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Russia Knows Perpetrators of Attack on its Syrian Bases, It's Not Turkey - Putin

None got intercepted, your allies are the ones getting bombed, stop crying. Russian air defenses can't intercept jack shitView attachment 447821 View attachment 447822

Syria intercepts Israeli missiles on a regular basis using S-200s developed in the 1950s. Eventually Syrian SAMs get overwhelmed and some Israeli missiles hit their target. There is a video of one Israeli missile being intercepted.

Russia has never targeted Israeli aircraft in Syria so stop your pathetic conspiracies, in fact Israeli aircraft almost never enter into Syrian airspace, they launch missiles from Lebonon or launch ground based missiles from Israel.

It's little Israeli that can't do jack about Russia building military bases next to Israel or Russian supplying Assad and Hezbollah or Russia flying into Israeli airspace. All Israel does is take it.

The attack was thwarted? Ahahaha, tell that to your aircraft that got hit, and to your servicemen killed.

That was from an appearent mortar strike.

Russia didn't jam jackshit and didn't shoot down anything, if your electronic warfare would have worked, all of the drones would have crashed.

Egg on face in 3..2..1


You are a liar. I have proof you have conspiracies.

One again wipe the egg off your face. Spare yourself the humiliation by doing some research and not indulging in conspiracies.

What is funny is how Russia flew a drone into Israeli airspace and both Israeli aircraft and SAMs failed to shoot it down :lol:


While Russia shot down at least 3 Israeli drones in Syria :lol:


Russia quickly destroyed 13 drones that simultaneously tried attacking two of its military bases, Russia also shot down 3 Israeli drones, American drone and and many mortars while a Russian UAV loitered in Israeli airspace for a while while Israel unsuccessfully tried to shoot it down 3 different times.

Israeli missile defenses are overrated. Israel reminds me of those animals that puff up to look bigger then they really are. Israel boasted prior to 2006 that they had the best armored tank in the world, Hezbollah quickly dispelled that myth then they bragged about the Iron Dome which consistently fails to work when mortars, rockets and drones penetrate Israeli airspace :lol:

Example of Israeli overhyped junk. No wounder no one wants that junk.


And Israeli Rambo with women's underwear on his head wrestling a child with broken arm.

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Syria intercepts Israeli missiles on a regular basis using S-200s developed in the 1950s. Eventually Syrian SAMs get overwhelmed and some Israeli missiles hit their target. There is a video of one Israeli missile being intercepted.

Russia has never targeted Israeli aircraft in Syria so stop your pathetic conspiracies, in fact Israeli aircraft almost never enter into Syrian airspace, they launch missiles from Lebonon or launch ground based missiles from Israel.

It's little Israeli that can't do jack about Russia building military bases next to Israel or Russian supplying Assad and Hezbollah or Russia flying into Israeli airspace. All Israel does is take it.
Yeah right, they also shot down an Israeli F-35 with that same F-35 (Even before it went operational), and 2 F-16s, and all of that with an S-200.

"Almost never enter Syria"
Here is what you say any time we bomb your allies, and then call US pussies, for bombing your allies, yet you never stop to think who is actually getting hurt, and who is supposed to defend your allies:
>"We shot down an Israeli aircraft!"
>"We intercepted the bombs!"
>"The Israeli aircraft were over Lebanon!"
>"What do you mean "Your base was evaporated despite all of your claims that the bombs were shot down?"
81952290100096640360no copy.jpg

>"What do you mean by "I want proof of an Israeli aircraft shot down?"

"Russia has never targeted Israeli aircraft in Syria"
Proceeds to show this bull****

By the way, knowing Russia, if any Israeli UAV was shot down, the Russians would have taken pictures of it and boasted about it, let alone three, relatively large UAVs like the Heron. And it never happened, exactly like the claim that only 23 out of 59 Tomahawks hit their targets

Egg on face in 3..2..1

That was from an appearent mortar strike.
Mortar strike? you mean a few cave dwellers walked dozens of kilometers with mortars, shot them at your base, walked back dozens of kilometers WITHOUT leaving them (Because you didn't even find any mortars), and all of that without you catching the terrorists? Very impressive.


