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Russia, China and Pakistan: An Emerging New Axis?

Everyone should carefully choose his side. Russia is opposed to the West for a long time and will continue to do so. Until the destruction of the hegemony and tyranny of the West.

India hasn't choosen any sides but Russia will always get preference over west as our historical ties run deep and can't be shaken up. You see what's the problem ?? Russia sells same platforms to both India as well as China. But what China does is that it reverse engineers your products and eat into your market share only, worst of all those reverse engineered platforms are passed on to pakistan by China . That is cause of concern for India.
@WAJsal @Pakistanisage

More than the concept of axis, I think, this shows Pakistani foreign policy is getting better. Forget the concept of axis for a minute. If Pakistan, is able to stay away from being pulled into any power struggle in an area not of its strategic interest, yet, do business with both Russia and the US, its a good start.

The Indo Russian defence strategic alignment ended in the 1990s. The best thing that can happen now, is to ensure Pakistan develops better relations with the Russians and avoids getting pulled into falling into conflicts it does not want. That will be the key area of concern for Pakistan.
China and Russia already know India is Uncle Sam pivot in the region. They are not stupid.

Money can't buy everything. India has picked its corner and it will pay the price in the coming decades.

And irony died 100 deaths when you didn't know it's not India but Pakistan, which is non-NATO ally of US :laugh:
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I think people are missing how much influence the US still wields in Pakistan, they're not going to let go so easily.

India hasn't exactly jumped in bed with the US and Japan either, and still has to take care and not annoy China.

China and Russia haven't said a word on Kashmir, they cant afford to annoy India.

geopolitics is not so simple as ditching a girl and going out with another.
China still continuing Cpec in gilgit baltistan.What do you think about that

@mike2000 is back your views ?

what if both countries dump Pakistan and form a global alliance with India:lol:
imagine Worlds 40-45% population and hold of the world under one alliance :D
If China can dump Pakistan then why can't Russia dump India
A big example is India went to Mars under USA supervision, US mission already reached there early before India mission arrived in Mars. This send a wrong message to Russia.

I think, Russia can see it clearly.
A big example is India went to Mars under USA supervision, US mission already reached there early before India mission arrived in Mars. This send a wrong message to Russia.

I think, Russia can see it clearly.

A big example is India went to Mars under USA supervision, US mission already reached there early before India mission arrived in Mars. This send a wrong message to Russia.

I think, Russia can see it clearly.

India sent a Mars probe , didn't went anywhere.And who told you ,it was under US supervision ?? Why the whole nation rolls on conspiracies ?? :hitwall:
LOL, Indians try to change everything.

Mars Probes from US and India Arrive at Red Planet This Month

The U.S.-built probe, NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN(MAVEN) spacecraft, is expected to enter orbit around Mars on Sept. 21. Just days later, on Sept. 24, India's Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) orbiter is due to make its own Mars arrival when it enters orbit. Both MOM and MAVEN launched to space in 2013.

Mars Probes from US and India Arrive at Red Planet This Month

Just google yourself! :disagree:
What will Russia gain in this axis from Pakistan? Pak's economy is still not at the stage that Russia can take the risk of making India angry. Agreed China is a big factor and can act as a bridge between Pakistan and Russia, but I dont think China will finance Pakistan;s defence needs as well.

China just gave soft loan for 8 Yuan Submarines. You must have slept thru that news.
India hasn't choosen any sides but Russia will always get preference over west as our historical ties run deep and can't be shaken up. You see what's the problem ?? Russia sells same platforms to both India as well as China. But what China does is that it reverse engineers your products and eat into your market share only, worst of all those reverse engineered platforms are passed on to pakistan by China . That is cause of concern for India.
Everyone has to choose the side. In the world of the future position of each nation will be determined by how much this or that nation gave to fight with the West.
There will be a new UN and new Security Council. Still not too late to choose a side.
Come on Indians, just be happy for Pakistan, we already had our fun with Modi UAE trip.

