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Russia & Iran negotiate canal from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf

Idea might be good but can it provide so much traffic to make it economically viable. Further more why China is restablishing silk route because land travel is cheaper and faster then sea route (In the last ten years they have establish train travel between China and Europe which takes less time by half and is roughly cost by half for sea route). In the coming years we will be seedling lot of investment on roads and rail
what do you think about this project ?
If the background is economic, than it doesn't make much sense, where Iran want to go with this... but if it is militarily than it may give Iran temporary gains.
people in east side of Iran have very poor incomes and low standards of living. the middle and north are ok the west side is ok , north west and south west have their own water problems too but incomes are ok
( urmia lake and khozestan water crisis )

The big problem is Sistan va baluchestan - Kerman -south Khorasan - parts of Yazd and parts of Semnan . these parts are well behind developments , and their average income is lower than middle or west side of Iran . without national projects like this I see no other way for these parts to reach other sides . for example just compare Tehran with 10 years ago you will see huge population and economic growth .
Personally I see no other option than these national projects for these provinces to catch up
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Russia & Iran negotiate canal from Caspian Sea to Persian Gulf — RT Business

Moscow and Tehran are holding talks on digging a ship canal from the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf, said Iranian Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanai, speaking to students in St. Petersburg. Any canal linking the two has to go through Iran.
"Yes, this issue is being discussed", said the ambassador on Thursday without specifying details, quoted by TASS.

The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed inland body of water in the world. Its coastline is 7,000 kilometers long and is bordered by Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran and Azerbaijan.

Also on Thursday, Russia, Azerbaijan and Iran agreed to speed up the talks on a North-South transport corridor, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Part of it will go along the western coast of the Caspian Sea from Russia to Iran through Azerbaijan.

The North-South corridor, when built, is expected to significantly reduce the time of cargo transport from India to Central Asia and Russia. At present, it takes about 40 days to ship goods from Mumbai in India to Moscow. The new route will be able to cut this time to 14 days.

The corridor will also bypass the overloaded and expensive Suez Canal.
to all of you
this is huge and hugely beneficial for caspian bordering nations......... for the environment and ecology of Caspian sea and for Iran which is semi arid .
it is hugely benefecial for caspian ecology
people in east side of Iran have very poor incomes and low standards of living. the middle and north are ok the west side is ok , north west and south west have their own water problems too but incomes are ok
( urmia lake and khozestan water crisis )

The big problem is Sistan va baluchestan - Kerman -south Khorasan - parts of Yazd and parts of Semnan . these parts are well behind developments , and their average income is lower than middle or west side of Iran . without national projects like this I see no other way for these parts to reach other sides . for example just compare Tehran with 10 years ago you will see huge population and economic growth .
Personally I see no other option than these national projects for these provinces to catch up

As others have said, we need to fully understand its environmental impact.

The budget put to use for this can also be used to build dedicated nuclear powered water distillation facilities along the Omen and Persian Gulf and pump the water to the rest of country. On top of that solar cities can be built in those regions and they can sell their surplas and generate income.
I don't know if it's been posted before or not but it's fascinating nonetheless!

وزير كشور در جلسه بررسی آخرین وضعیت خشکسالی کشور
انتقال آب از دریای عمان حتما با اولویت توسط دستگاه مسئول پیگیری شود
وی با تاکید بر ضرورت در اولویت قرار گرفتن موضوع آب شرب در سال ۹۸ تصریح کرد: موضوع استقرار دستگاه هاى آب شیرین کن و همچنین انتقال آب از دریای عمان حتما با اولویت توسط دستگاهی مسئول پیگیری شود.

در این جلسه وزرای نیرو و جهاد کشاورزی گزارشى از آخرین وضعیت خشکسالی کشور همراه با پیشنهادات و راهکارهاى خود را مطرح کردند.

8-) When you can offload goods at port up north and transport via train to South , why bother digging up canal ?
8-) When you can offload goods at port up north and transport via train to South , why bother digging up canal ?

Latest news is about turning salt water from Sea of Oman into fresh water for limited use . still we are far far away to revive dried lakes Inside Iran or canal idea :( .
7 juni 2021
Instead of Suez: from the Caspian to the Indian Ocean
Russian-Iranian canal can provide Eurasian transportation by the shortest route

article in Russian, but a web translator makes it clear what is written
will never replace Suez canal as the size of the ships that can travel it will be limited.
the best option is to invest in rail roads and freeways

look at the map in the article

the thick red line is completely drawn through mountains nd the narrow one at the border of the desert

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