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Russia has now a bigger space budget than whole Europe together

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Are you a Russian?
Dafuq!!!c ISRO budget is more than Chinese Space budget?

For European contributors to ESA, the national budgets shown are separate from their contributions to ESA.

ESA +Separate european states in the EU =12.000+ million $

ESA +Separate european states in the EU =12.000+ million $

and how many people you have you pathetic bunch? 509 vs 143 million? Russias for its size of population has 3 times more space budget than average european

see Glonass achievement, you have much bigger budget but your crappy Galileo isnt even out yet

and how many people you have you pathetic bunch? 509 vs 143 million? Russias for its size of population has 3 times more space budget than average european

see Glonass achievement, you have much bigger budget but your crappy Galileo isnt even out yet

You need to chill Ivan,i'm not the one who created a thread bragging that Russia spends more than whole of Europe put together.I just debunked it by showing you that EU states spend more than double than Russia,that's it.It's called resource pulling,a smart thing to do,and an increasing trend in Europe.

Galileo will be ready,chillax son.And a big LOL,Glonass began in 1982 and was modernized in the 2000's while Galileo program saw first stage in 2003 plus it will be far more accurate than Glonass.
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