30 miles, the average RC aircraft do not have GPS navigation.

I'm sorry to tell you but no peaceful rebels with pitchforks can just built 13 identical drones with sophisticated guidance that have a range of 30 miles while armed with explosives manufactured in Ukraine and launch a coordinated attack on two military bases. 1 or 2 drones with less range and sophisticated electronics components are believiable, but 13 drones with sophisticated components traced to foreign countries is not possible without outside help.

If it was that easy these type of swarm attacks would happen to Saudi, British and American forces but at best terrorists use off the shelf drones with limited range to conduct rare spermatic attacks. You know deep down that the terrorists got outside help but can't resist taking cheap shots at Russia.

@Arabi is right. Iranians shelled Russian base and killed 2 and damaged aicraft.

Did you crush your grandparents medicine and snort it?

Then to hide the embarrassment Russians made up that drone attack nonsense.

You must enjoy being labeled a conspiracy theorist and liar. This is just another moronic conspiracy theory just like the hundreds of others you pull from under rear end.

I would be more embarrassed that mortar shells always land in Israel, 90% of your missiles fired into Syria get intercepted and your soldiers are always abducted or getting beat up by women or taking gay selfies with rainbow flags.
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I would be more embarrassed that mortar shells always land in Israel, 90% of your missiles fired into Syria get intercepted and your soldiers are always abducted or getting beat up by women or taking gay selfies.
Yeah right, mortars land in our territory and thank god they do nothing, we bomb your allies in territories protected by you, you are not able to intercept a single damn missile because your technology is useless, and we are supposed to be embarrassed.

Getting beat up by women? You're laughing at this, and once our soldiers react you cry about how Israeli soldiers can only fight against women.

Talking about gays, here's you.

I would be more embarrassed about the failure of an army you own, and about your inferior aircraft, ships, tanks, personal


Here are your stealthy, high quality ships

Remember how you guys laughed about American ships colliding with other ships?

It seems like you have a lot of accidents, maybe it says something on the quality of your factories, or your soldiers?

And before you claim how your soldiers are better than ours, here, let me show you how you got your *** handed in Operation Rimon 20, and at the same time show how your aircraft quality sucks:

And here are your advanced aircraft today using advanced avionics:


In the end, your country isn't much better than Nigeria
I'm sure Amazon or DHL delivered those drone components including eplosives into a war zone, :lol:
You can order them in Turkey and then smuggle through border. Not a big deal. ISIS used many RC toys ordered on free market.

Some of those RC "toys" also cost over $15,000 US dollars. Average RC aircraft do not have a range of 30 miles, the average RC aircraft do not have GPS navigation.
1 TOW missile costs 60,000 Dollars. So even 15,000 is not a big deal. I doubt that junk costs more than 1 K $. GPS navigation u can order on Ali Express.

Did you crush your grandparents medicine and snort it?
Once again personal insults because u have nothing to say.

You must enjoy being labeled a conspiracy theorist and liar. This is just another moronic conspiracy theory just like the hundreds of others you pull from under rear end.
The biggest conspiracy theorists and liars is ur government.

1) Rebels gassed themselves to blame nice Assad.
2) Ukrainian Su-25 shot down Malaysian Boeing (later they admitted that they lied and there was no any Su-25 around).
3) Belgian F-16s bombed civilian neighborhoods in Aleppo.
4) Rebels bombed UN aid convoy which was deigned to rebels themselves.

And so on.. They are pathological liars and conspiracy theorists. And now u call me a conspiracy theorist just because I dont believe to reports of ur pathological liar MoD?
Yeah right, mortars land in our territory and thank god they do nothing, we bomb your allies in territories protected by you, you are not able to intercept a single damn missile because your technology is useless, and we are supposed to be embarrassed.

Russia does not try to intercept Israeli missiles or aircraft but most of your missiles over Syria are intercepted by Syria air defenses. I can always play your games too. How many Russia aircraft have Israel destroyed? How many Russian soldiers have Israel bombed? Pretty embarrassing that Israel can't do shit about Russia even when Russia works along side Hezbollah. Israel failed in Syria miserably, your weak raids are for public consumption.

Anyways I can see your frustration by going off topic and using a bunch of photoshopped images.

Getting beat up by women? You're laughing at this, and once our soldiers react you cry about how Israeli soldiers can only fight against women. View attachment 447738.

