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Russia-India cooperation in 1971

^^ Don't count Jamaatis as representatives of Bangladesh. Bangla people aren't so hostile to India in general. Having met many people of Bangladeshi origin myself, I can vouch for that. In fact, Bangladeshis are far more mature in terms of temperament compared to their former countrymen, the Pakistanis. They share the familiar emotional twang at times about mixing religion with a few unrelated things (its really a different topic) but are far more reasonable.

One good thing that happened after 71 is that even if we didn't earn a 100% ally, at least we earned a neutral cordial country. Trust me, having nuclear Pakistan on both sides of our country would have been worse off apart from the commie missiles in China.
My only regret is that Indira called off our troops halfway when we could have easily solved all our problems with military force smartly.
Sam Maneckshaw.... when was the last time we had a commander like him in the last 20 years? He had the nuts to face off a PM 20 times more authoritarian than what Sonia Gandhi could ever be vis MMS. No General, Marshal or Admiral today has the stature of Gen.Manekshaw. ACM Naik tried it valiantly but couldn't manage.

But yeah... you got to admit... Looking at MMS and his spineless bandwagon of slaves and puppets, I'd say today's generation would be shocked to even imagine a treacherous party like Congress ever had gutsy leaders like Indira. :lol:

It is for this very reason why I feel sad about us not intervening in the Soviet-Talibunny war. We faced jihad even without participation. At least if Indira had mobilized troops to strike Pakistan's eastern border, it could have given USSR enough breathing space to crush Taliban and their supporters brutally.

We were supposed to support Soviets due to the Indo-Soviet Treaty and yet we didn't send troops to fight alongside. Only voted in Russia's favor in UN.


Mate according to the treaty, one side has to request help...
In 1971 we asked russians, to activate the secret provisions in the treaty...
If they had done the same, we will have done :)
Cos, the soviets were superpowers, we cant expext to help them ourself, unless asked,.. its their prestige problem u see.. and we have got to respect that, considering they were a world leader that time...
Mate according to the treaty, one side has to request help...
In 1971 we asked russians, to activate the secret provisions in the treaty...
If they had done the same, we will have done :)
Cos, the soviets were superpowers, we cant expext to help them ourself, unless asked,.. its their prestige problem u see.. and we have got to respect that, considering they were a world leader that time...

We still should have participated in the war considering its aftereffects still spilled into India. At least if we had participated, there was a solid chance of crushing jihad in its nascent stage with brute force.

See now what has happened. US is confused, NATO countries are weak, the creators of Jihad are unable to control it, China is mum about it as usual and there's a shytestorm brewing right on our north and Russia's underbelly with no superpower to take on it.
nothing on Russia but we should also not 4get the assistance provided by Israel during the 71 war.
They both, Russia & Israel deserve our sincere gratitude.

We still should have participated in the war considering its aftereffects still spilled into India. At least if we had participated, there was a solid chance of crushing jihad in its nascent stage with brute force.

See now what has happened. US is confused, NATO countries are weak, the creators of Jihad are unable to control it, China is mum about it as usual and there's a shytestorm brewing right on our north and Russia's underbelly with no superpower to take on it.

China has already started talking about jihad...
A deadly attack on uighur regions, will make china look down upon its south western ally with aggression...
China , whateve happens, takes care of its own interest more best than for others, even its best ally, and i like china in that way
One of the strongest PM in our history!!


Long-Live Indo-Russian Friendship!!


The Russians have won our heart long ago. Indo-soviet time will always be cherished & have a special part in history.

Self congratulation much? India will regret one day that it broke Pakistan. Let's say we Bangladeshi's used India and Russia to get our own country and the story is not finished yet.
nice article, this shows how dangerous the situation was in 1971 & what courage both our leadership & military showed. It also makes case for India to have nuclear powered submarines, ICBM's etc. since we never know when our strategic partner US turns the gun on us. At that moment they should know that we are more than ready for them this time.

You claiming you can nuke USA.

The Russians have won our heart long ago. Indo-soviet time will always be cherished & have a special part in history.


we did get even with Russians In Afghanistan with the help of Americans. when Russian were losing India was no where to be seen, i guess Russian should also remember that part of the history.
we did get even with Russians In Afghanistan with the help of Americans. when Russian were losing India was no where to be seen, i guess Russian should also remember that part of the history.

and now you guys are claiming Pakistan government has nothing to do with taliban.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

by the way,USA just used you guys to defeat Russia...see,they are now blaming you what they created(Taliban)..Pakistan always was piece of other's game..they still are..thats why when game ends,whatever the result is,they always lose.
=GR!FF!N;2915676]and now you guys are claiming Pakistan government has nothing to do with taliban.. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Stay on the topic (Todays Talibans had nothing to do with people who were fighting Russians)

by the way,USA just used you guys to defeat Russia

Who used who isnt the question who got even with whom is and guess what we did live with it.

..see,they are now blaming you what they created(Taliban)..Pakistan always was piece of other's game..they still are..thats why when game ends,whatever the result is,they always lose.

The fact they are propping up India today against china isn't that the same or is that any different so better hang on ride is going to get bumpy.
The fact they are propping up India today against china isn't that the same or is that any different so better hang on ride is going to get bumpy.

let the pdf reality not blind you from the actual one... Just cite one YES... ATLEAST ONE instance when CPC have used strong words against Indian government or Vice-versa. When they wanted to issue a threat they always make a 3rd person statement.

Both the government respect each other and if u ppl are hoping for a war(sic) between the two nations, let me save the suspense for you. War is never gonna happen between China and India. Never !!
we did get even with Russians In Afghanistan with the help of Americans. when Russian were losing India was no where to be seen, i guess Russian should also remember that part of the history.

Many Indians in here only care about how other countries should assist India at the time of need. You are asking too much if you expect their country to help others except in slogans to sooth their egos.
Many Indians in here only care about how other countries should assist India at the time of need. You are asking too much if you expect their country to help others except in slogans to sooth their egos.

sre u retarded or something? do u know what we were up against?

As Nixon’s conversations with the wily Kissinger show, the forces arrayed against India were formidable. The Pakistani military was being bolstered by aircraft from Jordan, Iran, Turkey and France. Moral and military support was amply provided by the US, China and the UK. Though not mentioned in the conversations here, the UAE sent in half a squadron of fighter aircraft and the Indonesians dispatched at least one naval vessel to fight alongside the Pakistani Navy.
Self congratulation much? India will regret one day that it broke Pakistan. Let's say we Bangladeshi's used India and Russia to get our own country and the story is not finished yet.

What the hell?:confused:

I referred you to this topic because your country was liberated by the tireless efforts of India and USSR. You should be grateful to Russia and India for liberating your country. Otherwise you would still be facing genocide and oppression.

It looks like gratefulness is alien to human nature. If India wished, it could have easily annexed bangladesh to itself. But no, it respected your sovereignty and left it to bangladesh for deciding whether they wanted to join India or not. When you expressed your resent, your sovereignty was respected by both India and USSR. Yet you remain ungrateful?

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