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Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe as Temperatures Drop

Gas prices plunged 20% as the US launched its massive LNG fleet. Many investors may have gone bankrupt due to this sudden volatility in the last month.
No, it's the other way around. The Russians are talking war not NATO.

You are splitting hairs

Is english your native language? Because if it isn't, the headline reads military "response" which can only occur when someone has acted first.

Splitting hairs? You must not have conducted an indepth study of Russian history, which is probably why you have a novice view on the matter.

I would suggest you read books rather than videos.
If Russia were truly European, then it wouldn't be attacked by Europe with economic sanctions at the behest of America and Britain.

Russia has been ostracized from Europe since the 1917 Revolution and has been treated as a black sheep for trying to push a Socialist agenda on the rest.
Is english your native language? Because if it isn't, the headline reads military "response" which can only occur when someone has acted first.

It says a military response to NATO expansion. A NATO expansion is not war nor a military response.

Do you somehow consider Pakistan joining some China alliance some kind of act of war or some kind of military response?
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This is all propaganda unfortunately - lots of it is BS. Report from Reuters below clarifies it.

Spokespeople for RWE (RWEG.DE) and Uniper (UN01.DE), which are among Gazprom's biggest gas buyers in Germany, said the Russian group was meeting delivery obligations.
Russia has been ostracized from Europe since the 1917 Revolution and has been treated as a black sheep for trying to push a Socialist agenda on the rest.

Ostracized? That's rich coming from a Europe where the colonialist mindset is alive and kicking with French and British running rampant in North Africa. First they bomb Libya out of existence based no hostile action from Libya. Then they complain about migrants.

Europe doesn't have any legs to stand on an ostracize anyone in the world.

As for Russia, the Bolshevik Revolution, as it is correctly recognized was a brutality imposed on the Russian people. It bares stark similarities to the Color Revolutions of Eastern Europe and the Arab Springs of Middle East and North Africa. Any baseline political science student will spot this point.

It says a military response to NATO expansion. A NATO expansion is not war nor a military response.

Either you are woefully ignorant of history, or you have selective memory. Whichever the case, a Russia which has experienced invasions from a European Napoleon and a European Hitler. Is most certainly going to take a NATO expansion as a direct threat.

NATO was established on the grounds of a Soviet threat to Europe. It's been 30 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. What possible threat does NATO have to justify it's existence? Where Russia being a major trading partner of Europe, what possible benefit Russia could ever have from invading Europe? It's more like Russia shooting itself in the foot if it were intending to invade Europe.

NATO expansion is to fight extraterrestrials right? They must have discovered a inter-dimensional portal on the border between Europe and Russia, correct?

Do you somehow consider Pakistan joining some China alliance some kind of act of war or some kind of military response?

Why don't you go ask the indians this same question and see how they respond huh?!
Is most certainly going to take a NATO expansion as a direct threat.

Again the Russian people should be asking why their ex-Soviet states have abandoned Russia as their Socialist ideological leader. This is a complete failure of the Socialist Revolution...which is exactly the top goal Western Europe since 1917 has been trying to achieve with the Russian people...not a military invasion.

NATO was established on the grounds of a Soviet threat to Europe. It's been 30 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. What possible threat does NATO have to justify it's existence?

Well you can argue it the other way. If the Soviet Union dissolved leaving Russia weakened..and NATO did nothing...why is Russia suddenly worried NATO will do something militarily? You think NATO is just being gentlemanly and allowing Russia more than a 10 count after it hit the boxing ring mat??? Maybe NATO stepped out of the ring to go jog around the arena 30 times.

Certainly NATO wants as many countries removed from being under the wing of the Russians. That's no secret.
Again the Russian people should be asking why their ex-Soviet states have abandoned Russia as their Socialist ideological leader. This is a complete failure of the Socialist Revolution...which is exactly the top goal Western Europe since 1917 has been trying to achieve with the Russian people...not a military invasion.
Why Russian people chose socialism in the first place? Is today's Russia any better than Soviet Russia? Russia was tricked by the west by the promise of fast development if they gave up socialism, the west tried to trick China too in the late 1980's but China didn't fall for it. Russians learn a hard lesson that she should never trust the west who only thinks about cutting Russia down.
The difficult times that the Soviet Union experienced in the 1980's was what China also experienced even in a much worse form, but some changes of policies can help to get over them, you don't have to kill yourself to cure a nonfatal disease.
Russia was tricked by the west by the promise of fast development if they gave up socialism

That's basically an admission that the Soviets had a failed state and needed outside help to rectify it.

the west tried to trick China too in the late 1980's but China didn't fall for it.