Talking about gays, here's you.

That car has American or Canadian license plates, and that hammer and sickle is obviously photoshopped, nice try idiot. :lol:

The person is obviously a westerner and a liberal.

I would be more embarrassed about the failure of an army you own, and about your inferior aircraft, ships, tanks, personal
View attachment 447739
View attachment 447740

Tell me more about those mighty "best protected tank in the world" Merkavas :lol:

When do you parasites get your next collection of free money from hard working American tax payers?

Here are your stealthy, high quality ships
View attachment 447741

Obviously a photoshop. Fail :lol:

But one Russian submarine can sink the entire Israeli navy, a navy that gets given free submarines. How does it feel to be a parasitic state? Taking hundreds of billions from US tax payers while many people in the US live in poverty?

Remember how you guys laughed about American ships colliding with other ships?
View attachment 447742

It seems like you have a lot of accidents, maybe it says something on the quality of your factories, or your soldiers?
View attachment 447743

No one laughed at anything and it was the fault of the Turkish ship. If you want incompetence it's the Israelis attacking a US ship or your "special forces" being beat up and held captive by civilians.

And before you claim how your soldiers are better than ours, here, let me show you how you got your *** handed in Operation Rimon 20, and at the same time show how your aircraft quality sucks:

I think Zimbabwe has better soldiers then Israel. Russian aircraft quality is just fine, plenty of Israeli aircraft have been shot down by Russian made aircraft and air defenses. Israelis are liars are when it comes to admitting actual losses in air-to-air combat. Everything is blamed on SAMs and aircraft malfunctions.
“RC toys” attacked to a military base protected by Pantsir SAM/electronic warfare sensors and damaged a few Russian aircrafts ? Although a few of them are destroyed by Pantsirs, rest dropped munitions over the base. Which type RC toys are those? Why does Iran needs to shell Russian base in Syria? You know something that Turkey, Russia don’t know ?
1) Damage to airbase was done by mortar fire, not RC toys.
2) Mortars have range of about 5 km while territory more than 40 km around base is controlled by Assadists and Iranian gangs and moreover is deep in Alawi zone.

So basically this is what happened according to Russian MoD story: rebels somehow crawled with mortars on their backs 35 kms through Alawi territory, fired mortars and then they also somehow managed to return unharmed with mortars! LOL. that 70 kms total. Why they did not left mortars after fired them? And why no group claimed responsibility for this magic commando operation?

The reason why Iranians attacked Russians is simple: deteriorate Russia - Turkey relations, destroy truce, prevent Russian pullout, provoke Russian bombings against rebel areas and so on... They basically succeed as we see.
Russia does not try to intercept Israeli missiles or aircraft but most of your missiles over Syria are intercepted by Syria air defenses. I can always play your games too. How many Russia aircraft have Israel destroyed? How many Russian soldiers have Israel bombed? Pretty embarrassing that Israel can't do shit about Russia even when Russia works along side Hezbollah. Israel failed in Syria miserably, your weak raids are for public consumption.

Anyways I can see your frustration by going off topic and using a bunch of photoshopped images.
Syria never intercepted a single missile, tell me where do you see an intercepted missile in this picture:
81952290100096640360no copy.jpg

Something more embarrassing is that you admit you work with Hezbollah, and when we bomb them you sit aside like the little ***** you are. Here I am, posting evidence, and here you are typing words based on nothing.

That car has American or Canadian license plates, and that hammer and sickle is obviously photoshopped, nice try idiot. :lol:

The person is obviously a westerner and a liberal.
Who told you he was Russian? that hammer and sickle aren't photoshopped, there are commie shills outside of Russia, too. They are mostly gay.

Here is another picture of you.

Since your only argument is "muh photoshop" and ignoring things you can't debunk, and at the same time try to divert every subject, I'll just post this again
If you think Israel is no better than Zimbabwe then compare the two, like I did between Russia and Nigeria

Superior Russian avionics

Superior Russian aircraft:

Superior Russian pilots:
Superior Russian aircraft and their usual excuses:
Superior Russian avionics

Superior Russian navy:



You literally lost 2 jets to the SEA, in less than a month.


  • T-90-11.jpg
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You can order them in Turkey and then smuggle through border. Not a big deal. ISIS used many RC toys ordered on free market.

