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Russia is preparing a new Major Offensive with 1million men into Ukraine from the North into Kiev from South-west Russia and Belarus territory

All states lie during wars. That is essential part of any war.
Wtf I just read?
Protect that dude at all cost..he is a major entertainment for me on this site. When im bored i come to look for his comments. Always cracks me up and makes me laugh until my stomach hurts. 😂🤣🤣🤣😂

Look I said many time before ..
I'll say it again... You cannot fight Russians ! Simply.
Napoleon tried to invade Russia & failed badly.
Hitler tried to invade Russia and failed miserably.
Does anyone think in remotely Puny country like Ukraine with all NATO assistance can manage to defeat Russia ?? If you do think this you must be brain washed living in Fools western nation.
Dude you think Russia fought France(Napoléon) and Germany(Hitler) all alone right ? It was a one on one fight right? 🤣😂

Yes Ukraine were in the past before February 24 2022 brothers and sisters.
But now Zylinske has created this whole mess, don't blame Putin at all for invasion?

NATO was about to put nukes under Moscow with 4 minutes eta to target, so if anyone who's defending Moscow and I would have ordered invasion to protects rights of Russian public interests.

May I also ask to say both sides of coin?
Would you or I dare to be a Ukrainian solder on the border, with 50+ years now recruiting in place of out of stock +18 years old dead bodies in ground buried due to 8+ months fighting by Zylinske??
What are you even talking about.? Using your logic, So if India invades your country today you will be fighting for Shehbaz Sharif and not your country right?
Sometimes i wonder how some of you even see things seriously. It seems your hatred of the West blinds some of you sometimes.😆
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Protect that dude at all cost..he is a major entertainment for me on this site. When im bored i come to look for his comments. Always cracks me up and makes me laugh until my stomach hurts. 😂🤣🤣🤣😂

Dude you think Russia fought France(Napoléon) and Germany(Hitler) all alone right ? It was a one on one fight right? 🤣😂

What are you even talking about.? Usinf your logic, So if India invades your country today you will be fighting for Shehbaz Sharif and not your country right?
Sometimes i wonder how some.of you even see things seriously. It seems your hatred of the West blinds somenof you sometimes.

Why, oh why did the Ukrainians have to go and spoil everything by deciding to fight when the Russians invaded them? It's just not fair!
???? How is this relevant. The Russians come to fight period mandated or non-mandated majority of them are patriot russians and there is always deserters in armies including Ukraine have seen alot of desertions but nobody talks about it in the media... Desertion happens in every single armies ranks at certain percentage
Don't pay attention to him. He's the guy who said "russia needs to be balkanized".

Ukrainian women have the hots for Russian men. Ukrainian men are girly compared to Russian men. Ukrainian female soldiers surrender to Russian men en masse.
Sadly,Ukrainian women have the hots for Arabs,Turks and Africans. So do many Russian women as well,but they both have one thing in common: "I WANT MAN,NOT BOY!"....meaning "I want you to take me on trips,buy me gifts,take me shopping, expensive restaurants,luxurious hotels,accept my children from previous marriage and we live somewhere with sun and sea".
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Protect that dude at all cost..he is a major entertainment for me on this site. When im bored i come to look for his comments. Always cracks me up and makes me laugh until my stomach hurts. 😂🤣🤣🤣😂

Dude you think Russia fought France(Napoléon) and Germany(Hitler) all alone right ? It was a one on one fight right? 🤣😂

What are you even talking about.? Usinf your logic, So if India invades your country today you will be fighting for Shehbaz Sharif and not your country right?
Sometimes i wonder how some.of you even see things seriously. It seems your hatred of the West blinds somenof you sometimes.
Another brown Pakistani hiding behind UK ID's, Wanna be,.

And I don't haste the West at all
I freakin live there can't you tell from location countries.
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Another brown Pakistani hiding behind UK ID's, Wanna be,.

And I don't haste the West at all
I freakin live there can't you tell from location countries.
Lol it doesn't matter where you live in the West. From what i have seen on this forum, most of the times, those who even live here are the ones who often hate the West even more than those who don't live there. Lol

Lool So i'm Pakistan because i know your country's leader and other things about the country/region? Lol I also know alot about African, Latin american,middle Eastern and even East Asian countries(guess i can be from there as well . Lol ) Others have said in the past that Indian , Iranian, Chinese , even Arab etc depending on my views. Seems some of you guys on here are so used to one biased single point of view that you can't accept someone not falling into any of the above group . Lol Anyway believe what you may, not going to waste my time on that.
Something like this...

Don't worry, when this war is over, there are a lot of Russian women looking for honey. Look at how many Russian got killed, and if they really send 1 million men like they said, there are probably going to be 500,000 widow waiting for you.

You can't mobilise 1 million men in months, you need internal movement, location to train those people and equip those people, it will take months, if not years to do that, unless they are doing some Enemy at The Gate stuff where they just give them rifle in the Ukrainian border and push them into the frontline in their civvies........

