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Russia Gains Stranglehold Over Persian Gulf

hi guys, this is my very first post here
but i had a question about this, there were some news about iran and russia signing deals about sales of military equipment over the years, but the media said that these deals were all fake or just rumours, but could it be that the deals were actually true, but because of the sanctions, russia didnt send anything to iran, but now, they are preparing some of the stuff to send to iran as we are closing to 2020 and some of the sanctions will be lifted by then?
i had heard some military experts giving this possibility and wanted to know if its true or not.

we said we are going to buy fighter jets some Su-30SM and Su-35 and some tanks and some Mi-8 and Mi-17 and some attack helicopter and supersonic missiles and.... so its true but we do not say anything about them until next year. the point is we need all of them and we will buy them one way or another because we have too we need too.
Yep, Bandar-e-Bushehr port in center of Persian gulf with depth in 20-30 meters, it ideal for our (Russian) warships and nuclear submarines.. *Sarcasm*.
If be serious, I want to pay attention that this site - oilprice.com is not the first time that it has published propagandist sensationalists materials on Russia and Iran.
hi guys, this is my very first post here
but i had a question about this, there were some news about iran and russia signing deals about sales of military equipment over the years, but the media said that these deals were all fake or just rumours, but could it be that the deals were actually true, but because of the sanctions, russia didnt send anything to iran, but now, they are preparing some of the stuff to send to iran as we are closing to 2020 and some of the sanctions will be lifted by then?
i had heard some military experts giving this possibility and wanted to know if its true or not.
There might be some possibility of this.......but..
Unfortunately when it came to these sorts of deals with iran russias reputation is not very good,probably the best description of this would be:"A day late and a rouble short.The russians often tended to look at iran and any deals with it as potential bargaining chips with the west,the s300 sam deal was a perfect example of this sort of bad business practice,tho there were plenty of others.So this didnt exactly earn russia a great reputation as either a reliable economic partner or military supplier.Most of the deals since then have been pretty small scale stuff,usually either purchasing a couple of examples of something like a radar for evaluation and possible reengineering or license production of small arms,assault and sniper rifles,and possibly short range guided weapons like the kornet or krasnopol,tho in those 2 cases its just as likely imho that these were acquired thru reengineering of third party examples,with the recently unveiled vasilek gun/mortar being another one.
About the only things that iran would currently really be interested in militarily would be new military aircraft such as fighters,most likely the su30 as this would not only be a good f14 replacement but it also has much better multi-role capabilities as well,large military transport aircraft like the modernised il76,new transport helicopters such as the mil17 and mil26 and new army aviation attack helos like the mil28,ka52,mil35.
The problem tho is that owing to russias poor reputation there is a justifiable fear that without local iranian production of the su30s airframe and a lot of its critical systems ie engine,avionics etc..,then you would be running the risk of winding up with new aircraft that could be grounded thru sanctions and the resulting lack of spares and logistic/after market support and back up,so its very likely imho that any deal would be conditional on local production.
Ultimately tho I`ve always had the impression that for rouhani and co doing deals with the russians and acquiring new weapons were always low priorities that were right at the bottom of their "to do" list,and even the slow death of the jcpoa does not have appeared to have really changed that view much,at least from what I can see.
likely the su30 as this would not only be a good f14 replacement
su-30 is not a replacement for f-14 and it can't be.
aircraft that could be grounded
one of the reasons Iran is going after su-30 and not mig-35 is the fact that there will not be any problem regarding spare parts during embargos.
su-30 is not a replacement for f-14 and it can't be.
Its probably the single closest thing that there is currently available on the market today.Its the only 2 seater heavy weight long range fighter,the su35 being a single seater,and the only other thing that comes somewhat close would be the mig31 which is a dedicated interceptor not a fighter.The big advantage over the f14 is that it is a true multirole machine able to do both air defence and strike missions,the downside is that its primary long range bvr weapon the r77s are not in the same league as the aim54 or fukour90,tho I would imagine that one option would be to modify the su30s avionics to be able to work with the aim54/fukour90 combo.Ultimately at some point the f14 fleet will have to be replaced and short of iran reengineering the f14+ that doesnt really leave very many options for a dedicated replacement.
one of the reasons Iran is going after su-30 and not mig-35 is the fact that there will not be any problem regarding spare parts during embargos.
I dont know why you would assume that,the su30 is not like the soviet era mig29 that was manufactured in large numbers and supplied to many client states with large stockpiles of spares still available from various sources that could possibly bypass sanctions.The su30 is only manufactured by the russians and the indians and even the indians dont seem to be able to produce enough spares for their own needs and still have to rely on the russians to some degree.This same problem however would likely be true for any new fighter that iran purchased and had to depend upon external suppliers for logistics back up and after market support for.
The other option would be to do nothing while conserving and upgrading the existing force and wait for the chinese aircraft industry to catch up technologically with the russians and the west,hopefully within the next 1-2 decades,and possibly look at then going to an all 5th gen fighter force.......that of course is ultimately assuming that the chinese are more reliable that their russian counterparts are....
Its probably the single closest thing that there is currently available on the market today.Its the only 2 seater heavy weight long range fighter,the su35 being a single seater,and the only other thing that comes somewhat close would be the mig31 which is a dedicated interceptor not a fighter.The big advantage over the f14 is that it is a true multirole machine able to do both air defence and strike missions,the downside is that its primary long range bvr weapon the r77s are not in the same league as the aim54 or fukour90,tho I would imagine that one option would be to modify the su30s avionics to be able to work with the aim54/fukour90 combo.Ultimately at some point the f14 fleet will have to be replaced and short of iran reengineering the f14+ that doesnt really leave very many options for a dedicated replacement.
dude you are looking at it from wrong point, it's not about su-30 vs f-14. in a fleet consisting of f-7s, f-5s and f-4s you don't replace f-14s. also you are underestimating f-14, there is no other 4th generation like it in world. it has agility of a flanker and combination of AWG-9 and AIM-54 that enables it to hunt down enemies in really long range. also if you ask pilots they prefer f-14 over mig-31.
I dont know why you would assume that,the su30 is not like the soviet era mig29 that was manufactured in large numbers and supplied to many client states with large stockpiles of spares still available from various sources that could possibly bypass sanctions.The su30 is only manufactured by the russians and the indians and even the indians dont seem to be able to produce enough spares for their own needs and still have to rely on the russians to some degree.This same problem however would likely be true for any new fighter that iran purchased and had to depend upon external suppliers for logistics back up and after market support for.
The other option would be to do nothing while conserving and upgrading the existing force and wait for the chinese aircraft industry to catch up technologically with the russians and the west,hopefully within the next 1-2 decades,and possibly look at then going to an all 5th gen fighter force.......that of course is ultimately assuming that the chinese are more reliable that their russian counterparts are....

