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Russia 'delivers missiles to Syria

SH-2 is 122mm and SH-1 is 155mm.

SH2 looks great.
Oh, they were operational.

oh go educate yourself

07.10.08 Olmert unlikely to persuade Russia not to arm Iran, Syria - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

MOSCOW - Outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will seek Tuesday to persuade Russian President Dmitry Medvedev not to sell weapons to Iran and Syria, but with little chance of success, diplomatic sources said.

Jerusalem is particularly concerned that sales of Russia's S-300 anti-aircraft missile system could threaten Israel's air superiority over both states. And if Iran received these missiles, it would be able to protect its nuclear sites more effectively, making an aerial strike on these sites more difficult.

However, Russia's arms export monopoly denied that it plans to deliver the S-300 missiles to either Iran or Syria, the Interfax news agency reported Monday.
Since Syria has got it, then some have already been transferred to Iran by now. In a year or so do not be surprised to see them copied in Iran and mass produced with a new Iranian name on it and then these copies transferred to Syria.

With a range of upto 300 Km and flying just 5 meters above the ground at a speed of 2.5 Mach, they are among the deadliest cruise missiles ever built:

That Israel jammed when they hit your nuclear bomb making facility. :lol:

They were in an out before you even knew.

Syria is in a civil war. Enjoy it.
how ******* stupid are you?
the S300 wasn't operational back then
Can you stop derailing the thread ? Please Report and Ban this idiot.
as already mentioned, the guy is probably an Indian. If he wasn't so damn dumb then it would be fun debating with him but the guy can't get anything right. Doesn't know his face from his a ss but he keeps throwing up on the forum with his retarded posts.

IT doesnot matter how may missiles comes from anywhere, the criminal regime of bashar will be thrown. he will be killed soon


IT doesnot matter how may missiles comes from anywhere, the criminal regime of bashar will be thrown. he will be killed soon


Of Course Bashar will die one day but it's not that time noting lasts for however he will be replaced by someone else either syrian military or his Brother maher assad. anyway this thread is about Russia and Syria stop derailing it ok, we all don't want the highly successful Saudi Model or the Iraq Model now do we ?;)
what i mean don't be happy with these missiles soviet union came down though it had thousands of nukes
syrian regime is threatened from inside and not from outside. it served israel very well since 40 years


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