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Russia asked China for military and economic aid for Ukraine war, U.S. officials say


Nov 4, 2011
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Russia asked China for military and economic aid for Ukraine war, U.S. officials say​

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping attend an ice hockey friendly game between junior teams in Tianjin, China, in  June 2018. | SPUTNIK / KREMLIN / VIA REUTERSRussian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping attend an ice hockey friendly game between junior teams in Tianjin, China, in June 2018. | SPUTNIK / KREMLIN / VIA REUTERS

  • Mar 14, 2022

WASHINGTON – Russia asked China to give it military equipment and support for the war in Ukraine after Russian President Vladimir Putin began a full-scale invasion last month, according to U.S. officials.

Russia has also asked China for additional economic assistance, to help counteract the battering its economy has taken from broad sanctions imposed by the United States and European and Asian nations, according to an official.

U.S. officials, determined to keep secret their means of collecting the intelligence on Russia’s requests, declined to describe further the kind of military weapons or aid that Moscow is seeking. The officials also declined to discuss any reaction by China to the requests.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has strengthened a partnership with Putin and has stood by him as Russia has stepped up its military campaign, destroying cities in Ukraine and killing hundreds or thousands of civilians. U.S. officials are watching China closely to see whether it will act on any requests of aid from Russia. Jake Sullivan, White House national security adviser, is scheduled to meet Monday in Rome with Yang Jiechi, a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s elite Politburo and director of the party’s Central Foreign Affairs Commission.

Sullivan intends to warn Yang about any future Chinese efforts to bolster Russia in its war or undercut Ukraine, the United States and their partners.

“We are communicating directly, privately to Beijing, that there will absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them,” Sullivan said on CNN on Sunday.

“We will not allow that to go forward and allow there to be a lifeline to Russia from these economic sanctions from any country, anywhere in the world,” he said.

Sullivan did not make any explicit mention of potential military support from China, but other U.S. officials spoke about the request from Russia on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of diplomatic and intelligence matters.
A Ukrainian soldier holds an anti-tank weapon used to destroy a Russian armored personal carrier in Irpin, north of Kyiv, on Saturday. | AFP-JIJIA Ukrainian soldier holds an anti-tank weapon used to destroy a Russian armored personal carrier in Irpin, north of Kyiv, on Saturday. | AFP-JIJI

Liu Pengyu, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Washington, said he had never heard of the request from Russia. “The current situation in Ukraine is indeed disconcerting,” he said, adding that Beijing wants to see a peaceful settlement. “The high priority now is to prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control.”

The Biden administration is seeking to lay out for China the consequences of its alignment with Russia and penalties it will incur if it continues or increases its support. Some U.S. officials argue it might be possible to dissuade Beijing from ramping up its assistance to Moscow. Chinese leaders may be content to offer rhetorical support for Moscow and may not want to further enmesh themselves with Putin by providing military support for the war, those U.S. officials say.

Sullivan said China “was aware before the invasion took place that Vladimir Putin was planning something,” but added that the Chinese might not have known the full extent of the Russian leader’s plans. “It’s very possible that Putin lied to them, the same way he lied to Europeans and others,” he said.

Xi has met with Putin 38 times as national leaders, more than with any other head of state, and the two share a drive to weaken American power.

Traditionally, China has bought military equipment from Russia rather than the other way around. Russia has increased its sales of weaponry to China in recent years. But China has advanced missile and drone capabilities that Russia could use in its Ukraine campaign.

Although Russia on Sunday launched a missile barrage on a military training ground in western Ukraine that killed at least 35 people, there has been some evidence that Russian missile supplies have been running low, according to independent analysts.

Last week, the White House criticized China for helping spread Kremlin disinformation about the United States and Ukraine. In recent days, Chinese diplomats, state media organizations and government agencies have used a range of platforms and official social media accounts to amplify a conspiracy theory that says the Pentagon has been financing biological and chemical weapons labs in Ukraine. Rightwing political figures in the United States have also promoted the theory.

Jake Sullivan | REUTERSJake Sullivan | REUTERS

On Friday, Russia called a United Nations Security Council meeting to present its claims about the labs, and the Chinese ambassador to the U.N., Zhang Jun, supported his Russian counterpart.
“Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them,” Jen Psaki, the White House press secretary, wrote on Twitter Wednesday.