Any type of massive troop deposition is going to be noticed, both by SATINT and SIGINT. You need to move a lot of stuff to designated jump off point. All of which have no indication or what so ever. There are increased activities in Belarus and Ukraine border, but that is not enough to support 1 million troop.

If they want 1 million recruit to fight in Ukraine this March, they will need to mobilise that man back in June 2022.
My friend u don't need to wait for 500k widows there are already shortage of men there especially in russia, latvia, and rest of eastern european countries. there is a huge difference in male to female ratio there
Shocking! That contradicts the official Russian casualties. Where you get 30k dead anyways? Did the Russians update their casualties?
There are literally NO WAY Russian killed is 30k. Their total casualty has to exceed 200k dead and wounded by now. There are no point drawing 300,000 men (already done) to replace 30K loss, and then you are talking about "1 million" men offensive.

I mean in a tradition military science sense, there are no way Russia to lose less Soldier than Ukraine. This is not some disparity like ISAF and Afghanistan. Which was rolled up in just a month, you are talking about a grinding battle that last 11 months and continuing. Which suggest this is a near peer war, and in this case, if we follow the history of war, Russia is suffering more casualty than Ukrainian.

My friend u don't need to wait for 500k widows there are already shortage of men there especially in russia, latvia, and rest of eastern european countries. there is a huge difference in male to female ratio there
well, it's quite easy to pick up Eastern European chick nowaday, whether you want to do it is another matter :)
Ukraine has enough men, and weapons. Ukraine has and had a large military complex as well, they develop artillery, planes, etc. even before 2014. That has been pumping munitions and weapons since Feb 2022, in addition to the western support.

When Russia mobilizes X number of troops with various weapons, US and UK need to supply Ukraine with enough arms to defeat those new Russian conscripts and the weapons they yield. That is how you win wars. Ukraine is out gunned in Bakhmut and along the nearby fronts. Russians have superior numbers of artillery.

Europe is defending their own survival. To not re-arm is stupid. Russia Republicans want to stop funding Ukraine's defense of Europe.

Russians started the war with about 20K artillery/rocket systems. Make double that over 10 years. Russia started the war with nearly 20K tanks, active and in storage. Have Germany make 10K new modern tanks. Have Italy and Germany sell these to NATO and EU. Have Sweden build 100000 shoulder fired rockets/weapons over 10 years, sell them to Europe.

Russia Republicans are not gonna defend Europe from nuclear blackmail. They would allow Putin to nuke Europe and blame anti-Trump EU leaders for being nuked. So Europe needs nuclear weapons to prevent Russia from using nukes. Poland needs nukes. Germany needs nukes. Italy needs nukes. Romania...

If Pakistan, India and Israel can have nukes, why not Poland have a 1000 nukes.

To learn of the sheer magnitude of numbers of Russian heavy weapons. Ukraine is getting far more heavy weapons from captured Russian equipment than from US. Russia has barely lost 10-15% of their heavy weapons. Russia has been repairing damaged weapons to have storage weapons workable.

EU nations and EU gave Ukraine ~50 billion euros in aid in 2022. I am asking Europe spend 30 billion on new weapons each year for 10 years.
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War of attrition
But Russia is now slowing starting to reverse the momentum
We are seeing it start to retake areas

Russia will either go for another wave at kivy(likely not and use that as bargain chip later)
Or will take it's claimed region and declare a unilateral cease fire with leaving a threat at kivy open for negotiation

With slow rate it's going it will be 4-6 months unless ukriane regain it's momentum and reverses Russia momentum
In Russia this not shocking or unexpected. It's how they've always done war. A majority of their wars are fought by just throwing mass amounts of bodies into the fight, taking horrific amounts of casualties, and just trying to outlast the enemy. This will be no different. Except that the world has changes, as have the weapons and foes. They shouldn't expect the same results as in the past
A majority of their wars are fought by just throwing mass amounts of bodies into the fight, taking horrific amounts of casualties, and just trying to outlast the enemy.
that was in history- whats the evidence Russia is doing this now? are you that much in denial that you refuse to accept the facts that Ukraine loses 3-7 soldiers for every 1 Russian soldier killed?

What people like you accuse Russia of, Ukraine is the one that did it- thats how Ukraine lost 10s of thousands of soldiers in less than a year, and thats why it lost Soledar and soon about to lose Bakhmut- it didnt preserve it soldiers - it threw them at Russian troops LIKE CANNON FODDER, just to hold territory...which they didnt.
This will be no different.
can you provide numbers to show this? offcourse this is different- its stupid to think Russians dont value their lives- losing soldiers in war doesnt automatically mean you're "throwing them" en mass at your enemies..learn to differentiate..bujt if your denial is this high, then just wait till NATO has to enter Ukraine...by then your denial might've reduced alot.
in Except that the world has changes, as have the weapons and foes. They shouldn't expect the same results as in the past
lmao- you cant even argue coherent points- just stating what you hope will happen- thats the same thing US thought would happen in Afghanistan after 20+ years of bad tactics- lost it!

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