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Russia claims India intends to buy S-500 defense system


Sep 20, 2014
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MOSCOWRussia said the chief of defense India like S-500 advanced missile defense system . The S-500 missile defense system is an anti-space weapons defense system with the ability to destroy incoming missiles from low space orbits.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov said New Delhi “potentially” became the first foreign capital to order the S-500. However, he stressed, equipping Russia’s own troops with the latest technology must be completed before being considered for sale abroad.

“When we meet the needs of our own armed forces, we can issue export passports,” he said.

“After that, the commander-in-chief (Russian President Vladimir Putin) can decide whether to deliver the shipment to India, if they submit it,” he added as quoted by Russia Today, Friday (17/9/2021).

Borisov said that friendly relations with New Delhi and lack of shared regional conflicts made them low-risk customers for high-end hardware.

“In some cases, we are happy to sell to India what we don’t sell to other countries,” he said.

The S-500 is a state-of-the-art rocket system capable of destroying fighter jets flying at the fastest speeds, and is reportedly capable of hitting even hypersonic weapons in near-Earth space. The commander-in-chief of the Russian Air Force Sergei Surovikin has claimed that the weapon represents the first generation of anti-space weapons, and that no other system exists today.

Even if India can pony the money and motivation to buy S-500, American sanctions will be a worry for any such purchase. I'm guessing that India will not say anything about S-50 in public for at least the next 10 years.
Even if India can pony the money and motivation to buy S-500, American sanctions will be a worry for any such purchase. I'm guessing that India will not say anything about S-50 in public for at least the next 10 years.
I mean India bought S-400 so they'll also buy S-500
I mean India bought S-400 so they'll also buy S-500
Like I said, this topic can be revisited after a decade. A lot can happen in that time. You may even see Pakistan in talks for S-400! No one can predict that far into the future.
Indian failed to understand ...weapon doesn't provide security. You can buy all the latest and greatest gadgets... but need brave men to counter the frontline.
There is desperation to get some sort of credible BMD under which they can conduct large scale “obliterate Pakistan” operations. However, just the basic distance factor keeps that from ever happening. Unless India is dragged away to Australia - they aren’t surviving a nuclear exchange.
Indian failed to understand ...weapon doesn't provide security. You can buy all the latest and greatest gadgets... but need brave men to counter the frontline.

Well said. Recently I saw an interview of GD Bakshi on under what circumstances Indian soldiers will die for their country. He was told by IA soldiers they will do so if their survivors are given a house, a pension for life, their children get scholarships until college and then get jobs.

Compared to that I also saw an interview of a Pakistan Army regular soldier and he said that as much as he loves his family, his priority is the country. He explicitly said if we are Shaheeds, Allah will take care of the families.

The difference is obvious. I wish someone can find those videos and put them side by side.
Indian failed to understand ...weapon doesn't provide security. You can buy all the latest and greatest gadgets... but need brave men to counter the frontline.
Why does pakistan need nukes, missiles and fighter jets to fight India?
Like I said, this topic can be revisited after a decade. A lot can happen in that time. You may even see Pakistan in talks for S-400! No one can predict that far into the future.
nah we'll get some Chinese version (or the way China is going probably their own thing) of S-400 lol
West is fighter focused, Russia is AD focused

So for the longest time Pakistan strategy was copied from west lets see how they change that policy going forward
Aby S-400 Aye nai aur S-500 mai Interest dekha diya...
Indian failed to understand ...weapon doesn't provide security. You can buy all the latest and greatest gadgets... but need brave men to counter the frontline.
Yes totally agreed... Your loss in every war has taught that lesson.. we will definitely learn from your mistakes.. Thanks for the same and highly appreciate it..
There is desperation to get some sort of credible BMD under which they can conduct large scale “obliterate Pakistan” operations. However, just the basic distance factor keeps that from ever happening. Unless India is dragged away to Australia - they aren’t surviving a nuclear exchange.

It is always something better than nothing.

The war will not suddenly breakout or missile will hit to any city... There will be some kind to tense situation and during the time of preparations will be matter on the date.. Here, it comes the role of spy satellites, intelligence bureau.. Etc...

India will have always upper chance in case of such situation compare to to such other side saying that the defence is full proof..

Even we all are agreed but still countries like US. Russia. China are doing the investment.. They all are not fool enough..

Cost wise also there are other impacts.. Example - india needs only 1-2 missile to destroy any pak city since there is no protects..... At the same time, pak will be needed 7-8 missiles to destroy... Indirectly it will cost to Pakistan... I have not added maintenance, etc cost.. Of those missiles
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