China is also involved in the Iran nuclear negotiations, which have stalled because of new demands from Russia on relief from the sanctions imposed by Western nations in response to the Ukraine war.

American officials are trying to determine to what degree China would support Russia’s position in those talks. Before Russia raised the requests, officials from the nations involved had been close to clinching a return to a version of the Obama-era nuclear limits agreement from which Donald Trump withdrew. Sullivan might bring up Iran with Yang on Monday.

Current and former U.S. officials say the Rome meeting is important given the lives at stake in the Ukraine war and the possibility of Russia and China presenting a geopolitical united front against the United States and its allies in the years ahead.

“This meeting is critical and possibly a defining moment in the relationship,” said Evan Medeiros, a Georgetown University professor who was a senior Asia director on the National Security Council during the Obama administration. “I think what the U.S. is probably going to do is lay out the costs and consequences of China’s complicity and possible enabling of Russia’s invasion. I don’t think anyone in the administration has illusions that the U.S. can pull China away from Russia.”

Some U.S. officials are looking for ways to compel Xi to distance himself from Putin on the war. Others see Xi as a lost cause and prefer to treat China and Russia as committed partners, hoping that might galvanize policies and coordination among Asian and European allies to contain them both.

Chinese officials have consistently voiced sympathy for Russia during the Ukraine war by reiterating Putin’s criticism of NATO and blaming the United States for starting the conflict. They have refrained from any mention of a Russian “war” or “invasion,” even as they express general concern for the humanitarian crisis.

They mention support for “sovereignty and territorial integrity,” a common catchphrase in Chinese diplomacy, but do not say explicitly which nation’s sovereignty they support — meaning the phrase could be interpreted as backing for Ukraine or an endorsement of Putin’s claims to restoring the territory of imperial Russia.

China and Russia issued a 5,000-word statement Feb. 4 saying their partnership had “no limits” when Putin met with Xi before the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. Around that time, senior Chinese officials asked senior Russian officials not to invade Ukraine before the end of the Games, according to U.S. and European officials who cite a Western intelligence report.

Starting in November, American officials quietly held talks with Chinese officials, including the ambassador in Washington and the foreign minister, to discuss intelligence showing Putin’s troop buildup to persuade the Chinese to tell the Russians not to launch a war, U.S. officials said. The Chinese officials rebuffed the Americans at every meeting and expressed skepticism that Putin intended to invade Ukraine, the U.S. officials said.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin leave after a session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in the Russian city in June 2019. | REUTERSChinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin leave after a session of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in the Russian city in June 2019. | REUTERS

CIA Director William Burns said Thursday in a Senate hearing that he believed Xi was “unsettled” by the Ukraine war.

On Tuesday, Xi repeated China’s standard talking points on the war in a video call with the leaders of France and Germany. He also said that all nations should show “maximum restraint” and that China was “deeply grieved by the outbreak of war again on the European continent,” according to a Chinese readout. He did not say Russia had started the fighting.

U.S. and European officials say large Chinese companies will most likely refrain from openly violating sanctions on Russia for fear of jeopardizing their global commerce. On Thursday, some Russian news articles and commentary questioned China’s commitment to Russia after news agencies reported that China was refusing to send aircraft parts to the country.

Russia, as U.S. officials often remind the public, has relatively few friends or allies. And officials have said Russia’s outreach to its partners is a sign of the difficulties it is encountering trying to subdue Ukraine.

As the United States and Europe have increased pressure and sanctions, Moscow has sought more aid.

In the buildup to war, Russia got assistance from Belarus, using its territory to launch part of the invasion. Minsk has also tried to help Moscow evade sanctions. Those actions prompted the European Union to impose sanctions on Belarus. The penalties would limit money flowing into Belarus from Europe and block some Belarusian banks from using the SWIFT financial messaging system.

Michael Carpenter, U.S. ambassador to the OSCE, accused Belarus of being a “co-aggressor” and having “stabbed your neighbor in the back,” referring to Ukraine.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said his military will not join in the war. But Russia has launched missiles from Belarus and evacuated some injured Russian soldiers to hospitals in that country.

Syrian President Bashar Assad, who owes his government’s survival to Russian intervention in the Syrian civil war, also declared support for Moscow’s invasion. Russia has tried to recruit Syrian fighters to join the Ukraine war, according to the Pentagon.