They don't seem like they were hit with a cannon or a missile, and it's a fact that 2 servicemen were killed by those drones along with a few Russian aircraft so it's safe to assume your electronic warfare didn't work (If it worked on one drone in its radius it should work on all of the drones in its radius, besides, Russia claimed those drones were preprogrammed to fly to there and weren't remotely controlled, electronic warfare is useless against it), they probably crashed nearby.

What is funny is how Russia flew a drone into Israeli airspace and both Israeli aircraft and SAMs failed to shoot it down :lol:
Who told you its a Russian drone? Anyways, the drones Russia operates in Syria are ISRAELI MADE Searcher drones.

I would be more embarrassed of the failure to intercept drones that killed 2 Russian soldiers and damaged a few Russian aircraft, than not being able to shoot down a small drone flying harmlessly in Israel, that can't carry more than a camera,
Or the fact that you can't defend your allies, nor can your allies defend themselves with YOUR air defenses, against Tomahawks, Israeli F-15s and F-16s, and other Coalition aircraft.

Russia quickly destroyed 13 drones that simultaneously tried attacking two of its military bases, Russia also shot down 3 Israeli drones, American drone and and many mortars while a Russian UAV loitered in Israeli airspace for a while while Israel unsuccessfully tried to shoot it down 3 different times.
Yeah we can see how all 13 of those drones were destroyed, your Su-24 really helped to destroy one of them, so did 2 of your servicemen, and probably more of your aircraft.

Israeli missile defenses are overrated. Israel reminds me of those animals that puff up to look bigger then they really are. Israel boasted prior to 2006 that they had the best armored tank in the world, Hezbollah quickly dispelled that myth then they bragged about the Iron Dome which consistently fails to work when mortars, rockets and drones penetrate Israeli airspace :lol:
Yeah right, that's why death to rockets in Israel has dropped to almost 0.

Here are your crappy T-90s, but Russia will never show its equipment failing in your media:

Here is your T-90 captured by rebels:

Here is your T-90 burning like the POS it is:
And all of those videos and pictures are less than 2 years old.

Yeah, so what? A stone thrower with a broken arm posing for the camera is still a stone thrower, and if your argument is that "You shouldn't arrest children", the weak should fear the strong, and the weak shouldn't harass the strong. That's why you fear us and do nothing when we bomb your allies.
lol What's the beef between this Arab Russian member and Israelis on here? We are already used to Muslims members obviously ranting against each other on here. This is getting boring. Why not focus on the topic at hand?
Yeah right, they also shot down an Israeli F-35 with that same F-35 (Even before it went operational), and 2 F-16s, and all of that with an S-200.

"Almost never enter Syria"
Here is what you say any time we bomb your allies, and then call US pussies, for bombing your allies, yet you never stop to think who is actually getting hurt, and who is supposed to defend your allies:
>"We shot down an Israeli aircraft!"
>"We intercepted the bombs!"
>"The Israeli aircraft were over Lebanon!"
>"What do you mean "Your base was evaporated despite all of your claims that the bombs were shot down?"

You act like an emotional little girl with your frantic off topic rants :lol:

Israeli missils have been intercepted, there is video proof of it. The rest of your rant is laughable, I don't even know where to begin. You seem like an emotional mess.

View attachment 447979
>"What do you mean by "I want proof of an Israeli aircraft shot down?"

WTF are you saying? Did you snort some laundry detergent?

"Russia has never targeted Israeli aircraft in Syria"

Yes, correct Russia never targeted Israeli aircraft, as in manned aircraft but they shot down 3 Israeli drones in 2017.

But if you have some proof Russia targeted Israeli junk please post it otherwise keep your mouth shut.

Proceeds to show this bull****

By the way, knowing Russia, if any Israeli UAV was shot down, the Russians would have taken pictures of it and boasted about it, let alone three, relatively large UAVs like the Heron. And it never happened, exactly like the claim that only 23 out of 59 Tomahawks hit their targets
View attachment 447980

Would you expect Russia to find those Israeli UAVs in the ocean? Two were shot down over Tartus naval base moron.

