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Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe as Temperatures Drop

Russias space program is virtually dead.

Russias biggest problem is extreme corruption on unimaginable levels. Thats the main reason why its called nigeria with snow.

Russian corruption has nothing on European corruption e.g. Greece

Europe has legalised corruption. This is why corruption can never be reduced let alone be eliminated.
LOL.. Russia has few nuke only and Europe nuke triumph Russia by thousands . Hope this makes u sleep better. :rofl:

I sleep perfect. Russia is not a threat in any way.
Russian corruption has nothing on European corruption e.g. Greece

Europe has legalised corruption. This is why corruption can never be reduced let alone be eliminated.

Xi does not agree with your words. Be careful what you say, xi sees Europe as chinas most important partner. You might end in some reeducation camp

"WW3 started by Russia" .... that is laughable statement. A country that has endured invasions by France led by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1812, then invaded by Germany led by Adolf Hitler in 1942. Tens of millions Russians lost their lives in brutal and savage wars waged by Europeans. So to say WW3 would be started by Russia is proclaimed by those who have intellect of a primate ... I take that back ... the intellect worst than a primate.
"WW3 started by Russia" .... that is laughable statement. A country that has endured invasions by France led by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1812, then invaded by Germany led by Adolf Hitler in 1942. Tens of millions Russians lost their lives in brutal and savage wars waged by Europeans. So to say WW3 would be started by Russia is proclaimed by those who have intellect of a primate ... I take that back ... the intellect worst than a primate.

You miss the part where Russia cooperated with Hitler to destroy and anndx Poland.

And btw. Russia is a European country itself.
Russia Cuts Gas Supplies to Europe as Temperatures Drop
10 hours ago

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Supplies on the Yamal pipeline dropped over the weekend. Gazprom
Russia’s state-controlled Gazprom slashed its gas supplies to Europe over the weekend, sending prices surging as the continent prepares for a week of sub-zero temperatures.

Shipments through the Yamal pipeline — which runs through Belarus and Poland to Germany — were at their lowest for at least a month over the weekend, Interfax reported, citing market data. Daily shipments fell from 27 million cubic meters (mcm) Friday to 5.2 mcm and 4.7 mcm on Saturday and Sunday, respectively.

Gazprom also booked only minimal additional capacity on the transit route Monday — 3.8 mcm — worrying markets as gas prices rose across Europe once more.

Gas prices climbed above $1,700 per thousand cubic meters on Monday — 70% higher than the levels seen in September when politicians across the continent first started worrying about a possible Russian squeeze on supplies ahead of the winter.

Russia’s Gazprom Reports Record Profits as Gas Prices Soar
The Yamal pipeline operates at a full capacity of 89 mcm per day, meaning flows were operating at only 4% of capacity Monday.

Russia and Gazprom have previously been accused of trying to squeeze the European gas market to advance its Nord Stream 2 project and push European countries to sign long-term gas deals with Gazprom that guarantee supplies at fixed prices.

The company increased supplies to Europe in the second half of November and early December, though prices have remained elevated given low storage levels in Europe, fears of conflict in Ukraine and new delays to Nord Stream 2’s certification.

The Yamal pipeline is one of Gazprom’s major supply routes into the continent, in addition to the first Nord Stream pipeline and transit through Ukraine. Nord Stream is operating at full capacity and Russia has been reluctant to book additional capacity on the Ukrainian route in recent months.

In auctions held Monday for January transit supply, Gazprom rejected an option to book extra supplies through Ukraine for a fourth consecutive month and booked only 22% of proposed extra supplies on the Yamal route, the state-run TASS news agency reported.

EU is a giant baby and needs to be educated by reality.
You miss the part where Russia cooperated with Hitler to destroy and anndx Poland.

Your statement is incorrect. Russia never cooperated with Nazi Germany to invade Poland. The Bolshevik led Soviet Union may have done something with Nazi Germany, but Russia, no.

You also missed the part where Nazi Germany annexed Sudetenland and the partitioning of Czechoslovakia with blessings of Britain and France.

And btw. Russia is a European country itself.

If Russia were truly European, then it wouldn't be attacked by Europe with economic sanctions at the behest of America and Britain. If Russia were a part of Europe then it wouldn't be openly declared as an enemy of NATO. For if Europe really did recognize Russia as European then it would've advocated on Russia's behalf, when Russia proposed to join NATO.

People really ought to go study history before making absurd claims and making accusations at others.
Your statement is incorrect. Russia never cooperated with Nazi Germany to invade Poland. The Bolshevik led Soviet Union may have done something with Nazi Germany, but Russia, no.

You also missed the part where Nazi Germany annexed Sudetenland and the partitioning of Czechoslovakia with blessings of Britain and France.

