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Russia holds Japan whaling research vessel

It is unfortunate that one of our research ships have been detained. Looking forward to Russia letting the ship go. It is a civilian vessel and not a government ship.

the way this news is now circulating in the west, who knows, they are may be planning another round of sanction. but your spy aka research ship's all secret techs have been compromised, is that why you sent submarines? can you tell me the timings of that submarine incident and this ones? they are not co-incidental, no way
Just out of curiosity, consumption of whale meat is a traditional thing right? Isn't its consumption steadily declining in the younger generation?

Whaling is an ancient form of ritual for millions of Northern Japanese. Especially in my home region of Hokkaido. Many of the Ainu of Japan are fond of whaling, as they've been hunting whales since time immemorial. Many of the Ainu that still live in the Kuril Islands (which is now administered by the Russian Federation) still adhere to their traditional habits and go whaling as well.

Whale meat is very popular in Northern Japan. I remember in my youth during the winter months the ports near my home town would be filled with whales (of different species). They are perfect for soup during the winter months, or if you have the money , can buy steaks of whale meat for sushi or sashimi.

I can attest that whale meat , like dolphin meat, is very delicious. It doesn't taste like fish, or shark. I would compare it to beef. The consistency and flavor is similar to bovine.

the way this news is now circulating in the west, who knows, they are may be planning another round of sanction. but your spy aka research ship's all secret techs have been compromised, is that why you sent submarines? can you tell me the timings of that submarine incident and this ones? they are not co-incidental, no way

Its the fall season. During this time of the year, thousands of fishing ships from Hokkaido are now in the North Pacific. They stay there till the winter months.

It appears that this particular research / fishing ship went deep into Northern Kuril Islands, and had been detained by Russian vessels there.

There is no correlation with this ship and the submarine as indicated in another thread, because that submarine was deep in the Japan - Russian Neutral Zone.
I don't think that Japan is claiming the Sea of Okhotsk, @vostok . I think the extent of our claims is up to southern Kuril Islands. The waters around that , which are peripheral to Okhotsk, are what is being claimed.
You do realize that Russia will never give the islands? The only way for you to get them back - is a war. It is an objective reality. It is the only not freezing strait for Russian Pacific Fleet to go to the Ocean.
Its the fall season. During this time of the year, thousands of fishing ships from Hokkaido are now in the North Pacific. They stay there till the winter months.

It appears that this particular research / fishing ship went deep into Northern Kuril Islands, and had been detained by Russian vessels there.

There is no correlation with this ship and the submarine as indicated in another thread, because that submarine was deep in the Japan - Russian Neutral Zone.


is that neutral zone located within the sea of okho? you can answer it in the same diplomatic way as you are doing
the way this news is now circulating in the west, who knows, they are may be planning another round of sanction.

Its important not to over-sensationalize something that is very minor. From Japanese news media, it appears that our fishermen are being treated fine and with respect by our Russian counterparts. We will find out the result of the investigation in the coming days.


is that neutral zone located within the sea of okho? you can answer it in the same diplomatic way as you are doing

The southern Kuril Islands are claimed territory of Japan. Those islands and the 200 mile EEZ around those islands are claimed by Japan. Our position is also supported by our ally, the United States of America.
UN declares the Sea of Okhotsk enclave part of Russia's continental shelf


A United Nations commission has officially recognized the Sea of Okhotsk enclave, off Russia's southeastern coast, as part of the country's continental shelf, the Russian minister of natural resources said Saturday.

Russia will get exclusive rights to the area of 52,000 square kilometers, described by the government as a "real Ali Baba's cave," that contains reserves of valuable minerals and other natural resources.

"This is in fact an accomplished event," Sergei Donskoy told reporters commenting on Friday's decision by the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf which he said cannot be reversed.

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Moscow sent a request in 2001 for the entire continental shelf, including the Arctic shelf, which the UN rejected demanding more data and evidence that the enclave is the natural continuation of the Russian territory.

"This is the first step to our Arctic claim, which will be drafted in the near future," the minister said.

The recession of Arctic sea ice in recent years due to global climate change has led to increased international legal maneuvering over the rights to exploit the region's vast untapped hydrocarbon reserves.

Canada submitted in December a claim to the UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf to extend its sovereignty to include the North Pole.

Russia was the first country to submit territorial claims to the commission in a bid to show that the Lomonosov and Mendeleev Ridges are extensions of its continental shelf. If approved, Russia would gain 1.2 million square kilometers (460,000 square miles) of Arctic territorial waters.
UN declares the Sea of Okhotsk enclave part of Russia's continental shelf -- Puppet Masters -- Sott.net
You do realize that Russia will never give the islands? The only way for you to get them back - is a war. It is an objective reality. It is the only not freezing strait for Russian Pacific Fleet to go to the Ocean.