Even if this article produced from some student at university, let them be happy.
Everyone has to choose the side. In the world of the future position of each nation will be determined by how much this or that nation gave to fight with the West.
There will be a new UN and new Security Council. Still not too late to choose a side.

Hm..let's see.

So according to your logic, we should side with Russia to fight the west? Ok. Now, let's add China. How exactly does that benefit us. Now. let's add Pakistan. So, they are ready to stop feeding militants in Kashmir? Not going to happen.

Now, tell us, why should we side with the Chinese or Pakistanis? So, if we don't side with them, as per your logic we don't side with you? That is far fetched.

Secondly, why should we want fight the west. Or for that matter Russia or to extend it further the Chinese? Our problems are territorial with both Pakistan and China. With China, these are solvable. With Pakistan, not going to happen for the next 60 years.

Going by your statement, its seems like the way the US used to say, you are with us or against us. Lets hope the chaps in the Kremlin, do not think likewise.
Hm..let's see.

So according to your logic, we should side with Russia to fight the west? Ok. Now, let's add China. How exactly does that benefit us. Now. let's add Pakistan. So, they are ready to stop feeding militants in Kashmir? Not going to happen.

Now, tell us, why should we side with the Chinese or Pakistanis? So, if we don't side with them, as per your logic we don't side with you? That is far fetched.

Secondly, why should we want fight the west. Or for that matter Russia or to extend it further the Chinese? Our problems are territorial with both Pakistan and China. With China, these are solvable. With Pakistan, not going to happen for the next 60 years.

Going by your statement, its seems like the way the US used to say, you are with us or against us. Lets hope the chaps in the Kremlin, do not think likewise.
You can look for profit, and remember old grudges for another 1000 years.
But in the world of the future only voice of winners will be important . Roughly speaking, the veto power will have only those who have helped the West to go to the history (most likely, by peaceful means, without 3WW).
Everyone has to choose the side. In the world of the future position of each nation will be determined by how much this or that nation gave to fight with the West.
There will be a new UN and new Security Council. Still not too late to choose a side.

Not gona happen ever since your objectives are too far fetched.Gone are the days of world wars. Yes there is western hegemony, but there are nukes involved too. If anything has too happen then it has to happen only in realms of economics only.

LOL, Indians try to change everything.

Mars Probes from US and India Arrive at Red Planet This Month

The U.S.-built probe, NASA's Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN(MAVEN) spacecraft, is expected to enter orbit around Mars on Sept. 21. Just days later, on Sept. 24, India's Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) orbiter is due to make its own Mars arrival when it enters orbit. Both MOM and MAVEN launched to space in 2013.

Mars Probes from US and India Arrive at Red Planet This Month :hi

Just google yourself! :disagree:

That kind of ignorance is expected from the netizens of non-spacefaring nations. There remains a window of only few days in which if launched then only one can achieve his objectives. Timing is very important, everything is calculated. Close dates doesn't mean any co-operation or so called your supervision . :hitwall:
:lol: @ pakistanies being treated worse than dogs in Arabian countries. Did your security analyst return yet ?? :rofl: Anyway now go check how many Pakistanies got beheaded in KSA and compare that Indians .

Do you really think India will need anyone when fighting Pakistan ?? :rofl: Get well soon.

Pakistan isn't claiming to isolate a country.

Nobody in the world cares what your Modi says to a stadium full of Indian slaves. Its meaningless.

You can look for profit, and remember old grudges for another 1000 years.
But in the world of the future only voice of winners will be important . Roughly speaking, the veto power will have only those who have helped the West to go to the history (most likely, by peaceful means, without 3WW).

With Indo-US cosying up so closely what gaurantees are there India are not divulging Russian secrets (whatever they may be) to Uncle Sam?

India thinks it can sit on the fence and play everyone like the pied piper but reality is very much different I am sure on geopolitical level.
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