Although there are no details of how many recruits Moscow has enlisted or if they have arrived in Ukraine, American officials said it was an indicator of the strategic and tactical problems that have plagued Russian commanders.

Before the start of the war, European officials said, Russian military contractors with experience fighting in Syria and Libya secretly entered eastern Ukraine to help lay the groundwork for the invasion.

very Interesting read, will Europe be able to face Chinese retaliatory sanctions if the west attempts to contain China for helping Russia. Would the price off all everyday goods go up. What would western Government’s do with inflation at 50%


US will try to convince China not to supply arms to Russia at key Rome meeting​

Reports Moscow asked China to provide military equipment come ahead of talks the White House views as critically important for global balance of power

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping

China has so far not condemned the Russian invasion or the mass killings of civilians in Ukraine Photograph: Alexei Druzhinin/AP

Julian Borger in Washington
Mon 14 Mar 2022 02.33 GMT

The United States will try to persuade China not to supply arms to Russia at a high-level meeting in Rome which the White House sees as critically important not just for the war in Ukraine but also for the future of the global balance of power.

Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, will meet his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi, in the Italian capital amid reports that Russia has asked China for weapons to bolster its faltering invasion of Ukraine.

Sullivan will point out that the US briefed Beijing on Vladimir Putin’s intentions months ahead of the invasion, but that the Chinese leadership ignored those warnings, mistakenly believing that Putin was bluffing to gain leverage, according to sources familiar with plans for the Rome meeting. Sullivan will also argue that if China supplies weapons to Moscow it will be a further, historic mistake, and a turning point in global politics.

The Biden White House is anxious to prevent the Ukraine war further cementing a division of the world into two opposing blocs.

Sullivan and Yang will also follow up on agreements Joe Biden and Xi Jinping made in a virtual summit in November, to improve crisis communications between the two nuclear powers.

“We also are watching closely to see the extent to which China actually does provide any form of support – material support or economic support – to Russia,” Sullivan told CNN. “It is a concern of ours. And we have communicated to Beijing that we will not stand by and allow any country to compensate Russia for its losses from the economic sanctions.”

Sullivan said the US had made clear to Beijing that there would “absolutely be consequences” for “large-scale” efforts to help Russia sidestep sanctions.

Russia has also asked China for economic help as it faces severe western sanctions, but Sullivan told CNN the US was “communicating directly, privately to Beijing that there will absolutely be consequences” if China helps Russia evade sanctions.

The Financial Times, New York Times and Washington Post reported on Sunday about the Russian request for weapons, amid claims from US officials that the Russian military was running short on certain kinds of armaments.

The spokesperson for the US embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, told CNN he had “never heard” of the Russian arms requests.

“The current situation in Ukraine is indeed disconcerting,” he said in a statement. “The high priority now is to prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control.”

“It feels like the US-China relationship is moving toward a pretty significant fork,” Ryan Hass, former China director at the US national security council, said on Twitter. “If China materially contributes to Russia’s war machine in Ukraine through provision of materiel or significant backfilling, then China’s actions will accelerate the cleavage of the world in direction of adversarial blocs.

“It’s wise for the US to speak directly and privately with the Chinese at an authoritative level now to clarify the lasting strategic ramifications of China’s decisions in this moment.”

China has so far not condemned the Russian invasion or the mass killings of civilians in bombardments of Ukrainian towns, and has abstained on resolutions deploring the attack at the UN security council and general assembly. Xi last week called for “maximum restraint” in Ukraine after a virtual meeting with German chancellor Olaf Scholz and French president Emmanuel Macron, and said he was “pained to see the flames of war reignited in Europe”.

Xi also expressed concern about the impact of sanctions on the global economy, and the limitation that western sanctions are imposing on China’s ability to buy Russian oil.

Hass, now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said he did not expect to see any immediate breakthroughs at the Rome meeting.

“The results may take weeks or longer to come into focus,” he said. “Neither side likely to provide other with satisfaction. Outcomes may need to be measured in degrees, not black-white binaries.”