Isis has used off the shelf drones with a range of a few miles. Isis has never launch anything on the scope of what took place in Syria. Again if it would be that easy US bases in Afghanistan and Syria would be under attack by swarms of long range drones. Saudi military basses would be attacked and British bases too but of course the US, Britain and the gulf states don't have to worry about such things.

1 TOW missile costs 60,000 Dollars. So even 15,000 is not a big deal. I doubt that junk costs more than 1 K $. GPS navigation u can order on Ali Express.

Okay, genius, those "Rebels" got those TOW for free, it didn't cost them a dime but where do those poor rebels get that cash for those drones? They would have to purchase 13 gasoline engines, at least 78 servos, at least 13 motherboards, 13 lipo batteries ($-150-200 each), GPS navigation compatible with my motherboarsa, 130 fuses, etc.

And then everything would need to be programmed.

Once again personal insults because u have nothing to say.

Says the guy that calls people "bitch", "cunt" and "pussy" among many other foul names. Stop crying like a little girl, I seriously think you are on drugs to say the nonsense you say; that or you're a schizophrenic.

The biggest conspiracy theorists and liars is ur government.

1) Rebels gassed themselves to blame nice Assad.
2) Ukrainian Su-25 shot down Malaysian Boeing (later they admitted that they lied and there was no any Su-25 around).
3) Belgian F-16s bombed civilian neighborhoods in Aleppo.
4) Rebels bombed UN aid convoy which was deigned to rebels themselves.

The liar is lying. Many of those events cannot be misproven it's one word against another. As for the Aleppo gassings. That's a joke, I think you should stick to denying Israel doesn't commit war crimes, or bulldozers innocent people's homes.

And so on.. They are pathological liars and conspiracy theorists. And now u call me a conspiracy theorist just because I dont believe to reports of ur pathological liar MoD?

Give me a break. You spew garbage conspiracies all day. You claimed Russians are lying about fighting in Syria (despite video and photo evidence) because Russian special forces whore "sunglasses". In reality that was ballistic eye protection that is worn by almost every well equipped military, and yes even indoors genious boy.

Russians are also lying about SU-24s being able to drop precision munitions despite video and photos evidence. You're a schizophrenic those delusions only live in your head.

Case in point, you're a madman. If the Russian would claim the ocean is made up of water and the sky is mostly blue you would furiously call them liars.

Syria never intercepted a single missile, tell me where do you see an intercepted missile in this picture:
View attachment 447756

Something more embarrassing is that you admit you work with Hezbollah, and when we bomb them you sit aside like the little ***** you are. Here I am, posting evidence, and here you are typing words based on nothing.

Who told you he was Russian? that hammer and sickle aren't photoshopped, there are commie shills outside of Russia, too. They are mostly gay.
View attachment 447758
Here is another picture of you.

Since your only argument is "muh photoshop" and ignoring things you can't debunk, and at the same time try to divert every subject, I'll just post this again
If you think Israel is no better than Zimbabwe then compare the two, like I did between Russia and Nigeria
View attachment 447766
Superior Russian avionics
View attachment 447764
Superior Russian aircraft:
View attachment 447763

Superior Russian pilots:
View attachment 447762 Statistics:
View attachment 447761 Superior Russian aircraft and their usual excuses:
View attachment 447760 Superior Russian avionics
View attachment 447759
Superior Russian navy:
View attachment 447768
View attachment 447769

View attachment 447770

You literally lost 2 jets to the SEA, in less than a month.

Go crawl back into your hole. I'm not going to say it again, that smoke picture of the Kuznetsov was photoshopped.

It's funny how you resort to off topic insult and fake photos to try to one up me.

And yea sure Russia is just like Nigeria whatever makes you sleep at night. Fun fact, Nigeria has a bigger economy then Israel :lol:

Pretty bad how Israel has taken hundreds of billions of dollars from hard working Americans tax payers and your economy is smaller then Nigerias :lol:
It isn't photoshopped, you just have crappy ships. And this picture is literally the least of your concern out of the pictures I sent, none of which is fake.

Only re***** compare things by size without taking population into proportions. View attachment 447773 View attachment 447774 View attachment 447775 View attachment 447776 View attachment 447777 View attachment 447778 View attachment 447779 View attachment 447780 View attachment 447781 View attachment 447782 View attachment 447783 View attachment 447784

That picture of the Kuzntsov is a photoshop, it's an oil we'll fire.