So I guess you had a half-failed state and looked for outside help to fix things? Or are you going to pull some "The West secretly sent 100 representatives to us...but we declined..it was all hush-hush" garbage.
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That's basically an admission that the Soviets had a failed state and needed outside help to rectify it.
Every country has ups and downs, it doesn't make them altogether a failed states, Now US is a failed state by your standard. Countries just need to ajust their policies according to the changing situation, it's not outside help.
So I guess you had a half-failed state and looked for outside help to fix things? Or are you going to pull some "The West secretly sent 100 representatives to us...but we declined..it was all hush-hush" garbage.
We fixed it by ourself, we are much better at fixing problems than US government.
Again the Russian people should be asking why their ex-Soviet states have abandoned Russia as their Socialist ideological leader. This is a complete failure of the Socialist Revolution...which is exactly the top goal Western Europe since 1917 has been trying to achieve with the Russian people...not a military invasion.

Umm, you seem to be confused, I am not sure at this point.

Russian people themselves revolted against the Bolshevik Soviet regime. The former Soviet states declared independence later on. I didn't see Ukrainians, Georgians or Chechens standing astride Boris Yeltsin demanding Russian independence?
Umm, you seem to be confused, I am not sure at this point.

Russian people themselves revolted against the Bolshevik Soviet regime. The former Soviet states declared independence later on. I didn't see Ukrainians, Georgians or Chechens standing astride Boris Yeltsin demanding Russian independence?

Yes, so the Russian people should be asking themselves why they are seeing these ex-Soviet countries looking at their Russia as the military menace instead of Western Europe. Isn’t that making them look like the bad guys instead of the West which they have been railing against since the 1950s. All that rhetoric expoused is now in the toilet when ex-Soviet states are now changing sides and singing the West’s rhetoric.
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Nordstream 2 favors Russia.
If Germany cancels it, Russia loses, not Europe.

Russia can do without Nordstream 2 and without selling gas to Europe, it'll just loose tens or hundreds of billions of dollars in export and become an even poorer shithole

Ukraine invades? It's Russia that invaded Ukraine, and plans to invade it again.

Delusional idiot, Russia already got more that it spend on NS2 pipeline by receiving $10 billion of additional profits above normal for Gazprom in 4Q 2021 alone as a result of EU idiots blocking NS2 pipeline.

Gazprom is going to get as a bonus up to $15-20 billions of profits in 1Q 2022 also.

They can keep blocking NS2 forever while Russia is going to keep getting astronomical amount of income for its gas and EU industry will continue collapsing and bankrupting like its happening since October.

And even when EU allows NS2 we are not actually going to significantly increase gas supply to EU or maybe wont increase at all. We only need NS2 as a reserve pipeline to keep Ukraine in check and to shift flows of gas from them and Poland to lower transit fees. Energy poverty and deindustrialisation is the new future of EU.

Here is news flash for you, idiot: Russia will do anything it want and EU will keep paying dozens of billions for Russian gas.

Reading the posts of shithole residents like you in internet presenting themselves as experts on Russia is alway a big entertainment and laughing time :lol:
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Yes, so the Russian people should be asking themselves why they are seeing these ex-Soviet countries looking at their Russia as the military menace instead of Western Europe. Isn’t that making them look like the bad guys instead of the West which they have been railing against since the 1950s. All that rhetoric expoused is now in the toilet when ex-Soviet states are now changing sides and singing the West’s rhetoric.

I already told you why. Because West is rewarding anti-Russian policies and brainwash people with propaganda.

And here is some education for you. Russia has friendly realations with 8 out of 14 Soviet republics.

Russia has bad relations with:

Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine - these 4 countries were strongholds of pro-Hitler Nazis and the West and its propaganda support Nazis and nationalist propaganda in these countries to make these countries anti-Russian.

Georgia and Moldova - separatism issues.

Everything is much simpler than you think.
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I already told you why. Because West is rewarding anti-Russian policies and brainwash people with propaganda.

And here is some education for you. Russia has friendly realations with 7 out of 14 Soviet republics.

Russia has bad relations with:

Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Ukraine - these 4 countries were strongholds of pro-Hitler Nazis and the West and its propaganda support Nazis and nationalist propaganda in these countries to make these countries anti-Russian.

Georgia and Moldova - separatism issues.

Everything is much simpler than you think.

Well shouldn’t that have been a super big hint that they should not have been included in the Soviet Union or were they just unwilling participants forced into it..which is as I recall one of the reasons NATO was created….to band together so smaller countries don't get swallowed up...and part of the Western rhetoric.
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