If Russia were truly European, then it wouldn't be attacked by Europe with economic sanctions at the behest of America and Britain. If Russia were a part of Europe then it wouldn't be openly declared as an enemy of NATO. For if Europe really did recognize Russia as European then it would've advocated on Russia's behalf, when Russia proposed to join NATO.

People really ought to go study history before making absurd claims and making accusations at others.

Russia is and always was european. Its monarchy was german. It was completly interlocked between UK, Germany, France and Greece courts. There are political differences like always nothing more
Russia is and always was european. Its monarchy was german. It was completly interlocked between UK, Germany, France and Greece courts. There are political differences like always nothing more

With NATO threatening war on Russia, meddling Ukraine, Baltic hostility to Russia, being betrayed by Britain and France during the Crimean War.

Russians know better now how Britain and France operate, under a deceptive guise. That whole European'ness is nothing more than a page of history. The reality today is Europe is a vassal state of America and Britain. Europe is taking orders from Washington DC and London, hosting American and British troops and conforming to what Washington and London dictate. If Europe were truly independent, then it would have prohibited Britain and France from savagely attacking Libya. If Europe were free and independent, then Britain and France would've been prosecuted at the International Criminal Court of Justice for it's brutality in Libya.

Russia did not invade Syria, nor did Russia bomb Libya, nor did Russia occupy Iraq for the last 17 years. However, European militaries led by America and Britain did do all the above mentioned atrocities. So those historical references are destined for the garbage bin of history. If Russia was truly European, then Europe would treat Russia with mutual respect. You can argue the case otherwise, but the reality on the ground demolishes any arguments based on nostalgia.
With NATO threatening war on Russia, meddling Ukraine, Baltic hostility to Russia, being betrayed by Britain and France during the Crimean War.

Russians know better now how Britain and France operate, under a deceptive guise. That whole European'ness is nothing more than a page of history. The reality today is Europe is a vassal state of America and Britain. Europe is taking orders from Washington DC and London, hosting American and British troops and conforming to what Washington and London dictate. If Europe were truly independent, then it would have prohibited Britain and France from savagely attacking Libya. If Europe were free and independent, then Britain and France would've been prosecuted at the International Criminal Court of Justice for it's brutality in Libya.

Russia did not invade Syria, nor did Russia bomb Libya, nor did Russia occupy Iraq for the last 17 years. However, European militaries led by America and Britain did do all the above mentioned atrocities. So those historical references are destined for the garbage bin of history. If Russia was truly European, then Europe would treat Russia with mutual respect. You can argue the case otherwise, but the reality on the ground demolishes any arguments based on nostalgia.

Russia attacked Ukraine and is hostile against the baltics. This is a two sided thing. If you only blame one side you are not credible.

If we are a vassal of USA i wonder why we blocked american actions against iran, put enormous taxes on american companies ect.
Finally they are treated by their own medicine china and russia stop resources if sanctions applied

We are moving to global melt down due to stupid mindset of west specially usa who sanctioned half a world due to their ego know retaliation from china and russia
Russia attacked Ukraine and is hostile against the baltics. This is a two sided thing. If you only blame one side you are not credible.

If we are a vassal of USA i wonder why we blocked american actions against iran, put enormous taxes on american companies ect.

What enormous taxes? All of that was for show, France hasn't received a dime from Amazon nor Google. What's worse, Europe has no choice nor alternative to Google or Amazon to replace with, in case it needs to take punitive action against both corporations. Today Europe stands dependent on NATO for protection, America for trade, Russia for energy and the foreign policy is dictated to by Washington DC.

Oh and that JCPOA, where was Europe to hold America to account on unilaterally pulling out of the agreement?

Remember when America was dismissive of the ICCJ at the Hague? Remember how America didn't give two hoots about being prosecuted on crimes against humanity in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria? Where was Europe then?

You talk about having a two sided view, I call you out right here and right now. For if you regard my questions as being one sided, then Arrivederci o' Buona Notte!
europeans were better off getting nuked but Russia, at least the death would've been quick, in a flash. now they'll have to suffer a slow, grueling, painful, cold, lonely, freezing, shivering death. 😭
Yes, Russia is very generous to agree to sell the only resource Russia's entire economy depends on. Extremely generous.

:sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
So it was your grandfather that build the pipeline from Russia to Germany.
And for FREE.

So check and see if he willing build one across the Atlantic from the US to Europe?

His generosity will be recorded in history for generations to come and NOT Russia.
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With NATO threatening war on Russia,

No, it's the other way around. The Russians are talking war not NATO.
Your statement is incorrect. Russia never cooperated with Nazi Germany to invade Poland. The Bolshevik led Soviet Union may have done something with Nazi Germany, but Russia, no.

You are splitting hairs


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