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Russia charges Chinese man with smuggling military equipment

Poor Russia. From superpower to complainer.

When you spend your time and resources ,when you sacrifice so many things to make things from the scratch .The customer who takes just few mins to decide wheather to accept it or reject it then its natural that they complain to save their hard work .But hey you never gonna understand .....
When you spend your time and resources ,when you sacrifice so many things to make things from the scratch .The customer who takes just few mins to decide wheather to accept it or reject it then its natural that they complain to save their hard work .But hey you never gonna understand .....

i understand this very well```took us half year to design, develop and make the goods, and always feel the 'frustration' when the customers came to look for few minutes and walked away``
show me your fancy stealth aircraft. for most educated military fans, T-50 is just a heavily modified Su-27 built with outdated Soviet Union technologies.

You clearly lack basic education as well as critical thinking skills. For something to be modified or 'heavily modified' it has to have commonality with whatever it was based on--a strong commonality, once something becomes 'heavily modified' it becomes less and less of what it was based on. We can say that the Silent Eagles is a modified F-15 and the Mig-35 is a modified Mig-29 but to say that the pak-fa is a modified SU-27 is a pathetic argument. The only thing that Chinese fanboys can even vaguely find in common between the pak-fa and SU-27 is the intakes and the fact that they are not plush with the lower fuselage--and even this is a losing argument since both intakes share a totally different geometry.

So lets take a look at the SU-27 and pak-fa, lets break down the aircraft and see where they share commonality.

Firstly lets start with the front fuselage. The pak-fa has a canted nose, the SU-27 does not.

The canopy design and positioning is also night and day.

The side fuselage of the pak-fa is also canted, the SU-27's is not.

The pak-fa has large movable LERX, the SU-27 does not.

The fuselage behind the pak-fa's canopy is flat, the SU-27's fuselage is round.

The pak-fa and SU-27 share a completely different wing geometry.

I can keep going and going but most people with half a brain understand that the two aircraft are different.

But please you are welcome to point out where the pak-fa and SU-27 are alike.

wake up dude: Soviet Union is going, today's Russia is just a sick cat. We saw it first hand when you had war with your little neighbor in 2008.

And it took all but five day and 64 causalities to take Georgia despite the fact that Georgian troops attacked Russian troops first, were trained by Americans, and had mix of Soviet, American, Israeli and Turkish military equipment. Russia also used mostly outdated weaponry even although they had modern equipment. To make matters worse Russia had no GPS due to a black-out which made communication difficult and rendered many munitions worthless.

And mind telling us what happened to China last time it went to war with its little neighbor Vietnam? How many thousand of soldiers were killed and how many hundreds of tanks were destroyed?
Childish BS.

Would you also like to tell me what is the equivalent Russian design of our WZ-10?

Tell me what kind of engine does your WZ-10 use? And what about the transmition system? How much combat experience does it have? Do not tell me you are not familiar with MI-24's, KA-52's, and KA-50's all are combat proven and are are built to take an anormous amount of punishment.

Sukhoi 100

The same aircraft that uses Russian engines and seekers? The same aircraft manufactuer that came to Russia to help design its radar?
Do u have any idea on what they might be currently working on similarly to the Dark Sword project?
You clearly lack basic education as well as critical thinking skills.

I was educated in the best Chinese engineering school then completed my PhD in a world top 50 university. You can just keep trolling but I can assure you the education I got is better than you 99% russians.

I didn't read your rest post, T-50 looks like Su-27, flies like a Su-27, sounds like a Su-27.
Tell me what kind of engine does your WZ-10 use? And what about the transmition system? How much combat experience does it have? Do not tell me you are not familiar with MI-24's, KA-52's, and KA-50's all are combat proven and are are built to take an anormous amount of punishment.

third class crap with a world reputation being cheap and unreliable.

no more comments on such junks.

Sukhoi 100

why not the other way around?

The same aircraft that uses Russian engines and seekers? The same aircraft manufactuer that came to Russia to help design its radar?

you seriously believe China couldn't make RD-93 class of on its own? then you need to see a doctor.

oh, btw, when you name those fancy stuff above, how many of them were products of the Soviet Union? What price you and your previous generation paid to get them done? Your previous generation stupidly spend 12-14% of GDP on defence industry, eventually killed Soviet Union. After the crash, every russian paid heavy price, the male life expectancy dropped to 58 years.

you still feel proud of this crap? better not.
show me your fancy stealth aircraft. for most educated military fans, T-50 is just a heavily modified Su-27 built with outdated Soviet Union technologies. wake up dude: Soviet Union is going, today's Russia is just a sick cat. We saw it first hand when you had war with your little neighbor in 2008.

btw, we Chinese see you as biggest enemies, we don't think we two nations can live peacefully next to each other forever.

That statement right their proves that your a complete moron, and me trying to talk to you with facts would be just big wast of my time. Funny thing is that, I have been through hundreds of forum's and shat room's and the only people( NOT DR. KROPP) who think J-20 is superior to PAK FA is ether Chinese or Pakistani's. You view the Russians as your biggest enemies, maybe because their the only neighbors you have, that you cannot bully.:lol:
I was educated in the best Chinese engineering school then completed my PhD in a world top 50 university. You can just keep trolling but I can assure you the education I got is better than you 99% russians.

I didn't read your rest post, T-50 looks like Su-27, flies like a Su-27, sounds like a Su-27.

