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Russia has now 146 Million People

And you are hugely biased and close the reality of Russia to yourself you dont even life nor can speak Russian
that makes me the most unbiased person here when it comes to russia
that makes me the most unbiased person here when it comes to russia
No it doesnt
Did you life in one of the poor villages or in siberia where people like Putin the military and things like that dont matter to anyone there?
Maybe Russia is prosperous and mighty in cities like Moscow and Krasnodar but most Russian dont live in those cities
Islam is already collapsing see syria, muslims are killing muslims :rofl: we have many chinese, indias and vietnamese who we can import. In the long run atheism will prevail and wipe out religion. Turkey is full of kurds, if syrian kurds become independent it will be a bricking stone for turkeys collapse :chilli:

look where your brazil is :rofl:
can i ask how old u are?
Writing all ur wet dreams into this kind of forum is sad, u should get some kind of Diary
can i ask how old u are?
Writing all ur wet dreams into this kind of forum is sad, u should get some kind of Diary
and this is your 18th post and you have nothing better to do then come here and search for trouble, it shows how pathetic you are
An average Russian male's life expectancy is ~64 years. That's lower than many 3rd world countries :lol:

Drinking too much vodka is not good for your health, comrade. Drinking is widespread in their culture and its effects can be seen in their social fabric and public health.
If Russia did not have the high level of abortion that it did during the 60s,70s,80s, today Russia would have had an extra 100 million people. From 1957 to 1991 there were at least 3 million abortions a year. It was not uncommon to have 5 million abortions per year during the 60s. This site has the Data showing the high level of abortion in Russia from 1957 to present.

Historical abortion statistics, Russia

After ww2 Stalin had banned abortion in order to increase Russia's population he knew Russia had to have an increasing population in order to compete with the increasing population of the US. But Khruschev reversed this policy and today Russia is feeling the consequences of this suicidal decision by Khruschev. Now Putin who is trying to revive Russia's position as a super power knows a large population is needed which is why he is trying to ban abortion.
If Russia did not have the high level of abortion that it did during the 60s,70s,80s, today Russia would have had an extra 100 million people. From 1957 to 1991 there were at least 3 million abortions a year. It was not uncommon to have 5 million abortions per year during the 60s. This site has the Data showing the high level of abortion in Russia from 1957 to present.

Historical abortion statistics, Russia

After ww2 Stalin had banned abortion in order to increase Russia's population he knew Russia had to have an increasing population in order to compete with the increasing population of the US. But Khruschev reversed this policy and today Russia is feeling the consequences of this suicidal decision by Khruschev. Now Putin who is trying to revive Russia's position as a super power knows a large population is needed which is why he is trying to ban abortion.

The US population is increasing but at a cost to the % of the US population made up of non Hispanic whites. Today that % is down to 60%, under 200 million. As that % continues to fall, the US continues to weaken. :victory:
When it comes to demographics, nobody can match Islam.

Islam is now literally present in every inch of globe, Mashallah. Muslims nations are globally spread all over the planet across multiple continents and here are the demographics over-look.

> Total population: 1.65 to 1.7 billion

> Average age: 23 years old
> Average fertility: 3 babies per female :toast_sign:

> Average income: ~$ 6000+ (In general, Muslim World is a "middle-income" world over-all)

80% of people in Muslim World are between the ages of 1 year to 45 years.

Muslims have a higher marriage rate and a lower divorce rate than general world population, therefore they remain in sexual unions for more time than peoples from other groups. Therefore, chances of child bearing increase with Muslims.

Majority of Muslims are in their fertile age/marriage-able age, and will be reproducing in coming years. So demographics of Islam will become even more stable by 2050 etc.

Russia can open its gates to Islamic immigration to solve its population problem. Do it with better planning however. Don't let Muslim population isolate because this will breed radicalization. Have special courses ready for immigrants in Russian. Have Russian Muslim imams, and Russian Mosques ready to cater for Islamic community and so on.

The biggest demographic disaster for humanity is sub-saharan Africa however. Those idiots produce 6 babies on average with developmental levels of 10th century!!! Per capita income isn't even $900 there. No hospitals, roads, tractors, or anything. Decades of civil war, murder, rapes, and beheadings. And those Africans are set to cross 4 billion mark by next century (U.N population division report). This is scary for human race as a whole.
Only assumptions. Those Russians abroad don't even want to come back. Why would they return to Russia from where they escaped, and then go back 50% in living standards? Those Russians are already Americanized they won't come back. The only source that keeps Russia's population from going down very fast is Turkic migration but if you read instead of dreaming you will understand that that won't be enough to compensate for extreme low brith rates by white Russians and extreme death rates. Anyhow your population will go down 30-50 million and on top of that.Most of your population will be muslim. Putin said demographic disaster is coming and you think you are smarter than him? I gave you the math in that article. Now give me your math instead of assumptions.

Only in your dreams retarded Turk :lol:

The Sochi Olympics are now officially underway, and I’ll be pivoting to cover that shortly, but the end of the year results from Rosstat are in and it’s official: Russia just recorded the first natural population growth since the Soviet Union collapsed. It’s true that the amount of growth wasn’t a particularly large: a total of 23,000, which amounts to an annual rate of about 0.016%. But when you look at how this compares to Russia’s recent performance you see that it’s a pretty astounding turnaround.

Russia Just Recorded Its First Natural Population Growth Since The Collapse of The Soviet Union - Forbes
If I'm not mistaken, Russia has surplus female population?
Funny to see the Russians (and more interesting) the non Russians getting wetdreams about how "mighty" they are
youre pathetic troll

islamic countries have lower IQ than europeans and east asians
Nope ur just super annoying and well that proves that ur an stupid racist,
or i missed the last time an islamic country or any country had an IQ testo_Oo_Oo_O
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