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Russia in talks with Saudi Arabia for the sale of T-90MS main battle tanks.


Apr 28, 2011
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Russia is in talks with Saudi Arabia for the sle of T-90MS main battle tanks (MBT), Rostec Corp. Director General Sergei Chemezov has told the Rambler News Service during an interview. The T-90MS was presented for the first time at Russian Expo arms in September 2011. In September 2016, Russian Company UralVagonZavod has announced that the T-90MS was ready for production.

The Russian-made T-90MS MBT (Main Battle Tank) during trials in the desert in an undisclosed place in the Middle East.

read further details at link given below

Russia is in talks with Saudi Arabia for the sle of T-90MS main battle tanks (MBT), Rostec Corp. Director General Sergei Chemezov has told the Rambler News Service during an interview. The T-90MS was presented for the first time at Russian Expo arms in September 2011. In September 2016, Russian Company UralVagonZavod has announced that the T-90MS was ready for production.

The Russian-made T-90MS MBT (Main Battle Tank) during trials in the desert in an undisclosed place in the Middle East.

read further details at link given below


Well if true... then Maybe Turkish MBT ALTAY will not be on schedule.... So KSA searching for other "sooner" sources...
Well if true... then Maybe Turkish MBT ALTAY will not be on schedule.... So KSA searching for other "sooner" sources...
T-90 is most likely for there National Guards. Altay MBT will come for there Army.

Is it just me or do the Saudis seem to be turning away from the West?
They are !!!! the process is slow but in right direction
Is it just me or do the Saudis seem to be turning away from the West?

We are not turning away from anybody nor have we ever solely focused on the West, East, Arab world or whatever. We have always tried to have cordial relations and business ties with all relevant powers and nations of the world and we will continue to do that.




800 victims of 9/11 sue KSA for a reason :D .
Pakistan played a role in introducing Chinese defence industries to the gulf .

KSA-Chinese military relations date back to the 1980's. China sold ballistic missiles to KSA in the 1980's! China has been our largest trading partner for years. Not sure where this thinking of "KSA only being allied to the West (read USA) comes from because it is nonsense. As for the suing nonsense US courts under Bush and Obama and most recently a CIA report already said that KSA had no involvement. Nothing will happen as such a move would ensure that half of the world could sue the US (with real complains not made up ones) so this would be extremely hurtful for the US. As well as creating a judicial mess in the world. Never going to happen. A few days ago KSA and the US pledged to invest 200 billion in total in each others economies.

Go Saudi. Godspeed. Our only true friend in Arabian peninsula
In fact I only say the only Arab is Saudi :D
@Saif al-Arab @azzo

I rather prefer not to buy anything Russian or bankroll Putin. Sorry. So I am not going to celebrate this news.
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We are not turning away from anybody nor have we ever solely focused on the West, East, Arab world or whatever. We have always tried to have cordial relations and business ties with all relevant powers and nations of the world and we will continue to do that.

In terms of defense equipment hasnt Saudi Arabia always favoured Western products? That deal with the Chinese and now this with the Russians? The way the world is shaping up it seems more of a strategic calculus rather than a purely pragmatic one?
T-90 is most likely for there National Guards. Altay MBT will come for there Army.

They are !!!! the process is slow but in right direction
I agree, but still Maybe ALTAY will not be on schedule either.

In terms of defense equipment hasnt Saudi Arabia always favoured Western products? That deal with the Chinese and now this with the Russians? The way the world is shaping up it seems more of a strategic calculus rather than a purely pragmatic one?

With Russia, if deal is done, it will be for few pcs. As for China, KSA is gaining ToT in it and for UAV industries those CH/Wing loong 2 are doing the job well (same as Western counterpart with lower cost) . It's not like they bought Fighter jets or anything else... at least for now.
KSA still buying Apaches and F-15 / APC and so on from the WEst...
T-90 is most likely for there National Guards. Altay MBT will come for there Army.

They are !!!! the process is slow but in right direction

We need to have ToT as per the Saudi Vision 2030. If this is a possibility and the product is good we should go for it otherwise not.

A large tank force is obsolete anyway. Nobody is going to invade KSA by land (more or less impossible due to geography).

In terms of defense equipment hasnt Saudi Arabia always favoured Western products? That deal with the Chinese and now this with the Russians? The way the world is shaping up it seems more of a strategic calculus rather than a purely pragmatic one?

Can you blame us for focusing on Western products when they were by far the best 50-40 years ago let alone today and we could afford to buy them? Once again China is not a new close partner for us and I hail us becoming much closer to China but I am not sure that I will be happy with a bigger/better partnership with Russia. Not sure what they can offer us other than civil nuclear cooperation (something that we have signed deals with, with 5-6 leading countries on that front) that our other allies cannot and I doubt that they are willing to provide ToT. Never did that with their so-called Arab "allies". Be it Algeria, Syria or earlier Iraq. Pro-Russian Arab countries were mostly failures. I don't want us to emulate that relationship. Nor am I a supporter of Russia's policies in the region (Syria) and their relationship to the Mullah's. Although I liked the Russian Empire as they conquered the Mullah's and took land from them that they won't ever get back.
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With Russia, if deal is done, it will be for few pcs. As for China, KSA is gaining ToT in it and for UAV industries those CH/Wing loong 2 are doing the job well (same as Western counterpart with lower cost) . It's not like they bought Fighter jets or anything else... at least for now.
KSA still buying Apaches and F-15 and so one from the WEst...

We need to have ToT as per the Saudi Vision 2030. If this is a possibility and the product is good we should go for it otherwise not.

A large tank force is obsolete anyway. Nobody is going to invade KSA by land (more or less impossible due to geography).

Mostly bc ALTAY is delayed maybe. so they need some pcs for peculiar missions. As for ToT KSA will mostly get it by choosing ALTAY in the future.
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