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Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe as Temperatures Drop

Russia is the one who has NATO at its doorstep. Russia is also the one who has faced countless and relentless economic sanctions imposed by America. As for Europe, it is nothing more than a vassal of America, Britain and France.

Hungary has proven that Europe is the stooge of America. Whether it be regarding migrant crisis, covid vaccine or natural gas supplies. At every turn, Europe has acted at the behest of America, even when such acts hurt Europe.

When Europe imposed economic sanctions on Russia, it retaliated with counter sanctions that hurt European farmers. French farmers protested by dumping their produce in Paris, that were meant for export to Russia.

Europe's energy crisis yet another example of the E.U being a vassal of America. And tomorrow, when war erupts due to Ukraine's extremists and America leads NATO against Russia, it will again be Europe who will suffer the wrath of Russia, because Europe chose to host American military bases on its soil. Despite the fact that Nazis have not been in power for the last 76 years, nor have the Soviets existed for the last 30 years.

Europe needs to grow a backbone, expel American and British military off it's territory and disband NATO. For Russia does not intend to invade it's biggest customer for Natural Gas. Why go to war when you trade and prosper. Nay, it is America who is yearning for war, because it is America who has a sovereign debt of $30 trillion, not Europe and most certainly not Russia.

Those who parrot what the Western media portrays Russia to be, are nothing more than just parrots, with less than a pea sized brain.
Russia is the one who has NATO at its doorstep. Russia is also the one who has faced countless and relentless economic sanctions imposed by America. As for Europe, it is nothing more than a vassal of America, Britain and France.

Hungary has proven that Europe is the stooge of America. Whether it be regarding migrant crisis, covid vaccine or natural gas supplies. At every turn, Europe has acted at the behest of America, even when such acts hurt Europe.

When Europe imposed economic sanctions on Russia, it retaliated with counter sanctions that hurt European farmers. French farmers protested by dumping their produce in Paris, that were meant for export to Russia.

Europe's energy crisis yet another example of the E.U being a vassal of America. And tomorrow, when war erupts due to Ukraine's extremists and America leads NATO against Russia, it will again be Europe who will suffer the wrath of Russia, because Europe chose to host American military bases on its soil. Despite the fact that Nazis have not been in power for the last 76 years, nor have the Soviets existed for the last 30 years.

Europe needs to grow a backbone, expel American and British military off it's territory and disband NATO. For Russia does not intend to invade it's biggest customer for Natural Gas. Why go to war when you trade and prosper. Nay, it is America who is yearning for war, because it is America who has a sovereign debt of $30 trillion, not Europe and most certainly not Russia.

Those who parrot what the Western media portrays Russia to be, are nothing more than just parrots, with less than a pea sized brain.
You really think Russia will win in an economic war?
You really think Europe has more to loose from sanctions by Russia, than Russia has to loose from sanctions by Europe?
Russia's entire GDP is 40% of Germany's, 60% of France, 7% of the EU GDP.
You really think Russia will win in an economic war?
You really think Europe has more to loose from sanctions by Russia, than Russia has to loose from sanctions by Europe?
Russia's entire GDP is 40% of Germany's, 60% of France, 7% of the EU GDP.

In 2018, China and Russia signed a 30-year natural gas supply contract worth US $400 billion.
In February 2021, China and Russia signed a contract to supply an additional $55 billion of natural gas in 2021.
In June 2021, China and Russia began to negotiate a $1.2 trillion natural gas contract.

This is only some natural gas contract. Russia still has a lot of resources such as oil and timber to sell.

Why do some people always think that Russia will be short of money? Has China agreed to participate in the sanctions against Russia?
Russia is the one who has NATO at its doorstep. Russia is also the one who has faced countless and relentless economic sanctions imposed by America. As for Europe, it is nothing more than a vassal of America, Britain and France.

Hungary has proven that Europe is the stooge of America. Whether it be regarding migrant crisis, covid vaccine or natural gas supplies. At every turn, Europe has acted at the behest of America, even when such acts hurt Europe.