@cabatli_53 get rid off this jealous off topic troll.

Original: oil well fire:


Kuznetsov photoshop:


Now wipe the egg off your face. The rest of your junk is just as fake as your photoshoped pictures.

Now to address the rest of your stupid off topic and jealousy rant. Nigeria has a bigger economy than Israel despite Israel receiving billions each year an unlike Israel, Nigeria doesn't bulldoze people's homes.

As for your chest thumping about how Israel is so great and the Soviet Union and Russia is weak and "losing" wars. I guess you forgot the *** kicking Israel received in 2006? Dozens of your overhype's tanks were destroyed and disabled, your Air Force was incompetent when it wasn't killing civilians it's aircraft were falling out of the sky.

And now in Syria Hezbollah has grown in strength and there is nothing Israel can do. Russia is also to an extent helping Hezbollah and Israel can't do shit :lol:
You got me there.
However, as I said, that's the least of your concern, and that doesn't mean your aircraft carrier isn't a smoking piece of junk
View attachment 447801

"Just as fake as the rest of the pictures"
Prove it, and debunk those.

View attachment 447802 View attachment 447803 View attachment 447804 View attachment 447805 View attachment 447806 View attachment 447807 View attachment 447808 View attachment 447809

As I said:
Only re***** compare things by size without taking population into proportions.

Russia is sitting in the side like the little b**** it is while its allies are getting bombed to oblivion, and the air defenses Russia gave to those same allies can't even do its job
View attachment 447810
Hell, Russia is so afraid, and its air defenses are so useless, they didn't manage to even detect American Tomahawks, let alone shoot them down, and also sat quietly like the little b**** it is
Take a note, those Aircraft shelters have 2 hangars each, this counts to 58 destroyed targets, one missile malfunctioned, unlike the Russian Kalibirs that keep Crashing in Iran most of the time.
View attachment 447811

You finally admit you're a bullshiter then. Israel is like a jealous little teenager girl that keys her boyfriends car after she gets dumped. You can't do nothing but launch meaningless air raids in which most of the Israeli missiles get intercepted by those "worthless " Russian air defenses operated by poorly trained Syrians.

Like I said, those raids do nothing. Just meant to satisfy stooges like you. Israel failed miserably in Syria like they failed in Lebonon. Hezbollah has grown stronger, Iran has influence and so does Russia.

Russia has an air base and naval facility in Syria, they help Hezbollah, Assad and Iran while Israel can't do a thing but launch failed attacks that do nothing.

As for Kaliber attacks, Russia has dozens of videos of Kalibers hitting their targets. On the other hand Israel can't even even stop the occasional cheap Drones from entering its air space. Israeli missile defense systems and fighters couldn't shoot down a single cheap drone while Russia prevented an attack by 13 simultaneous drones. :lol:


That's that quality professional Israeli Air Force at work. not only did the degernates fail to shoot down the drone on 3 tries from both air defenses and fighters they didn't even have the technology to jam the drones like Russia did.
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That picture of the Kuzntsov is a photoshop, it's an oil we'll fire.

@cabatli_53 get rid off this jealous off topic troll.

Original: oil well fire:

View attachment 447799

Kuznetsov photoshop:

View attachment 447800

Now wipe the egg off your face. The rest of your junk is just as fake as your photoshoped pictures.

Now to address the rest of your stupid off topic and jealousy rant. Nigeria has a bigger economy than Israel despite Israel receiving billions each year an unlike Israel, Nigeria doesn't bulldoze people's homes.

As for your chest thumping about how Israel is so great and the Soviet Union and Russia is weak and "losing" wars. I guess you forgot the *** kicking Israel received in 2006? Dozens of your overhype's tanks were destroyed and disabled, your Air Force was incompetent when it wasn't killing civilians it's aircraft were falling out of the sky.