while only Egypt and Russia operate mig 35.
on the other hand Venezuela, Armenia, India and China operate su-30. it seems like "name four close friend" list isn't it??;);)
Constitutional Law dose not let for any country to establish a military base in Iran, Law clearly say that protection of Iran main land and waters and interest is the ARMY duty and no country is allow to have military base in Iran ever period, and that's it, so i call this article false.
Why did Iran write such a thing in Constitution? It is surprising. Isn't it the decision of the executive to decide according to needs of time?
Why did Iran write such a thing in Constitution? It is surprising. Isn't it the decision of the executive to decide according to needs of time?

Although I’m Russian, but I know that Iran had too unpleasant experience with foreign troops on its territory in last centuries. For example, during the last shah, the US soldiers in Iran had immunity comparable to diplomatic and didn't bear responsibility even for crimes committed there.
Therefore, after the revolution 1979, in the new Iranian Constitution was fixed that that the creation of foreign military bases on Iranian territory is forbidden under any pretext.
Why did Iran write such a thing in Constitution? It is surprising. Isn't it the decision of the executive to decide according to needs of time?

well we never give a base to another country's military in all of our history so there is the pride reason and we do not need to, we are strong we have manpower of over 40 million and a country with the size of half the Europe no one going to invade a country like that simply because no one can take it but another reason is that we have nuclear weapons now, yes its a open secret but they are there, and if im not wrong we soon ( if not already ) going to pass even India in intercontinental ballistic missiles, so all said, there is no reason to give a base to anyone when you are that powerful.
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