Furthermore, why would Russia boast? Russia infiltrated Israeli airspace with a drone while Israel failed to shoot the drone down 3 times. If they didn't boast about that why would they boast about shooting down Israeli junk?

Funny how you make claims with no proof but then rebuff my sources.


They don't seem like they were hit with a cannon or a missile,

Half the UAVs are in little pieces, how else would it look if a cannon or missile hit them? :lol:

Half were brought down with the Patsir fire (hence the wreckage) the other half was brought down using electronic warfare.

But like I said wipe the egg off your face.

and it's a fact that 2 servicemen were killed by those drones along with a few Russian aircraft so it's safe to assume your electronic warfare didn't work

How would electric warfare work on a mortar? You are dumber then I expected.

(If it worked on one drone in its radius it should work on all of the drones in its radius, besides, Russia claimed those drones were preprogrammed to fly to there and weren't remotely controlled, electronic warfare is useless against it), they probably crashed nearby.

Again you are proving to be dumber by each post, every electronic device can be hacked or disrupted....every single one. Those UAVs still use servos to control flaps, those servos were programmed to work with GPS, outside sources could take control.

Who told you its a Russian drone? Anyways, the drones Russia operates in Syria are ISRAELI MADE Searcher drones.

Israel did, they complained to Russia about the incident and Russia acknowledged that it happened.


Russia also mostly uses Orlan-10s in Syria as well as some unknown drones.

I would be more embarrassed of the failure to intercept drones that killed 2 Russian soldiers and damaged a few Russian aircraft,

Again, you are confused. Those servicemen killed were killed from a mortar strike, the drone attack happened afterwords. Literally two separate incidents reported on different days.

Or the fact that you can't defend your allies, nor can your allies defend themselves with YOUR air defenses, against Tomahawks, Israeli F-15s and F-16s, and other Coalition aircraft.

Russia is not going to start ww3 with the US or Israel over Israel hitting some empty sheds in the middle of no where.

Israeli "bombing" literally does nothing to change the outcome of a battle or the war. It's mostly for public consumption for war hungry Israeli tards. Israel does not target Russian positions and that is what's important.

Yeah right, that's why death to rockets in Israel has dropped to almost 0.

Israeli missile defenses often fail to intercept anything. What does land in Israel, mostly lands in open fields but nevertheless Israeli air defenses have proven mediocre at best.

Here are your crappy T-90s, but Russia will never show its equipment failing in your media:
View attachment 447982

Literally none of those T-90s were Russian operated and all are old circa early 1990s. Having a T-90 captured and destroyed by throwing a granande inside a hatch is less embarrassing then having your most modern tank destroyed with anti tank missiles after years of bragging.

Old Russian made T-90s have survived TOW hits in Syria. Merkavas have not been so lucky. The T-90s are already being replaced by the T-90M and T-14s.

Here is your T-90 burning like the POS it is:
And all of those videos and pictures are less than 2 years old.

Congratulations, ISIS threw a grenade inside an abandoned tank :lol:

2006 Israeli military performance and the Merkava was exposed. If cameras weren't so abundant Israel would lie about the outcome like they did in previous wars.


Yeah, so what? A stone thrower with a broken arm posing for the camera is still a stone thrower, and if your argument is that "You shouldn't arrest children", the weak should fear the strong, and the weak shouldn't harass the strong. That's why you fear us and do nothing when we bomb your allies.

Your soldiers are little rats that abuse kids with broken arms, harasse the elderly and kill people in wheelchairs. Most cultures hate people that abuse children and the elderly. Those people get killed in prison and are comparable to pedaphiles, if I ever see someone abuse a child like that they are getting knocked out.

Israel has pathetic cowardly "soldiers"


lol What's the beef between this Arab Russian member and Israelis on here? We are already used to Muslims members obviously ranting against each other on here. This is getting boring. Why not focus on the topic at hand?