And now in Syria Hezbollah has grown in strength and there is nothing Israel can do. Russia is also to an extent helping Hezbollah and Israel can't do shit :lol:

It is a wellknown fact that Israeli existance depends on US support. A likely fund shortage or a subsystem restrictions make Israel even worse than Nigeria, can not even produce simple things including wellknown missiles, armoured vehicles, tanks, uav’s. They are good at roaring like spoiled child to tell How great they are or how unbeatable their airforce despite hostile SAM systems. They even dare to compare themselves with states like Rusdia in many aspects without looking How tiny they are in many areas against a well trained organized army. They like telling victory stories against Palestin and Lebanon like civilian oriented unorganized states in terms of military. A good lesson will teach them to remind their place so arming the neighbours with comparable weapon systems to provide a balanced strength policy is a good idea. Otherwise, those guys will keep overestimating themselves in a region neighbours are being destabilized/enslaved conspiciously to provide a safe heaven for heavily supported wild state to make themselves feel something special spiritually in their “promised” lands being enlarged illegally over the blood of real owners.
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It is a wellknown fact that Israeli existance depends on US stability. US fund shortage or a small subsystem restrictions make Israel even worse than Nigeria, can not even produce simple things including wellknown missiles, armoured vehicles, tanks, uav’s. They are good at roaring like spoiled child to tell How great they are or how unbeatable their airforce despite hostile SAM systems. They even dare to compare themselves with states like Rusdia in many aspects without looking How tiny they are in many areas against a well trained organized army. They like telling victory stories against Palestin and Lebanon like civilian oriented unorganized states in terms of military. A good lesson will teach them to remind their place so arming the neighbours with comparable weapon systems to provide a balanced strength policy is a good idea. Otherwise, those guys will keep overestimating themselves in a region neighbours are being destabilized/enslaved conspiciously to provide a safe heaven for heavily supported wild state to make themselves feel something special spiritually in their “promised” lands being enlarged illegally over the blood of real owners.

The only good thing to come out of Israel is its pilots and some are foreigners from places like Russia, the US and elsewhere. Without US money Israel would not have much aircraft and even less fuel. Hell, Germany donates submarines to the welfare queens. All of Israelis major defense programs gets billions in funding from the US and billions more for free weapons. In reality Israel receives some of the most sophisticated weapons in the world from the US, what they don't get they steal. Many of the "Israeli" scientists and engineers that work for Israeli firms are not even from Israel. So simply they get foreign technology, foreign money and foreign workers, all payed for by the US and then they Bragg about how great they are. Reality is Nigeria is wealthier then Israel despite all the help Israel gets financially and politically.

Notice how the Israelis here gloat about a few Russian soldiers that were killed in the airbase attack but then say it was all faked. (They are that stupid). The Israeli members here are known for their conspiracies and lies. I think that at the end they know that two Russian bases were under attack from 13 drones and Russia shot down or forced most of those drones down with electronic warfare, while the mighty Israeli air defense forces fired at a drone from both ground based missiles and fighter aircraft and failed to shoot it down :lol:

Moral of the story Israel can hardly handle a single drone that penatrates its airspace but then get jealous and envious when Russia twards swarms of attacks so then they get defensive and get into their usual conspiracies and off topic trolling to vent their frustrations.
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You finally admit you're a bullshiter then. Israel is like a jealous little teenager girl that keys her boyfriends car after she gets dumped. You can't do nothing but launch meaningless air raids in which most of the Israeli missiles get intercepted by those "worthless " Russian air defenses operated by poorly trained Syrians.

Like I said, those raids do nothing. Just meant to satisfy stooges like you. Israel failed miserably in Syria like they failed in Lebonon. Hezbollah has grown stronger, Iran has influence and so does Russia.

Russia has an air base and naval facility in Syria, they help Hezbollah, Assad and Iran while Israel can't do a thing but launch failed attacks that do nothing.

As for Kaliber attacks, Russia has dozens of videos of Kalibers hitting their targets. On the other hand Israel can't even even stop the occasional cheap Drones from entering its air space. Israeli missile defense systems and fighters couldn't shoot down a single cheap drone while Russia prevented an attack by 13 simultaneous drones. :lol:


That's that quality professional Israeli Air Force at work. not only did the degernates fail to shoot down the drone on 3 tries from both air defenses and fighters they didn't even have the technology to jam the drones like Russia did.
None got intercepted, your allies are the ones getting bombed, stop crying. Russian air defenses can't intercept jack shit
81952290100096640360no copy.jpg

The attack was thwarted? Ahahaha, tell that to your aircraft that got hit, and to your servicemen killed.

Russia didn't jam jackshit and didn't shoot down anything, if your electronic warfare would have worked, all of the drones would have crashed.

By the way, not being able to protect your own airbase from point-blank range with cannons is very different from trying to shoot down a small drone that's flying low and slow over a border, many kilometers away from the actual SAM.

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