Japan claims the Southern Kuril Islands as these territories were not explicit in the Treaty of San Francisco. One understand the situation between our two countries. These islands and the 200 mile EEZ around these islands are claimed by the Japanese Government as well as Japanese civilians who were forced out of those islands by the Soviet Union in 1947. This is the official position of my Government.
Its important not to over-sensationalize something that is very minor. From Japanese news media, it appears that our fishermen are being treated fine and with respect by our Russian counterparts. We will find out the result of the investigation in the coming days.
The southern Kuril Islands are claimed territory of Japan. Those islands and the 200 mile EEZ around those islands are claimed by Japan. Our position is also supported by our ally, the United States of America.

man, your government should make you a foreign ambassador, kudos to your cunning diplomatic replies
New Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a very bold statement about the issue of the South Kuril Islands. The politician said that he could solve the long-standing territorial dispute between Russia and Japan, but did not specify how. Russia also has a very strong position on the issue of the Kuril Islands and will not accept the conditions of Tokyo.

New Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is going to solve the long-standing territorial dispute between Russia and Japan over the Kurile Islands, but it is unclear which of the parties will have to make concessions. What did Shinzo Abe mean by this statement and would Tokyo continue claiming rights for the disputed territory? According to analysts, the issue of the Kuril Islands is the only obstacle to the full settlement of the Russian-Japanese relations.

Since the end of the Second World War to the present day, the two powers have not yet been able to determine exactly who owned several islands in the Sea of Okhotsk. However, it seems that Japan and Russia will finally come to an agreement, stated Shinzo Abe, head of the Liberal Democratic Party that won the recent elections to the Parliament. According to him, the Government of Japan intended to peacefully resolve the long-standing dispute over the Kuril Islands, and sign an agreement with Russia. In his speech, Mr. Abe said that Japan needed to improve bilateral relations with Russia.

The issue of the dispute over the ownership of several islands in the Sea of Okhotsk has been existent for a long time, and exacerbated by the end of the Second World War, during the Japanese surrender. Allied troops actually occupied the islands belonging to Japan - Kunashiri, Etorofu and Shikotan and a few islands of Habomai. In 1951, Japan and the representatives of the allied countries signed an agreement under which these islands came into possession of the Soviet Union. It is noteworthy that currently the Japanese authorities claim that they have not formally denounced these lands, and they still belong to them.

However, in 1956, Japan attempted to return the occupied lands to its empire. An agreement between Tokyo and Moscow was developed that stipulated that the Soviet Union would give the islands to Japan, but only if both parties sign a peace agreement. However, the Japanese government under the pressure of the United States government refused this proposition, and the actual transfer of the land has not occurred.

While seeking cooperation with the United States, the Japanese government created obstacles to a peaceful settlement of the territorial dispute with Russia. In 1960, Japan and the United States signed a treaty on cooperation and security, effectively allowing U>S> troops to be stationed on the Japanese soil. In response, the Soviet government announced that from now on the transfer of the occupied islands was out of the question, because the signed contract was directed against China and the Soviet Union, and they could not allow the expansion of the territory of the potential enemy.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the territorial issue still has not been resolved. Tokyo Declaration on Japan-Russia relations stipulated that all international treaties adopted in the Soviet Union were automatically inherited by the Russian Federation. However, in the 1990S< the question of the transfer of the four disputed islands back to Japan was consider more seriously, which the Japanese government regarded as a success.

According to the Russian authorities, Russia has the unconditional right to own the Kuril Islands as a successor of the USSR. According to head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, the Kuril Islands that came into possession of the Soviet Union after World War II will not be given to Japan, as they are the official property of the Russian Federation, as evidenced by an entry in the UN Charter.

The Russian authorities have repeatedly confirmed that the issue of transfer of the islands to Japan was not considered. However, the Russian government seeks to resolve the territorial dispute by signing a peace treaty. Currently there is no such agreement between the two nations, which means that they formally are in a state of war.

Early this year, Vladimir Putin who was running for president of Russia, in his election program stated that he planned to permanently close the issue of the Kuril Islands. The statement was met with the approval from the Japanese government who believed that the new president decided to return the "occupied territories.' However, as noted at the time by Sergei Lavrov, the Russian government did not even consider the full transfer of land, as required by the Japanese side.

According to the Japanese side, the Southern Kuriles had been illegally occupied by the Russians. They refer to the bilateral Treaty on Commerce and borders of 1855. This summer, the Japanese government decided that from now on the term "illegal occupation' will be used to describe the islands, which confirms that the Japanese territories were occupied illegally.

Interestingly, the Tokyo government does not agree to compromises that have been repeatedly proposed by the Russian side, for example, creation of a free trade zone, or the transfer of some of the land to Japan. According to some international experts, the Japanese side only demands a complete transfer of the islands, and no other conditions will be satisfactory.

As noted in a recent speech by head of the Liberal Democratic Party Shinzo Abe, the Japanese side seriously intended to reach consensus in a dispute with Russia and, finally, sign a peace treaty. However, according to some experts, it is not clear which country would benefit from the solution of the Kuril issue proposed by Abe.

