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Russia holds Japan whaling research vessel

They are not our friends,and you can see,the Obama regime's rebalance of Asia-pacific policy include to arm those unfriendly countries to contain China,Obama regime now sell weapons to Vietnam and they want to take away Burma from China,is Burma China's threat?No,but should we care the Obama regime policy to Burma?
As for India,they are a large country,so undoubtly the India is a threat to China,but we shouldn't let India became enemy of us in current time

Not our friend, but still the most important strategic partner for each other.

We need to stick together when dealing against USA, and everything should put aside for now.
I response to Kiss-of-dragon,and means India and Vietnam

India and Vietnam are not a threat to us.

Without the US, Russia wanna use them to contain against China, but that's not a big deal when they are agreeing to cooperate with us to challenge the US hegemony.

None of us are naive here, so you don't need to lecture us.

When China spanked Vietnam with Platform 981, Vietnam begged Russia for help like a little buttboy but Russia refused.

When China spanked India in Aksai Chin, India begged Russia for help like a little buttboy but Russia refused.

Both China and Russia understand the #1 enemy is USA and the #2 enemy is Japan. Everything else is negotiable.
They are not our friends,and you can see,the Obama regime's rebalance of Asia-pacific policy include to arm those unfriendly countries to contain China,Obama regime now sell weapons to Vietnam and they want to take away Burma from China,is Burma China's threat?No,but should we care the Obama regime policy to Burma?
As for India,they are a large country,so undoubtly the India is a threat to China,but we shouldn't let India became enemy of us in current time

threat = intention + capability, Burma surely not a threat to China but US is definitely yes. As for India, they perceive us as a threat and we shouldn't go easy with them neither, what ever Russia sold to India such SU-30MKI and other stufff, I believe PLA general staff will certain find the proportional answers to its, we just dont declare explicite as what India did, such as this:lol:

With eye on China, India deploys Akash missiles in northeast - The Times of India
When China spanked Vietnam with Platform 981, Vietnam begged Russia for help like a little buttboy but Russia refused.

When China spanked India in Aksai Chin, India begged Russia for help like a little buttboy but Russia refused.

Both China and Russia understand the #1 enemy is USA and the #2 enemy is Japan. Everything else is negotiable.

China sees the US as the biggest threat, same for Russia. That matters the most for us.

BTW, India is now a member of the BRICS Bank, so we don't need to bash them for now.
China sees the US as the biggest threat, same for Russia. That matters the most for us.

BTW, India is now a member of the BRICS Bank, so we don't need to bash them for now.
BRICS Bank is for economical issues,see the Indian posters of this forum.most of them have negative attitude toward China,the Indian elites are not fools,they want to use both Russia and west to get benefit(and it seems they successed),while they will also use China,they can't be friend of China,however they will not be enemy of China,they cleverly play the game,they have an independent foreign policy
BRICS Bank is for economical issues,see the Indian posters of this forum.most of them have negative attitude toward China,the Indian elites are not fools,they want to use both Russia and west to get benefit(and it seems they successed),while they will also use China,they can't be friend of China,however they will not be enemy of China,they cleverly play the game,they have an independent foreign policy

Nobody is naive about the politics, neither our leaders. So you don't have to worry about anything.
What I also admire is that the origins of both Germanics and early Russians were from Northern Europe, especially Scandinavia. Is it not correct that the first Kings of Kievan Rus were Vikings ? There is an unalienable link between these two peoples, civilizations.
Modern historiography tends to support the view that Rurik was from western Slavic.
At the expense of Rus - there is an ancient Slavic legend of the three siblings. It was Cech, Lyakh (Pole), Mech (Rus).
@vostok ,

Can you enlighten us about the Republik of Buryatia of the Russian Federation ? I know that the people there are Mongolian in descent and speak Mongolian. Are there any wishe within the Buryat community to claim Mongolia ? What do you think of a Mongolian union with China ? How do you think this would be interpreted by Russia's own Mongolian population ?