When Europe imposed economic sanctions on Russia, it retaliated with counter sanctions that hurt European farmers. French farmers protested by dumping their produce in Paris, that were meant for export to Russia.

Europe's energy crisis yet another example of the E.U being a vassal of America. And tomorrow, when war erupts due to Ukraine's extremists and America leads NATO against Russia, it will again be Europe who will suffer the wrath of Russia, because Europe chose to host American military bases on its soil. Despite the fact that Nazis have not been in power for the last 76 years, nor have the Soviets existed for the last 30 years.

Europe needs to grow a backbone, expel American and British military off it's territory and disband NATO. For Russia does not intend to invade it's biggest customer for Natural Gas. Why go to war when you trade and prosper. Nay, it is America who is yearning for war, because it is America who has a sovereign debt of $30 trillion, not Europe and most certainly not Russia.

Those who parrot what the Western media portrays Russia to be, are nothing more than just parrots, with less than a pea sized brain.

Everyone wants to see Europe freeze to death for the centuries of crimes against humanity.

Always a great day when the bad guys are suffering.
It's going to outright cancel it if Russia invades Ukraine. That's why.
Don't make it seem like Russia has the strong position.
Gas is one of the only things Russia exports, no one wants their other trash. Russia will just loose a huge part of its income and become an even more poor and miserable country.
There are other countries with gas. Even Israel has a lot of gas now from the sea. It's not like Europeans are going to freeze to death.

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Nordstream 2 was in fact a project that was originally proposed by Germany under Angela Merkel.

Russia did not agree at first.

It will be foolish and rather arrogant for anyone to suggest that Russia can't do without Nordstream 2.

If Ukraine dare to invades Dombass, I can assured you that Ukrainian Army will be driven out and the breakaway Dombass will immediately be under the control or protection of Russia.
Just proves that Russia needs to cut off gas to Europe to cripple it. Million will die of unbearable cold. All those dreaming of war with Russia first find an alternative so that you wont freeze to death.

Well, good luck to Europe with using electrical space heaters and portable electrical stoves. It will take a while to heat 5-6 pots of hot water for one person to take a bath though.
Then EU will proposed another round of useless sanctions against Russia and in the meantime the people in EU will be frozen like the meat they keep in the refrigerators.
2016 fictional BBC tv movie about what could happen in a WW3 started by Russia:

They can buy the overpriced freedom gas of USA.

The fun fact is that, USA will use this leverage on Europe on every occasion.

You get what you deserve
Gas and oil pipelines can greatly cut the transportation cost. Europe depends on Russia and China.

Europe already depend of American gas.

The main gas supplier through LNG to Spain last year was USA.
:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:

Nordstream 2 was in fact a project that was originally proposed by Germany under Angela Merkel.

Russia did not agree at first.

It will be foolish and rather arrogant for anyone to suggest that Russia can't do without Nordstream 2.

If Ukraine dare to invades Dombass, I can assured you that Ukrainian Army will be driven out and the breakaway Dombass will immediately be under the control or protection of Russia.
Nordstream 2 favors Russia.
If Germany cancels it, Russia loses, not Europe.

Russia can do without Nordstream 2 and without selling gas to Europe, it'll just loose tens or hundreds of billions of dollars in export and become an even poorer shithole

Ukraine invades? It's Russia that invaded Ukraine, and plans to invade it again.
Nordstream 2 favors Russia.
If Germany cancels it, Russia loses, not Europe.

Russia can do without Nordstream 2 and without selling gas to Europe, it'll just loose tens or hundreds of billions of dollars in export and become an even poorer shithole

Ukraine invades? It's Russia that invaded Ukraine, and plans to invade it again.

:coffee: :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:

You appeared to be totally ignorant about contracts and the geopolitics of region.

While you are entitled to your belief that either the US or NATO will come to battle on the side of Ukraine.

However if a war were to breaks out between Russia and Ukraine today, it will happened very quickly and Ukraine may have a new pro-Russian government installed shortly after that.

The reality is Ukraine is not luring as some of us like us to believe as it does not have any natural resources worth defending or fighting for.

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