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Russia in pictures

Livadia Palace (The summer residence of the last Russian tsar), Crimea.

Hi, the buildings with minarets what are these? Mosques? And cool pictures buddy, great buildings.
Yes, there are mosques in Crimea. Crimean Tatars are Muslims, they make up 12-13% of the population of the peninsula.

What is temperature there in winters and summers? I see people wearing shorts that gives an impression as if its hot whereas my perception was something always covered with snow :D.

By the way I have a Ukrainian colleague he is very good at learning Urdu (Pakistan's language).
What is temperature there in winters and summers? I see people wearing shorts that gives an impression as if its hot whereas my perception was something always covered with snow :D.

By the way I have a Ukrainian colleague he is very good at learning Urdu (Pakistan's language).
On the southern coast, separated from the steppes by mountains is very warm (by Russian standards), there is a Mediterranean climate in that place. Ancient Greeks have had colonies there. Those place was part of the Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman Empires. Genoeses also lived there and built mighty fortresses.
A religious procession marking the 700th anniversary of declaring Moscow the capital of Orthodox Russia pass the State Duma (Russian Parliament) building in downtown Moscow.
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