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Russia, China and Pakistan: An Emerging New Axis?

You live in a bubble where you think Indians are held in such high esteem. This is your reality.
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Not gona happen ever since your objectives are too far fetched.Gone are the days of world wars. Yes there is western hegemony, but there are nukes involved too. If anything has too happen then it has to happen only in realms of economics only.

Vostok isn't talking about a global nuclear war.

It's more about forging our own paths independent of the Western hegemony, and succeeding, like with the AIIB.

Anyway the opinion polls show that Indians are the most pro-American people in Asia (only behind the Philippines). Nobody expects India to take an anti-Western stance, that's not possible to begin with.
You can look for profit, and remember old grudges for another 1000 years.
But in the world of the future only voice of winners will be important . Roughly speaking, the veto power will have only those who have helped the West to go to the history (most likely, by peaceful means, without 3WW).

Old grudge applies to US Russian relations also? Why don't you kiss and make up? NO, right? Same applies between India and Pakistan in the real world.

The world of the future belongs to countries which develop their people and their manpower. The concept of military alliances is not something India is interested in. Neither with the 'West' nor with 'non-West'.

We are interested in developing our country and our people. If there are areas where countries, with whom we can work together to mutually benefit, it makes sense. No deployment of Indian troops to any other country, unless under the aegis of the UN.

Vostok isn't talking about a global nuclear war.

It's more about forging our own paths independent of the Western hegemony, and succeeding, like with the AIIB.

Anyway the opinion polls show that Indians are the most pro-American people in Asia (only behind the Philippines). Nobody expects India to take an anti-Western stance, that's not possible to begin with.

The point is neither do we want to take an anti China or anti Russia stance. We do not want to be pulled into a war which is not of our making. Neither are we interested in going to war with a trading partner with who we foresee a growing economic partnership, namely China. Pakistan, is a different matter.
We are interested in developing our country and our people. If there are areas where countries, with whom we can work together to mutually benefit, it makes sense. No deployment of Indian troops to any other country, unless under the aegis of the UN.

Chinese intelligence have already warned Pakistan of potential Indian sabotage on CPEC.

India has been conducting cross border terrorism since its inception for various reasons.

Other nations are prepared to take your money but that doesn't mean they are your friends or your allies. Money is never the basis of a healthy relationship.

India has made many concessions to US behind closed doors. You are being converted to a US vassal state as we speak and the countries in Asia are well aware. They will take your money now but you bet your bottom dollar when the shit hits the fan which sides they will take.
Old grudge applies to US Russian relations also? Why don't you kiss and make up? NO, right? Same applies between India and Pakistan in the real world.

The world of the future belongs to countries which develop their people and their manpower. The concept of military alliances is not something India is interested in. Neither with the 'West' nor with 'non-West'.

We are interested in developing our country and our people. If there are areas where countries, with whom we can work together to mutually benefit, it makes sense. No deployment of Indian troops to any other country, unless under the aegis of the UN.
There are only two camps, and each must choose a side. If someone refuses to choose sides - in the world of the future his voice will means nothing.
Sensationalist journalism. Despite problems in Pak-US relationship, there still (and will continue to) exists a very strong cooperation in the background. Pakistan will not gravitate towards Russia overnight. A gradual warming up of relations is possible, but to a certain limit which is far from this proclaimed "axis".

Besides, Pakistan relies too much on Western technology and economic aid. Believe it or not, good old Uncle Sam has been a good friend to Pakistan over the past decades. So other than this journalist and few hotheads, no one really wants to ditch money bags uncle Sam and go on a honeymoon with a poor Russia.

Finally, India was the world's largest military hardware importer last year. And 75% of these imports came from Russia. So anyone who thinks that Russia will seriously consider ditching its decades old, proven and trusted ally for a fickle, poor and unreliable wild card country is delusional.
That kind of ignorance is expected from the netizens of non-spacefaring nations. There remains a window of only few days in which if launched then only one can achieve his objectives. Timing is very important, everything is calculated. Close dates doesn't mean any co-operation or so called your supervision . :hitwall:

Sure sure sure you are right.

Happy now?

Hm..let's see.

So according to your logic, we should side with Russia to fight the west? Ok. Now, let's add China. How exactly does that benefit us. Now. let's add Pakistan. So, they are ready to stop feeding militants in Kashmir? Not going to happen.

Now, tell us, why should we side with the Chinese or Pakistanis? So, if we don't side with them, as per your logic we don't side with you? That is far fetched.

Secondly, why should we want fight the west. Or for that matter Russia or to extend it further the Chinese? Our problems are territorial with both Pakistan and China. With China, these are solvable. With Pakistan, not going to happen for the next 60 years.

Going by your statement, its seems like the way the US used to say, you are with us or against us. Lets hope the chaps in the Kremlin, do not think likewise.

What about India feeding terrorisms into Pakistan cities, we have lost more than 80,000 innocent people died from Indian-sponsored terrorists groups too in last 12 years. Why any world can't understand reality in opposite?
There are only two camps, and each must choose a side. If someone refuses to choose sides - in the world of the future his voice will means nothing.

You are increasingly sounding like the Americans. I find it difficult to believe, that a Russian is saying this. As for Indo-Russian relations check the below global response to Russian Crimean actions. As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. You can read more about the image on this link and be sure to read the Indian reaction here

. File:Crimea reaction clean.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Vostok isn't talking about a global nuclear war.

It's more about forging our own paths independent of the Western hegemony, and succeeding, like with the AIIB.

Anyway the opinion polls show that Indians are the most pro-American people in Asia (only behind the Philippines). Nobody expects India to take an anti-Western stance, that's not possible to begin with.

Russia joined AIIB only few days before last date. Even they seem not very convinced about that but yep , I am all in for west hegemony to end and it will end only if $ and € get replaced . We need to cut their route , which they uses to print themselves out of economic uncertainty.

I see Chinese expansionsist mindset a big road block to that.

We won't join any coalition at the expense of territorial loss.
India will take Russian military technology and then spit on Russia behind closed doors when fondling around with NATO.

India thinks it can take take take from Russia and give give give to Uncle Sam and everyone will be happy.
India has made many concessions to US behind closed doors. You are being converted to a US vassal state
This is rich coming from a Pakistani. From a US vassal, Saudi vassal to a Chinese vassal. Next will be Kenyan vassal.

What about India feeding terrorisms into Pakistan cities, we have lost more than 80,000 innocent people died from Indian-sponsored terrorists groups too in last 12 years. Why any world can't understand reality in opposite?

Dig your head deeper in the sand. It may help.
You are increasingly sounding like the Americans. I find it difficult to believe, that a Russian is saying this. As for Indo-Russian relations check the below global response to Russian Crimean actions. As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. You can read more about the image on this link and be sure to read the Indian reaction here Annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

. File:Crimea reaction clean.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know, in the days of the Second World War, too, everyone had to choose sides. The winners received all and the losers left the world stage and no economic development will never help them.
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