LOL look at this Indian Israeli lackey getting concerned at his Jew boy getting shredded to pieces. Don't be so concerned little Indian.

Syria never intercepted a single missile, tell me where do you see an intercepted missile in this picture:
View attachment 447756

Something more embarrassing is that you admit you work with Hezbollah, and when we bomb them you sit aside like the little ***** you are. Here I am, posting evidence, and here you are typing words based on nothing.

Who told you he was Russian? that hammer and sickle aren't photoshopped, there are commie shills outside of Russia, too. They are mostly gay.
View attachment 447758
Here is another picture of you.

Since your only argument is "muh photoshop" and ignoring things you can't debunk, and at the same time try to divert every subject, I'll just post this again
If you think Israel is no better than Zimbabwe then compare the two, like I did between Russia and Nigeria
View attachment 447766
Superior Russian avionics
View attachment 447764
Superior Russian aircraft:
View attachment 447763

Superior Russian pilots:
View attachment 447762 Statistics:
View attachment 447761 Superior Russian aircraft and their usual excuses:
View attachment 447760 Superior Russian avionics
View attachment 447759
Superior Russian navy:
View attachment 447768
View attachment 447769

View attachment 447770

You literally lost 2 jets to the SEA, in less than a month.

Forget all the losses for a moment.

Apart from a few unknown islands and Trumpland who else recognizes Jerusalem as an Israeli capital?

Even your so-called dearest friends such as India deserted you at the UN vote. Today your nation is back at licking their boots. You can't even gather the courage to look your fake allies in the eye and ask them why they voted against you. What are you going to taunt others about losses LOL
lol What's the beef between this Arab Russian member and Israelis on here? We are already used to Muslims members obviously ranting against each other on here. This is getting boring. Why not focus on the topic at hand?
its not a real beef. its a fight by ptld against manipulation of the truth/reality of syria by the likes of 500.
Israeli missils have been intercepted, there is video proof of it. The rest of your rant is laughable, I don't even know where to begin. You seem like an emotional mess.
If you call flashes in the night "proof" you must be delusional, here is proof that every missile that was fired destroyed its target:
81952290100096640360no copy.jpg

WTF are you saying? Did you snort some laundry detergent?
I guess you don't have any humour, the point is, Syria claims it shot down an Israeli aircraft every time Israel performs an airstrike, yet never shows footage of the Israeli aircraft getting hit, or pictures of it on the ground.

Yes, correct Russia never targeted Israeli aircraft, as in manned aircraft but they shot down 3 Israeli drones in 2017.

But if you have some proof Russia targeted Israeli junk please post it otherwise keep your mouth shut.
You claimed Russia has never targeted any Israeli aircraft but at the same time you claim it shot down Israeli drones. I claim it NEVER happened. You also claimed that many times, you talked about how you aren't going to defend your allies because you don't want to start a war, believe me, if you did shoot down an Israeli drone, your forces would have felt it.

The whole point is to show how scared you are, a few days after the Tomahawk attack that humiliated you and your air defenses, you started threatening, that your S-400 will be on high alert and will shoot down any intruders, a few days later Israel bombed Assad and Russia did nothing. Israel bombed Syria at least 15 more times since then and Russia still does nothing, yet you call us pussies :lol:

Would you expect Russia to find those Israeli UAVs in the ocean? Two were shot down over Tartus naval base moron.

Furthermore, why would Russia boast? Russia infiltrated Israeli airspace with a drone while Israel failed to shoot the drone down 3 times. If they didn't boast about that why would they boast about shooting down Israeli junk?

Funny how you make claims with no proof but then rebuff my sources.
Your picture claims Russia shot down a Heron drone 16 kilometers away from Masyaf, where is the picture of that shot down drone? Your excuse of it being in the middle of the "Ocean" (The mediterranean isn't an ocean if you didn't know that) won't work

A small drone flying low and slow isn't an ideal target for an old Patriot or any projectile/missile overall.

Half the UAVs are in little pieces, how else would it look if a cannon or missile hit them? :lol:

Half were brought down with the Patsir fire (hence the wreckage) the other half was brought down using electronic warfare.