Abe cannot say otherwise, said Valery Kistanov, head of the Research Institute of Japan, Far Eastern Studies. According to him, such a statement does not mean anything. The Russian side will not agree to sign a peace treaty on the condition dictated by Japan, and the Japanese cabinet will not let Abe compromise against the position taken by the representatives of Tokyo in 1956.

According to Victor Pavlyatenko, a research fellow at the Center of Japan Institute of Far Eastern Studies, such a statement of the new Prime Minister of Japan is not supported, and, therefore, is not valid. As noted by Pavlyatenko, likely Abe will not resolve the territorial disputes between the two powers. He may be able to make them less tense, but not much more. In addition, the expert said it was no longer relevant to cover the issue of the Kuriles as the only obstacle to the development of closer relations between Russia and Japan.

International observers are also very skeptical about the statement of the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, noting that he is known for his rather radical views on the issues of foreign policy, especially relations with the Russian Federation. However, according to Valeriy Kistanov, this statement means for Russia that the Japanese side will now pay more attention to the development of the Russian-Japanese relations, and the settlement of the territorial dispute will obviously not happen.

Due to the existing political circumstances, it can really be the case as currently the issue of the Kuril Islands is not a priority. For example, China has recently submitted an application to the UN for recognition of the disputed islands Diaoyutai as part of the Chinese territory. As Shinzo Abe pointed out in his speech, the Japanese side did not want to complicate the relations with China, but the new Prime Minister promised that he would make every effort to ensure that the Chinese authorities refuse these territories.

Japan's new PM to take Kuril Islands away from Russia - English pravda.ru
Japan claims the Southern Kuril Islands as these territories were not explicit in the Treaty of San Francisco. One understand the situation between our two countries. These islands and the 200 mile EEZ around these islands are claimed by the Japanese Government as well as Japanese civilians who were forced out of those islands by the Soviet Union in 1947. This is the official position of my Government.
It's all irrelevant. This is the territory of Russia and it can be changed only after Russia defeat in the war. As it was between Japan and Russia over the centuries.
It's all irrelevant. This is the territory of Russia and it can be changed only after Russia defeat in the war. As it was between Japan and Russia over the centuries.

Russia has its position. Japan also has its position over the Kuril Islands. Irrespective if whether or not the United States supports our position on this , which it does, Japan will continue its claim over the Southern Kuril Islands. It is in my understanding that the new developments of the JMSDF 4th Escort Fleet, and the deployment of new air assets to the JASDF's Northern Command will enhance Japan's capabilities in carrying out its territorial claims and ability to protect our territorial integrity.
Russia has its position. Japan also has its position over the Kuril Islands. Irrespective if whether or not the United States supports our position on this , which it does, Japan will continue its claim over the Southern Kuril Islands. It is in my understanding that the new developments of the JMSDF 4th Escort Fleet, and the deployment of new air assets to the JASDF's Northern Command will enhance Japan's capabilities in carrying out its territorial claims and ability to protect our territorial integrity.
Russia has only one position - this is our territory, Russian citizens living there, there are Russian towns and Russian military units.
Russia has only one position - this is our territory, Russian citizens living there, there are Russian towns and Russian military units.

That is verily disputable, my friend. The Kuril Islands , in its continuity, were settled and colonized by Japanese during the 1860s. In fact, both the Imperial Government of Japan and the Imperial Romanov Dynasty of the Russian Empire signed an accord to accept the following territorial swaps: 1) Japan relinquishes claim of Southern Sakhalin Island and recognizes Russian control over Sakhalin and 2) Russia recognizes Japan's claim and control over all the Kuril Islands. This was a signed memorandum prior to the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, and was further reiterated after the Russo-Japanese War.

Due to these precepts, and the fact that the San Francisco Treaty does not stipulate the concession of the Kuril Islands to any Allied Power, thus, the Government of Japan claims of Southern Kurils.

Respectfully Yours,
since the story has been picked up by wsj


The official said Tokyo is in contact with Moscow over the matter through diplomatic channels, as well as with the crew members who haven't been officially detained. He declined to say whether the Japanese ship had moved away from the route previously approved by Russia or whether Tokyo had complained about Russia's action.

The Shonan Maru No. 2, a patrol boat that accompanies whale-hunting ships, left Japan on Aug. 8 for a month-long research trip to be conducted in waters that are part of Russia's exclusive economic zone. In the past, the same ship was involved in scuffles with activists critical of Japan's whaling operations.

The latest episode came as tensions between Tokyo and Moscow hit their highest level in recent years. Last week, the government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe lodged a "strong protest" with Moscow after Russia began a military exercise at a northern Pacific island chain also claimed by Japan. There has also been a sharp increase in the activities of Russian aircraft in the area's skies in recent months, prompting Japan's air force to scramble jet fighters frequently.

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