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Russia holds Japan whaling research vessel

Thanks for your replies @vostok . Several years ago I had visited Eastern Europe with a bunch of my friends from Japan and the United States. We took the Euro-Rail and then when we arrived to Western Ukraine we took the Ukrainian rail from Lvov to Kiev. When we were in Kiev we had a historical tour -- visited the Maidan , and even went to the Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, as well as visited the underfloor monastery (Orthodox Christian) that had the preserved bodies of the Saints. It was wonderful experience for me as an Orthodox Christian , really. What inspired me was that when we arrived to Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the priests explained to us that apparently during the 13th century when the Armies of the Golden Horde came to siege Kievan Rus, the people who were in the cathedral were spared. There was an attribution to this as a miracle. The frescos , paintings, even the Iconostasis are apparently an example of classical Byzantine theological art. Everything is preserved ...beautiful. Am actually a fan and adorer of the Kievan Rus King, Yaroslav the Wise, the first of the Rus to convert to Christianity. I admire a lot about Russian, history and culture. Even the cyrillic language, which was a gift to all people by St. Cyrillus, Glory be to God. I had visited also Belorussia -- and stayed in Minsk for couple of days for filming and to attend the tours. I never had the chance to visit Russia proper , but someday, I would love to.
I lived in Kiev a few years, very beautiful city. It is a pity that it was turned into a nest of fascism and Ukrainian Nazism. I have only one clarification - Great Prince Vladimir the Great baptized Rus in 988, his contemporaries called him the Red Sunny, descendants - the Great. He was father of Yaroslav the Wise.
I lived in Kiev a few years, very beautiful city. It is a pity that it was turned into a nest of fascism and Ukrainian Nazism. I have only one clarification - Great Prince Vladimir the Great baptized Rus in 988, his contemporaries called him the Red Sunny, descendants - the Great. He was father of Yaroslav the Wise.

It is indeed very unfortunate to see what has happened to the beautiful UKRAYINYA. I will say that from my 2 weeks that i stayed in Kiev, i probably would say Kiev was one of my most memorable and favorite cities i've been to in Europe. Everything is so original. The are plenty of cafes outside , one can enjoy Ukrainian coffee al fresco, to the fresh bakeries that open early in the morning every day -- i would go to this particular shop near Kiev Mohyla Academy -- they baked the best and sweetest bagets i've had. People were so kind from my stay there, and i found Ukrainians as a friendly very accepting folk. Compared to Dutch, Poles, French. Btw, when i was in Kiev, people asked if i was 'Mongol' from 'Mongolia' LOL.

I was supposed to visit Sevostopol, but alas, i had no time. Someday, God Willing.

Please know that I am praying for peace for your country. As an Orthodox Christian, I cannot help but have strong interest and sympathy to what is going on in Russia and Ukrayinya.

@vostok ,

Thanks for the clarification of Prince Vladimir. These are beautiful names, by the way. Vladimir, Yaroslav, Stanislav. Very uniquely Rus names.

Btw, what is the meaning of Slav ? Is it in relation to the world Slava , meaning 'Glory' , 'Great' ?
I don't get what's wrong with eating whales anyway?

Does India tell America to stop eating cows?

Do Muslim countries tell us to stop eating pigs?

Do the Welsh (lol) tell Afghanis to stop eating sheep?

Hell, it's all meat.
Cows, Pigs & Sheep are not going extinct due to mass hunting whales & Sharks are.
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