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Russia Knows Perpetrators of Attack on its Syrian Bases, It's Not Turkey - Putin

So must all the Arabs who are not Syrian.

I totally agree with you, Hezbollah and Iraqi terrorists must leave Syria
Also, Pakistan has about 5000 of its citizens working as full-time terrorists in Syria in the name of the terrorist Khamenei..
When Pakistan will have the guts to condemn Iran's recruitment of Pakistanis?

It is same state behind this provocation who charged this terrorist to kill Russian embassador to create a chaos between two state. It is same state feeding FETO terrorists inside their soil to use against Turkey. It is the same state openly arming PYD terrorists in our south borders while closing ears to Turkey’s strong objection. Same state attempted to do a coup against elected president in my country to bring their puppets. This state has many puppet despots in Middile-East using them as triggerman. Their money finances many dirty activities serving US and Israeli benefits in region.
Remember Yadhav and Uzair Baluch. Both were receiving money from that little trouble maker's banks. They wanted us to fight against Pakistan and destroy each other whilst Israel continuously growing behind our ears. They are/were financing separatist terrorists in Baluchistan of Pakistan. Obviously they don't have a hand in Iran, so they have put their faith and hope in the other side to set fire on Iran and Pakistan. Totally agreed with you about their support for YPG/PKK cancers.

These states are being led from the same source, USA.
I totally agree with you, Hezbollah and Iraqi terrorists must leave Syria
Also, Pakistan has about 5000 of its citizens working as full-time terrorists in Syria in the name of the terrorist Khamenei..
When Pakistan will have the guts to condemn Iran's recruitment of Pakistanis?
You khawarij lackeys of Satan would receive an slap from pak-Turk-iri Muslims

Wait for the exact time
Remember Yadhav and Uzair Baluch. Both were receiving money from that little trouble maker's banks. They wanted us to fight against Pakistan and destroy each other whilst Israel continuously growing behind our ears. They are/were financing separatist terrorists in Baluchistan of Pakistan. Obviously they don't have a hand in Iran, so they have put their faith and hope in the other side to set fire on Iran and Pakistan. Totally agreed with you about their support for YPG/PKK cancers.

These states are being led from the same source, USA.

A little correction. UAE will not allow or tolerate any other international business hub in the Middle East which also includes Israel. They destroyed Beirut for the same reason. America does not benefit from these low lives ; they use US taxpayers’ money instead.
Coalition between Russi, Turkey and Iran doesn’t care USA concerns and drawing own roadways in Syria putting USA and their terrorists out of the negotiations so they are using every opportunity to break this coalition into pieces with arranging dirty events to plant hatred seeds among states. Iranian streets are on fire while Russian bases are under attack over Turkish controlled ground. Puppets in ME just financing related guys to achieve their goals. Turkey saw the hostile plan prepared under the table against the states having big potential so started using own cards while facing with a secret embargo. Attacking to Russian base with swarm attack drones over Turkish controlled Idlib province of Syria was achieved but Close contact between Russia/Turkey erased the misunderstanding immediately. It is Turkey’s turn to play own cards with attacking Usa backed PYD controlled Afrin.
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I totally agree with you, Hezbollah and Iraqi terrorists must leave Syria
Also, Pakistan has about 5000 of its citizens working as full-time terrorists in Syria in the name of the terrorist Khamenei..
When Pakistan will have the guts to condemn Iran's recruitment of Pakistanis?

Internally Pakistan does not approve of your devilish games of spreading terrorism throughout middle east, Afghanistan and Pakistan and slowly but surely aligning herself with Iran and Turkey. Trouble in every Muslim country is backed by your "rich without working" rulers. I assure you their time is coming to an end soon, writing is on the wall but too bad they dont know how to read.
Russian/Iranian terrorists must leave Syria either voluntarily or forcibly in coffins ....
Anyway, regarding the drone attack I believe it was done by Hezbollah/Iranian militias in Syria..
They want very bad to deteriorate Turkey/Russia collaboration in Syria
You're so OFF, its too much work correcting you(and when you're this off, like @500, you wont take correction anyways).
They are not "drones" but RC toys. You can order way better ones on internet.

@Arabi is right. Iranians shelled Russian base and killed 2 and damaged aicraft. Then to hide the embarrassment Russians made up that drone attack nonsense.
They are not "drones" but RC toys. You can order way better ones on internet.

@Arabi is right. Iranians shelled Russian base and killed 2 and damaged aicraft. Then to hide the embarrassment Russians made up that drone attack nonsense.
I'm still amazed that RU...even used this Rc toys attack... as an "attack"... I, perso will be ashamed to even speak about it...
It shows you... how the Syria "conflict" became a mascarade... an open playground...for Deranged kids with rifles and Bombs... and inbtw..;innocents... that need to forcefully bow to those tyrannic arrogant kids laws...
i think russia should respond by carrying similar attack on u.s base in middle east otherwise such attacks will continue
UAE is a tiny country; I am surprised that no one fired a few missiles at it. The trouble makers are such cowards that would have fled the country to EU.
UAE is a tiny country; I am surprised that no one fired a few missiles at it. The trouble makers are such cowards that would have fled the country to EU.
UAE is similar in soft power as Israel (even more vicious than Israel itself, they walk in the shadow...) and both got the same Guarantor...
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