Spasebo! Das vedanya.
To be honest, I know little about them. However, never heard about the manifestations of nationalism or seperatism in Buryatia. They are quite harmoniously blended into Russian society and are a part of it for many centuries. It's probably better to ask other Russian members.
At the expense of unification of Mongolia and China - if the sitizens of Mongolia want to, so why not? And if they do not want to - you should not force them.

what will you say now? read vostok's last post, see, what he said. your assumptions were misplaced. you said that russia would never allow it. that was a misconception. russia understands it well, in the current geopolitical scenario, mongolia cannot be a barrier. mongolia should be bridge between russia and china. why should there be any buffer between china and russia? are they going to eat each other? and at the same time, mongolia cannot be left as a political vacuum because usa will exploit the vacuum to build its foothold at the doorsteps of both russia and china. remember, the khanquest of 2011? if mongolia is not integrated into the sino-russian political block, out of nowhere a foreign power will come and use mongolia against both china and russia. now if you persistently support usa, then its a different matter. vostok was right, soviet union never tried to exterminate the natives like what the europeans did in all their colonies.

i wholeheartedly agree with vostok that only if and if, mongolians want, there can be reunification. the it is the duty of the government to convince the mongolians and show them what benefits they would get through unification. i also agree with you, mongolia must retain its native identity and should be ruled by mongolians. this can be done if mongolia is given full autonomous status. from revenue collection to policing, all internal administrative powers should be exercised by the mongolians and for the mongolians. actually, the unification will mean more of two separated mongolias (outer and inner) than of with china. i slightly differ from your view that mongolians should always remain nomads. this will be suicidal for mongolians themselves if they don't come to the mainstream with their language and culture intact and preserved. green industry and commerce, wildlife, tourism etc which promote mongolian history and culture -- should be given priority. as for russia, the russian far-east is russian, should and will remain so. russia must have presence in the pacific and russian presence is in china's interests. if you see the map, you will get the clue. this is why china always supports russia in the far-east. without russia, the geopolitical balance in the far-east will be disrupted and north-east asia will be vulnerable to unstability.
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I'm not a fan of white Russians,but I think Denikin and Kolchak was better than Lenin and Stalin in morality,at least they didn't butcher their own people,they love their motherland,and it's nothing wrong to be patriots,I against the aggressive policy of czarist Russia,but czarist Russia is still better than communist Russia
Thanks for your replies @vostok . Several years ago I had visited Eastern Europe with a bunch of my friends from Japan and the United States. We took the Euro-Rail and then when we arrived to Western Ukraine we took the Ukrainian rail from Lvov to Kiev. When we were in Kiev we had a historical tour -- visited the Maidan , and even went to the Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, as well as visited the underfloor monastery (Orthodox Christian) that had the preserved bodies of the Saints. It was wonderful experience for me as an Orthodox Christian , really. What inspired me was that when we arrived to Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, the priests explained to us that apparently during the 13th century when the Armies of the Golden Horde came to siege Kievan Rus, the people who were in the cathedral were spared. There was an attribution to this as a miracle. The frescos , paintings, even the Iconostasis are apparently an example of classical Byzantine theological art. Everything is preserved ...beautiful. Am actually a fan and adorer of the Kievan Rus King, Yaroslav the Wise, the first of the Rus to convert to Christianity. I admire a lot about Russian, history and culture. Even the cyrillic language, which was a gift to all people by St. Cyrillus, Glory be to God. I had visited also Belorussia -- and stayed in Minsk for couple of days for filming and to attend the tours. I never had the chance to visit Russia proper , but someday, I would love to.
On a funny note,







But, @Skull and Bones - San,

The Whale meat is so scrumptious and delicious. Have you ever had whale steak or whale sashimi ? :smitten:

Aigoo...so good! :lol:
not funny at all , only fascist sadistic people find killing a funny topic

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