How the hell does the PAK FA look like the SU-27!!!!! For once why don't you back up your retarded arguments with facts you Stupid troll.
That statement right their proves that your a complete moron, and me trying to talk to you with facts would be just big wast of my time. Funny thing is that, I have been through hundreds of forum's and shat room's and the only people( NOT DR. KROPP) who think J-20 is superior to PAK FA is ether Chinese or Pakistani's. You view the Russians as your biggest enemies, maybe because their the only neighbors you have that you cannot bully.:lol:

i guess you've never been non indian-russian fan forums then..

most of of them think t-50 is just a modified flanker

try these

key publishing forum

i guest you've never been non indian-russian fan forums then..

try these

key publishing forum


I have been on a lot of non indian-russian fan forums, I just saw the link you give me, OK I am wrong about this statement Funny thing is that, I have been through hundreds of forum's and shat room's and the only people( NOT DR. KROPP) who think J-20 is superior to PAK FA is ether Chinese or Pakistani's. But at least I am man enough to admit when I am wrong, unlike some members of this forum, I am not going to name them who never even consider such a possibility.
I was educated in the best Chinese engineering school then completed my PhD in a world top 50 university. You can just keep trolling but I can assure you the education I got is better than you 99% russians.

I didn't read your rest post, T-50 looks like Su-27, flies like a Su-27, sounds like a Su-27.

If you're unwilling to read posts then don't bother posting since this is a discussion forum where both parties discuss issues and as so it is only reasonable to read rebuttal especially when you make outrageous claims. You can be a coward and not read but that just shows that you have no rebuttals and you are a coward by ignoring me. As for the pak-fa looking like an SU-27, I have one question for you, did you ever see an eye doctor? How can any reasonable person assume that the pak-fa looks like an SU-27. As I said you are welcome to point out where the pak-fa uses or barrows from the SU-27, in fact I posted pictures to make it easy for you.

As for the pak-fa flying like the SU-27 that is actually a compliment considering the SU-27 broke 41 world records. But you just made a complete fool of yourself considering that the pak-fa has LERX, higher thrust engines with TVC, superior FBW system, all moving vertical stabs, wider spaced engines coupled with TVC, and a higher wing loading.

All things indicate that the pak-fa will be a superior aircraft in terms of performance.

third class crap with a world reputation being cheap and unreliable.

A Chinese talking about being cheap and unreliable---hilarious. If Russian helicopter are so unreliable than why does China keep buying them? Better yet why did China use a Russian engine on the ZW-10? If you did a little research you would find out that Russian helicopter have excellent reliability in all whether conditions a can withstand a high degree of battlefield damage. In fact even the old MI-24's rotor blades can withstand .50 caliber rounds. Russian helicopter are battle proven machines that have been able to return home after being hit with small arms, heavy caliber round and heat seeking stingers. They have proven that they can operate in all climates and they have proven that they can effectively engage and destroy tanks, armored personnel carriers, troop positions or fortified structures.

you seriously believe China couldn't make RD-93 class of on its own? then you need to see a doctor.

:lol: no China just wanted to be really nice and put money into our pockets. Why don't you man up and face reality, if China could make an RD-93 equivalent which is now superseded by the RD33MK then they wouldn't have ordered the RD-93 would they?

So yes I do believe that China couldn't make an RD-93 and that is why they purchased the RD-93. The same goes for the AL-31 and even turbine engines--wow i just realized Chinese engines suck :lol:

oh, btw, when you name those fancy stuff above, how many of them were products of the Soviet Union? What price you and your previous generation paid to get them done? Your previous generation stupidly spend 12-14% of GDP on defence industry, eventually killed Soviet Union. After the crash, every russian paid heavy price, the male life expectancy dropped to 58 years.

you still feel proud of this crap? better not.

All most none, the KA-52 is and was manufactured by Russia, the same goes for the SU-100, the KA-50 program was started in the Soviet Union but Russia completed the project. The same applies for the MI-28 even though I never listed it.
1. Sorry to spoil your fun, but no ICBM is advanced as Topol-M and RS-24 so please stop the BS.

2. PAK DA will be a Stealth bomber as capable or more then any flying wing craft, and unlike some people the Russian don't need to copy US ideas to build a stealth aircraft.

3. LOL do you deny that the Yasen class and Borei class is light years ahead compared to the Type 95 when it comes to quietness, and the Yesen even beats the Virginia class when it comes down to automation of systems because the Yasen crew 90 vs 134 crew for Virgina.

4. There is a lot of evidence that the Russians are working on a much more advanced version of the Gazelle, so don't think you have a lead over anti-ballistic missiles interceptors because you don't.

1. Compare the ranges , warheads, penetration aids of the Topol-M and such missiles to the DF-41 and JL-2, and see for yourself.

2. LOL, you are saying that the PAK DA is better than any future bomber BEFORE the rest of the future bombers are even built? Perhaps your children will be smarter than mine! And oh, we copied the B-2? Then that automatically means our stealth bomber will be much more advanced than the Russian one. US technology surpasses Russian technology in this regard.

3. I hold my thoughts until the data comes out. Unlike you, I do not jump into a pool of imagination-driven fantasy until reports on both submarines come out. From what we know, if the Type 095 uses pump jet, it will probably be in the league of the Barracuda. So far, we know little of the Type 095. Do you have the classified sound levels of the Virginia AND the Yasen? No? Then shut the f*ck up about the Yasen being supposedly "quieter" than the Virginia.

4. There is also "a lot of evidence" that China is building an anti-ballistic laser, the HQ-26 missile, new KT missile family, and direct energy anti-ballistic weapons. Thing is, a lot of these "evidence" turns out to be nothing but forum wet dreams.
As far as the facts go, Russia has not demonstrated its capability to intercept ballistic missiles at midcourse stage. So, until they do, China and US are going to remain as the only two nations that have proved that they have that lead. Dates don't lie, buddy.
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