But like I said wipe the egg off your face.
They look more broken than blown up. One one half is 3 and the other is also 3, that counts up to 6, where are the other 7? Again, electronic warfare works in radius, if it worked on 3 of them, it should have worked on the 10 others.

How would electric warfare work on a mortar? You are dumber then I expected.
Why do you want me to believe that rebels carried mortars for 40km into enemy lines just to be in range of your base, and you didn't notice it?

Russia is not going to start ww3 with the US or Israel over Israel hitting some empty sheds in the middle of no where.

Israeli "bombing" literally does nothing to change the outcome of a battle or the war. It's mostly for public consumption for war hungry Israeli tards. Israel does not target Russian positions and that is what's important.
You seem to fail to see the concept of being bombed. The amount of damage Israel does to Syria each time is enormous, and the amount of shame it gives to Russia is even bigger. Here is what your superior air defense failed to stop:

Israeli missile defenses often fail to intercept anything. What does land in Israel, mostly lands in open fields but nevertheless Israeli air defenses have proven mediocre at best.
Yeah right, that's why Israeli rocket casualties, by pure coincidence, have gotten much lower after the deployment of the Iron Dome.

Literally none of those T-90s were Russian operated and all are old circa early 1990s. Having a T-90 captured and destroyed by throwing a granande inside a hatch is less embarrassing then having your most modern tank destroyed with anti tank missiles after years of bragging.

Old Russian made T-90s have survived TOW hits in Syria. Merkavas have not been so lucky. The T-90s are already being replaced by the T-90M and T-14s.
That's exactly what you said about Operation Rimon 20, you blamed the operators:lol:
But then you got your *** handed, 5 Russian operated aircraft got shot down by the Israelis, including the commander one, with 0 Israeli casualties.

Oops, sorry, I didn't know your T-90s were invincible :lol:


I wonder why was the tank abandoned, maybe it got hit by a missile?
I wonder how did another T-90 get captured?
How about this one?

Tell me, your T-90s had such thermal scopes in the 1990s? It is a modern T-90A.
Wait, a T-90 once survived against a TOW?! but... How did the TOW hit it? and how did any of the T-90s above get it? shouldn't the SHTORA be like an invincible forcefield of Russian magic?

When will your scam tanks get into service? 2050? Just like your crappy Su-57, you will order a small amount and then crash economically again.

By the way, that Merkava on fire was hit in its side, it wouldn't happen today because of the Trophy APS.

Your soldiers are little rats that abuse kids with broken arms, harasse the elderly and kill people in wheelchairs. Most cultures hate people that abuse children and the elderly. Those people get killed in prison and are comparable to pedaphiles, if I ever see someone abuse a child like that they are getting knocked out.

Israel has pathetic cowardly "soldiers"
Oh please Ivan, you wouldn't do jackshit to us

Forget all the losses for a moment.

Apart from a few unknown islands and Trumpland who else recognizes Jerusalem as an Israeli capital?

Even your so-called dearest friends such as India deserted you at the UN vote. Today your nation is back at licking their boots. You can't even gather the courage to look your fake allies in the eye and ask them why they voted against you. What are you going to taunt others about losses LOL
Nothing to do with the topic. A vote in the UN hurts us THAT much.
The economy is ours anyways, you are nothing but a pawn in our game.

The economy is ours anyways, you are nothing but a pawn in our game.
Damn the picture kinda compressed
If you call flashes in the night "proof" you must be delusional, here is proof that every missile that was fired destroyed its target:
View attachment 448006

That proves nothing. Most of the buildings in that picture are intact. I see no proof of anything other then Israel hitting some random building after god only know how many missiles were intercepted.

How many missiles did Israel launch and how many landed? Until you can prove that you have no argument.

You claimed Russia has never targeted any Israeli aircraft but at the same time you claim it shot down Israeli drones. I claim it NEVER happened.

No one cares what you claim. You can claim unicorns are real for all I care. I showed you atleast some proof while you have nothing to counter with. Just your feeling :lol:

You also claimed that many times, you talked about how you aren't going to defend your allies because you don't want to start a war, believe me, if you did shoot down an Israeli drone, your forces would have felt it.

