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'Russia coming back to Bangladesh'

May be t-90 ms tanks or su-27 fighters
If we want to afford them we have increase our Defence Budget at 5% of GDP. And you know we cant just increase our Defence Budget to have some cool toys.
All weather ally? Do you seriously think China would ever favor the Awami's regime over Pakistan? LoLz.

Pakistan's military cooperation with China is ten times fold than your entire " strategic " relations with China :lol:
Do we are at war with Pakistan??? If no then, why China will have to reject us for Pakistan???
Pakistan do not care who is in power in BD LOL

Yes they do care about who's in power as long as the Awamists insist on running their mouths against Pakistan.

We told them off that if they want to get help from us they have to act maturely toward Pakistan.

We can turn your country into a flourishing paradise if your Gov't submits to Islamabad :rofl:
The previous govt was friendly towards Pakistan... we even sold you guys MRLs n ATGMs..:lol:
not friendly, it is more like not anti-pak, anyway i put pakistanis politicians and hasina at same level, pakistani politicans cry for jamati and hasina cry for pakistan LOL
Imran khan is great example of how a great player and captian turns into political joker who cries for TTP LOL
Do we are at war with Pakistan??? If no then, why China will have to reject us for Pakistan???

Of course you aren't at war with Pakistan.

If you were at war with Pakistan, your country should have be turned into ashes long time ago. :rofl:

What I'm saying is that the current regime in power in the BD is hostile toward Pakistan.

Nothing against the Bengal people, don't get me wrong.
Yes they do care about who's in power as long as the Awamists insist on running their mouths against Pakistan.

We told them off that if they want to get help from us they have to act maturely toward Pakistan.

We can turn your country into a flourishing paradise if your Gov't submits to Islamabad :rofl:
sorry we do not want Al-Qaeda here :D
You've got a terror group of your own, and it was a huge deal that you never managed to handle them. :lol: ..

Now get back to your size ...
we kill them and we do not care what others say :D
we are always in our size , Saudi kingdom Zionist jumps too much
not friendly, it is more like not anti-pak, anyway i put pakistanis politicians and hasina at same level, pakistani politicans cry for jamati and hasina cry for pakistan LOL

Nobody cries for jamat .. it was just 1 resolution against extra judicial killing ordered by a kangroooooooo court...

P.S:Yes we dont care abt Bangladesh... but hasina the witch ... keeps popin up n bitching about Pakistan... (as if we give a damn).

Imran khan is great example of how a great player and captian turns into political joker who cries for TTP LOL

Hes a dumbass...
Nobody cries for jamat .. it was just 1 resolution against extra judicial killing ordered by a kangroooooooo court...

P.S:Yes we dont care abt Bangladesh... but hasina the witch ... keeps popin up n bitching about Pakistan... (as if we give a damn).

Hes a dumbass...
if you do not give a damn, then should not act like that, your politicans are funny as hasina LOL
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