US will try to convince China not to supply arms to Russia at key Rome meeting​

Reports Moscow asked China to provide military equipment come ahead of talks the White House views as critically important for global balance of power

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping

China has so far not condemned the Russian invasion or the mass killings of civilians in Ukraine Photograph: Alexei Druzhinin/AP

Julian Borger in Washington
Mon 14 Mar 2022 02.33 GMT

The United States will try to persuade China not to supply arms to Russia at a high-level meeting in Rome which the White House sees as critically important not just for the war in Ukraine but also for the future of the global balance of power.

Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, will meet his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi, in the Italian capital amid reports that Russia has asked China for weapons to bolster its faltering invasion of Ukraine.

Sullivan will point out that the US briefed Beijing on Vladimir Putin’s intentions months ahead of the invasion, but that the Chinese leadership ignored those warnings, mistakenly believing that Putin was bluffing to gain leverage, according to sources familiar with plans for the Rome meeting. Sullivan will also argue that if China supplies weapons to Moscow it will be a further, historic mistake, and a turning point in global politics.
The Biden White House is anxious to prevent the Ukraine war further cementing a division of the world into two opposing blocs.

Sullivan and Yang will also follow up on agreements Joe Biden and Xi Jinping made in a virtual summit in November, to improve crisis communications between the two nuclear powers.

“We also are watching closely to see the extent to which China actually does provide any form of support – material support or economic support – to Russia,” Sullivan told CNN. “It is a concern of ours. And we have communicated to Beijing that we will not stand by and allow any country to compensate Russia for its losses from the economic sanctions.”

Sullivan said the US had made clear to Beijing that there would “absolutely be consequences” for “large-scale” efforts to help Russia sidestep sanctions.

Russia has also asked China for economic help as it faces severe western sanctions, but Sullivan told CNN the US was “communicating directly, privately to Beijing that there will absolutely be consequences” if China helps Russia evade sanctions.

The Financial Times, New York Times and Washington Post reported on Sunday about the Russian request for weapons, amid claims from US officials that the Russian military was running short on certain kinds of armaments.

The spokesperson for the US embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, told CNN he had “never heard” of the Russian arms requests.

“The current situation in Ukraine is indeed disconcerting,” he said in a statement. “The high priority now is to prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control.”
“It feels like the US-China relationship is moving toward a pretty significant fork,” Ryan Hass, former China director at the US national security council, said on Twitter. “If China materially contributes to Russia’s war machine in Ukraine through provision of materiel or significant backfilling, then China’s actions will accelerate the cleavage of the world in direction of adversarial blocs.

“It’s wise for the US to speak directly and privately with the Chinese at an authoritative level now to clarify the lasting strategic ramifications of China’s decisions in this moment.”

China has so far not condemned the Russian invasion or the mass killings of civilians in bombardments of Ukrainian towns, and has abstained on resolutions deploring the attack at the UN security council and general assembly. Xi last week called for “maximum restraint” in Ukraine after a virtual meeting with German chancellor Olaf Scholz and French president Emmanuel Macron, and said he was “pained to see the flames of war reignited in Europe”.

Xi also expressed concern about the impact of sanctions on the global economy, and the limitation that western sanctions are imposing on China’s ability to buy Russian oil.

Hass, now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said he did not expect to see any immediate breakthroughs at the Rome meeting.

“The results may take weeks or longer to come into focus,” he said. “Neither side likely to provide other with satisfaction. Outcomes may need to be measured in degrees, not black-white binaries.”

Is China 🇨🇳 ready for a bi polar world, what if China asks the west and Europe to stop supplying support to Ukraine in return for Chinese restraint. Will China rise now or wait another 25 years?

Did the US / West offer any carrots to China for not supporting Russia..? Or did they simply threaten China with bigger sticks..? I mean even today China is already heavily sanctioned by the US... Any offers at all to remove some or all of these sanctions if China complies with the US request...?
Did the US / West offer any carrots to China for not supporting Russia..? Or did they simply threaten China with bigger sticks..? I mean even today China is already heavily sanctioned by the US... Any offers at all to remove some or all of these sanctions if China complies with the US request...?
The US is still the biggest market in the world access to that market is sought after by all. Include Europe and the consumption block is huge


US will try to convince China not to supply arms to Russia at key Rome meeting​

Reports Moscow asked China to provide military equipment come ahead of talks the White House views as critically important for global balance of power

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping

China has so far not condemned the Russian invasion or the mass killings of civilians in Ukraine Photograph: Alexei Druzhinin/AP

Julian Borger in Washington
Mon 14 Mar 2022 02.33 GMT

The United States will try to persuade China not to supply arms to Russia at a high-level meeting in Rome which the White House sees as critically important not just for the war in Ukraine but also for the future of the global balance of power.

Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, will meet his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi, in the Italian capital amid reports that Russia has asked China for weapons to bolster its faltering invasion of Ukraine.

Sullivan will point out that the US briefed Beijing on Vladimir Putin’s intentions months ahead of the invasion, but that the Chinese leadership ignored those warnings, mistakenly believing that Putin was bluffing to gain leverage, according to sources familiar with plans for the Rome meeting. Sullivan will also argue that if China supplies weapons to Moscow it will be a further, historic mistake, and a turning point in global politics.
The Biden White House is anxious to prevent the Ukraine war further cementing a division of the world into two opposing blocs.

Sullivan and Yang will also follow up on agreements Joe Biden and Xi Jinping made in a virtual summit in November, to improve crisis communications between the two nuclear powers.

“We also are watching closely to see the extent to which China actually does provide any form of support – material support or economic support – to Russia,” Sullivan told CNN. “It is a concern of ours. And we have communicated to Beijing that we will not stand by and allow any country to compensate Russia for its losses from the economic sanctions.”

Sullivan said the US had made clear to Beijing that there would “absolutely be consequences” for “large-scale” efforts to help Russia sidestep sanctions.

Russia has also asked China for economic help as it faces severe western sanctions, but Sullivan told CNN the US was “communicating directly, privately to Beijing that there will absolutely be consequences” if China helps Russia evade sanctions.

The Financial Times, New York Times and Washington Post reported on Sunday about the Russian request for weapons, amid claims from US officials that the Russian military was running short on certain kinds of armaments.

The spokesperson for the US embassy in Washington, Liu Pengyu, told CNN he had “never heard” of the Russian arms requests.

“The current situation in Ukraine is indeed disconcerting,” he said in a statement. “The high priority now is to prevent the tense situation from escalating or even getting out of control.”
“It feels like the US-China relationship is moving toward a pretty significant fork,” Ryan Hass, former China director at the US national security council, said on Twitter. “If China materially contributes to Russia’s war machine in Ukraine through provision of materiel or significant backfilling, then China’s actions will accelerate the cleavage of the world in direction of adversarial blocs.

“It’s wise for the US to speak directly and privately with the Chinese at an authoritative level now to clarify the lasting strategic ramifications of China’s decisions in this moment.”

China has so far not condemned the Russian invasion or the mass killings of civilians in bombardments of Ukrainian towns, and has abstained on resolutions deploring the attack at the UN security council and general assembly. Xi last week called for “maximum restraint” in Ukraine after a virtual meeting with German chancellor Olaf Scholz and French president Emmanuel Macron, and said he was “pained to see the flames of war reignited in Europe”.

Xi also expressed concern about the impact of sanctions on the global economy, and the limitation that western sanctions are imposing on China’s ability to buy Russian oil.

Hass, now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, said he did not expect to see any immediate breakthroughs at the Rome meeting.

“The results may take weeks or longer to come into focus,” he said. “Neither side likely to provide other with satisfaction. Outcomes may need to be measured in degrees, not black-white binaries.”

This one above by NYT cannot be corroborated and is probabilty another propaganda or fake news but this one below is real.

China too, and overtaking US, and US market is highly dependent on China, Chinese market doesn't depend on US.
This is why I think China will extract major concessions from the west. No more trade war….. no more arms for anyone in the Ukraine conflict. We all see how this plays out!

A key demand( that i wish for ) can be India surrenders and is Balkanized as it is a threat to world peace since it has lost control of its aresenal

The US is still the biggest market in the world access to that market is sought after by all. Include Europe and the consumption block is huge

EU will not cut business with China whatsoever. Russia case gives people an illusion that EU will cooperate with US at any cost. Not true. Only because the "cost" is not big enough. At least EU thought not big enough. China is 10 times bigger economy than Russia. The cost of sanction to China is at least 20 times bigger considering the mutual dependence between China and EU
US is also pulling out all stops to build an "Asian Nato" cause it is increasingly difficult for US to handle China alone in this region

China vs US military strength in Asia-Pacific region by 2025


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