Russia shot down Israeli drones spying on Russian bases in a country not called Israel. Israel would have zero justification for war. At any case Israeli doesn't touch Russia for a reason. Your hypothetical scenarios that play out in your head are laughable though.

And who are you kidding. Russia can whipe Israel off the face of the earth and Russia doesn't even need nukes nor does it even need to send aircraft or soldiers anywhere near Israel to cripple every military base within a 1-2 day.

The whole point is to show how scared you are, a few days after the Tomahawk attack that humiliated you and your air defenses, you started threatening, that your S-400 will be on high alert and will shoot down any intruders, a few days later Israel bombed Assad and Russia did nothing. Israel bombed Syria at least 15 more times since then and Russia still does nothing, yet you call us pussies :lol:

Russia was given advance warning about the tomahawk strike you idiot :lol:

As for your other claim, Israel doesn't even enter Syrian airspace on most of their worthless strikes. Even if Russia was to shoot down Israeli missiles it would be pointless, the S-400 missiles are very expensive. It would cost billions to intercept Israeli missiles. Sorry but Russia doesn't get free money from the United States, like Israel does.

Your picture claims Russia shot down a Heron drone 16 kilometers away from Masyaf, where is the picture of that shot down drone? Your excuse of it being in the middle of the "Ocean" (The mediterranean isn't an ocean if you didn't know that) won't work

Read what I post. Two of the drones were shot down over Tartus. Show me wreckage of every aircraft Israel claims to have shot down including Soviet ones, You can't produce that evidence, so how convenient that I show at least some proof from Russia, you deny its authenticity then demand pictures of wreckage while you provided zero evidence for your claims.

Once again you stoop to new lows.

A small drone flying low and slow isn't an ideal target for an old Patriot or any projectile/missile overall.

In other words you are making excuses why Israel fails to shoot down targets that enter its airspace. None of the UAVs Russia uses in Syria are even that small even the Orlan-10 has a wingspan of 10 feet yet Israel failed to shoot it down. Russia also shot down small homemade rockets and improvised propain rockets. Yet all I hear is excuses from you.

They look more broken than blown up. One one half is 3 and the other is also 3, that counts up to 6, where are the other 7? Again, electronic warfare works in radius, if it worked on 3 of them, it should have worked on the 10 others.

Wow, you can look at pieces of a UAV and determine what happened. Amazing you can be a air crash investigator and save millions of dollars and years of time by eyeballing wreckage :lol:

There was only 10 drones that attempted attacking the Russian air base, the other 3 tried attacking Tartus naval base.

Why do you want me to believe that rebels carried mortars for 40km into enemy lines just to be in range of your base, and you didn't notice it?

Why would they need to carry mortars 40km? You think that they can't steel mortars or purchase some off of corrupt soldiers inside Latakia? Or make improvised mortars?

You seem to fail to see the concept of being bombed. The amount of damage Israel does to Syria each time is enormous, and the amount of shame it gives to Russia is even bigger. Here is what your superior air defense failed to stop:
View attachment 448012

That is why Hezbollah kicked Israel's teeth in during the 2006 conflict and has grown even larger since. Enormous damage... :lol:

That's exactly what you said about Operation Rimon 20, you blamed the operators:lol:
But then you got your *** handed, 5 Russian operated aircraft got shot down by the Israelis, including the commander one, with 0 Israeli casualties.

Mind showing me wreckage? Remember Russia didn't shoot those Israeli drones down because there is no wreckage...remember?

As for classical Israeli operations. They rely on deception and are opertunistic. In other words Israel is like a little guy that sucker punches a bigger guy and runs. Most Israeli operations mimicked bombers to fool the enemy and as the enemy would take the false bait more Israeli aircraft would ambush and then run. Plenty of Israeli aircraft were lost during the wars and its known that Israel over exaggerated enemy losses and covered up their own.

