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Russia has now 146 Million People

:lol: so we debating the number of virgins these terrorists dream about?

Wikipedia as a source? :lol:

Daddy issues...

Yup, thought so.
Not quite clear on the meaning, eh? Only so much "Most Grorious Party School of much Engrish" can impart. Don't get me wrong, "Daddy Issue" jokes can be great....but context is important.
Not quite clear on the meaning, eh? Only so much "Most Grorious Party School of much Engrish" can impart. Don't get me wrong, "Daddy Issue" jokes can be great....but context is important.

Listen bro, I'm tired of getting into these useless debates and getting banned.
Russia and India can have a exchange of population. What stops Indian academics from going to Russia is the lack of oppurtunities which is a main pproblem. Or else they would have been a Indian-Russian Community there on the basis of Indian-American community.
This is bogus. Russia's demo is declining. All white Russians are leaving Russia or not having babies and Russia is importing Turkics and from the caucasus to make up for it. On the long term it won't matter, Russia is heading for demographic disaster. It is certain that Russia's population will decline 30-50 million and % of non Russians will increase explosively. Read this article:

In his recent state of the nation address, President Vladimir Putin said the most urgent problem facing Russia is its demographic crisis.

The country's population is declining by at least 700,000 people each year, leading to slow depopulation of the northern and eastern extremes of Russia, the emergence of hundreds of uninhabited "ghost villages" and an increasingly aged workforce.

Now, one of Russia's leading sociologists has warned that the country's population may halve by the middle of this century.

Official Russian forecasts, along with those from international organisations like the UN, predict a decline from 146 million to between 80 and 100 million by 2050.

But in an exclusive interview to the BBC, Viktor Perevedentsev, who has been studying Russia's population since the 1960s, said he believed even these figures may be overly optimistic.

He said the decline was likely to accelerate and that the Russian leadership should accept the population had reached a "tipping point", beyond which direct intervention would be ineffective.

Birth-rates in many developed, industrialised countries are stagnant or declining. But when this is combined with very low life-expectancy and an increasingly unhealthy population, Mr Perevedentsev agrees that the term "catastrophe" reflects reality. It is not a case of hyperbole from overly emotional Russian patriots, he says.
BBC NEWS | Europe | Russia faces demographic disaster

news source from 2006, you dont know anything about russias demographics and wish simple the worst for russia because you are just racist in nature
How about inviting Some pakistanis into your country?

if we can increase Pakistan Population from 130Million in 1998 to 185milllion now.

We can increase your population from 150Million to 200Million in a matter of less than 2decades :D
How about inviting Some pakistanis into your country?

if we can increase Pakistan Population from 130Million in 1998 to 185milllion now.

We can increase your population from 150Million to 200Million in a matter of less than 2decades :D
Russia's population can be increased by forty million by Ukraine's accession. :whistle:
Russia's population can be increased by forty million by Ukraine's accession. :whistle:

+++ With Ukranian Minds.Russia will undergo a major economic uplift

I am in support of russian invasion of Ukraine if they are willing to continue the supply of Al khalid engines to Pakistan :D
Brazil has a bigger population and economy than Russia :cool::smokin::smokin::smokin::smokin:Btw how would a Brazilian person be treated in Russia? I want to go to St. Petersburg and Moscow primarily.
news source from 2006, you dont know anything about russias demographics and wish simple the worst for russia because you are just racist in nature
Keep dreaming. I'm just telling you how it is. Nothing has changed in few years. Russia can't go from a projection of population reduction of 30-50 million to stabilized population between 2006-2014. If you want I can post new source but you won't want to see the reality anyhow. No need to waste time for me. Even Putin added this if you read the article. Only dummies like you lack behind. :)
Keep dreaming. I'm just telling you how it is. Nothing has changed in few years. Russia can't go from a projection of population reduction of 30-50 million to stabilized population between 2006-2014. If you want I can post new source but you won't want to see the reality anyhow. No need to waste time for me. Even Putin added this if you read the article. Only dummies like you lack behind. :)

russian demographics soon will stebalize and we have many other russians living abroad as well as chinese we can import
+++ With Ukranian Minds.Russia will undergo a major economic uplift

I am in support of russian invasion of Ukraine if they are willing to continue the supply of Al khalid engines to Pakistan :D
This is not an "invasion." Ukraine - the cradle of the Russian nation and the Russian state. Ukraine - the most ancient Russian land. So it's not an "invasion" - it is reunification.
russian demographics soon will stebalize and we have many other russians living abroad as well as chinese we can import
Only assumptions. Those Russians abroad don't even want to come back. Why would they return to Russia from where they escaped, and then go back 50% in living standards? Those Russians are already Americanized they won't come back. The only source that keeps Russia's population from going down very fast is Turkic migration but if you read instead of dreaming you will understand that that won't be enough to compensate for extreme low brith rates by white Russians and extreme death rates. Anyhow your population will go down 30-50 million and on top of that.Most of your population will be muslim. Putin said demographic disaster is coming and you think you are smarter than him? I gave you the math in that article. Now give me your math instead of assumptions.
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