Oops, sorry, I didn't know your T-90s were invincible :lol:

Those arn't even Russian T-90s and Russia never boasted about the T-90 being the most protected tank in the world like Israel did with the Merkava.

Russia already moved on the T-14 and T-90M.





And you have this pile of crap, It looks like someone built it in their garage out of scrap metal :lol:

Overweight, poor mobility, and a bunch of forign components, countries even choose old Chinese tanks over this crap.


View attachment 448015
I wonder why was the tank abandoned, maybe it got hit by a missile?

Yes generally tank crews bail after a tank is hit. Moral of the story all the T-90s you posted weren't Russian operated or modern and most were captured then destroyed.

I wonder how did another T-90 get captured?
How about this one?

I wounder why the Merkava exploded like a Tinder box every time it was hit?

Wait, a T-90 once survived against a TOW?! but... How did the TOW hit it? and how did any of the T-90s above get it? shouldn't the SHTORA be like an invincible forcefield of Russian magic?

Shtora can be switched off or broken. One of the T-90s you posted had the shtora whitched off because a moderator on this forum was friends with one of the crew members of that particular T-90.

When will your scam tanks get into service? 2050? Just like your crappy Su-57, you will order a small amount and then crash economically again.

The SU-57 does not have small orders. You have been reading some bad journalism. And whatever Russia orders in small batches is considered large orders in Israel. The only thing Israel is capable of doing is building failed knockoff Mirages and F-16s from stolen blueprints while installing a bunched of forign parts.

By the way, that Merkava on fire was hit in its side, it wouldn't happen today because of the Trophy APS.

Are you talking about the system the Israelis ripped off from the Soviets just like half the things they use.

Oh please Ivan, you wouldn't do jackshit to us
View attachment 448017

Please, you guys got humiliated by some Hezbollah teenagers. Your military is a joke, most of your soldiers and armor was whipped out by some third rate conscripted Arab armies

When is your next US welfare check coming in begger? :lol:
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That proves nothing. Most of the buildings in that picture are intact. I see no proof of anything other then Israel hitting some random building after god only know how many missiles were intercepted.

How many missiles did Israel launch and how many landed? Until you can prove that you have no argument.
Ahahahaha, if you believe any of these buildings are intact you are delusional, the amount of missiles launched is the amount of missiles that hit the target, which is 10.
81952290100096640360no copy.jpg

No one cares what you claim. You can claim unicorns are real for all I care. I showed you atleast some proof while you have nothing to counter with. Just your feeling :lol:
And no one cares about what you claimed, nor what Russia claimed, and nobody but Russian shills like you believe those Russian claims. A list isn't proof.

Russia shot down Israeli drones spying on Russian bases in a country not called Israel. Israel would have zero justification for war. At any case Israeli doesn't touch Russia for a reason. Your hypothetical scenarios that play out in your head are laughable though.

And who are you kidding. Russia can whipe Israel off the face of the earth and Russia doesn't even need nukes nor does it even need to send aircraft or soldiers anywhere near Israel to cripple every military base within a 1-2 day.
Never happened, Russia didn't shoot down anything, Russia is too afraid of responding against Israeli bombings, let alone Israeli drones flying around doing surveillance. Israeli planes bomb the allies of Russia, next to Russian soldiers, and Russia does absolutely nothing:lol: Nor can Russia's allies do anything with their Russian air defenses, because it's useless:rofl:

Russia was given advance warning about the tomahawk strike you idiot :lol:

As for your other claim, Israel doesn't even enter Syrian airspace on most of their worthless strikes. Even if Russia was to shoot down Israeli missiles it would be pointless, the S-400 missiles are very expensive. It would cost billions to intercept Israeli missiles. Sorry but Russia doesn't get free money from the United States, like Israel does.
That's even worse! Russia knew those Tomahawks were coming and couldn't even detect them, let alone shoot them down?:disagree:

On *most* of our airstrikes? Here goes your narrative, even though the absolute majority of airstrikes are actually FROM Syrian airstrikes, lets say just a minority of them are, how do you let even a single Israeli aircraft bomb your allies in a territory you should protect from a territory you should protect? I know Russia is a dirt poor country that can't afford a war, you don't need to tell me that.

Read what I post. Two of the drones were shot down over Tartus. Show me wreckage of every aircraft Israel claims to have shot down including Soviet ones, You can't produce that evidence, so how convenient that I show at least some proof from Russia, you deny its authenticity then demand pictures of wreckage while you provided zero evidence for your claims.

Once again you stoop to new lows.
Yes, and one of them was shot down over land, there is no way Russia wouldn't boast about something it did, and it's a small coincidence that Russia shot down 3 relatively large Israeli UAVs, and no one ever heard of it, and no proof was posted. Every aircraft Israel claims to have shot down? I am just asking for one out of 3 drones you have claimed to shoot down. I can make a table claiming to shoot down 3 Star Destroyers too, that wouldn't be proof.

In other words you are making excuses why Israel fails to shoot down targets that enter its airspace. None of the UAVs Russia uses in Syria are even that small even the Orlan-10 has a wingspan of 10 feet yet Israel failed to shoot it down. Russia also shot down small homemade rockets and improvised propain rockets. Yet all I hear is excuses from you.
Who told you it was an Orlan-10? Why not a Pchela-1T? Maybe a Zala 421? Hell, knowing Russia I wouldn't even trust that it's theirs, taking credit 3 weeks after the incident. Russia didn't shoot down jackshit.

Mind showing me wreckage? Remember Russia didn't shoot those Israeli drones down because there is no wreckage...remember?

As for classical Israeli operations. They rely on deception and are opertunistic. In other words Israel is like a little guy that sucker punches a bigger guy and runs. Most Israeli operations mimicked bombers to fool the enemy and as the enemy would take the false bait more Israeli aircraft would ambush and then run. Plenty of Israeli aircraft were lost during the wars and its known that Israel over exaggerated enemy losses and covered up their own.
Sorry, I can't show you wreckage when the battle took over enemy territory. President Sadat also confirmed this battle, and 4 Russian women didn't get their husband back. Yeah, we outsmarted you using tactics, defeated your best pilots and RTB without any casualties.

Those arn't even Russian T-90s and Russia never boasted about the T-90 being the most protected tank in the world like Israel did with the Merkava.

Russia already moved on the T-14 and T-90M.
Right now Russia has exactly 0 operational T-90Ms and 0 operational T-14s. The ones built are merely prototypes.


You show footage of a burning Merkava Mk3 that suffered an engine fire, because some idiot smoked in it and the diesel engine took on fire, this is the tank after the incident, I believe the soldier responsible was arrested.

Our operational Merkava Mk4M is faster than your operational T-90A. It also has better protection, ammunition, electronics and design overall.

I wounder why the Merkava exploded like a Tinder box every time it was hit?
Is that why only 5 Merkavas were ever destroyed out of the thousands of ATGMs that were fired on it? And only two of those were Mk4, and those two were destroyed by huge anti tank mines, rather than missiles?

Yes generally tank crews bail after a tank is hit. Moral of the story all the T-90s you posted weren't Russian operated or modern and most were captured then destroyed.
If so, (And I bet that the tank was destroyed by the missile anyways, rather than a grenade) how come your Shtora fails so much?

Shtora can be switched off or broken. One of the T-90s you posted had the shtora whitched off because a moderator on this forum was friends with one of the crew members of that particular T-90.
Yeah right, it's very smart to switch off your only defense besides armor against missiles, without any reason.
Of course he was friends with him.

The SU-57 does not have small orders. You have been reading some bad journalism. And whatever Russia orders in small batches is considered large orders in Israel. The only thing Israel is capable of doing is building failed knockoff Mirages and F-16s from stolen blueprints while installing a bunched of forign parts.
Those same Mirages kicked your MiG's ***. Only 12 PAK-FAs were ordered, that's laughable, Israel will have more 5th generation aircraft than Russia:lol:

Are you talking about the system the Israelis ripped off from the Soviets just like half the things they use.
Those aren't ripoffs if what you claim was the original system didn't work:lol::lol:
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