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Russia announces foreigners who serve in Russian army can obtain Russian citizenship after 12 months

Pakistanis too.. i am sure sheer and abject poverty in Pakistan can cause millions of Pakistanis to go fight for Russia
I don't get Indian's obsession about Chinese height,when India is ranked among top 10 or top 20 shortest nation depending on criteria.
It shows Indian's inherent lack of ability for critical thinking .

View attachment 881581

Indians think they found atleast one sphere where they are superior only to be dissapointed by facts,like Indian men's avg height is closer to Chinese women avg.
Dude you must be blind to believe our average is 5.2? maybe you are reading Indian women which can be, don't even need a source for this I know this is incorrect, it will be 5.6-5.7 atleast for men
They paid u in ruble which is more in value than Indian rupee and most other currency.
Dude you must be blind to believe our average is 5.2? maybe you are reading Indian women which can be, don't even need a source for this I know this is incorrect, it will be 5.6-5.7 atleast for men
The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) shows 5.2 is avg of Indian men.

Indian men avg are definitely not 5.6-5.7 ,that's your wishful thinking. ncd risc v world height mean avg.
Lots of Pakistani mercenaries could easily be candidates. Many Pakistanis fighters are recruited by Middle Eastern countries for such kind of tasks.

But given their lack of familiarity with the Russian Federation & it's culture not to mention their common distain for alcohol, I don't think they'd be willing nor welcomed.
I think at this point everyone has seen how hygenic chinese are with the third major pandemic eminating from there. I wonder who this "everyone in the world" is who you have spoken to. I have never heard a single person ever say that Chinese people smell nice :lol:

Now lets come to the penis part. I have never ever boasted that Indians have large penis, i have only said Indians have larger than chinese, now enjoy little wiener boy :lol:

Chinese people have no body odor. Men's perfume brands all over the world have done similar surveys, so they avoid the Chinese market.

Indian body odor is famous all over the world.


I don't get Indian's obsession about Chinese height,when India is ranked among top 10 or top 20 shortest nation depending on criteria.
It shows Indian's inherent lack of ability for critical thinking .

View attachment 881581

Indians think they found atleast one sphere where they are superior only to be dissapointed by facts,like Indian men's avg height is closer to Chinese women avg.
Obviously you skinny 5 foot tall little chinese mans with dck the size of a toothpick cannot land them by yourselves so you have to pay :lol:
Nanking spawn in hanland started posting lewd comments Ukrainian refugee women and this triggered a major backlash to the point handland ask Chinese in Ukraine not to identify as Chinese (aka pretend to be Japanese)

Women on Weibo call out men who said they wanted to take in attractive Russia-Ukraine war refugee girls

Ukraine: Sexist comments on Chinese social media trigger backlash

Imagine moaning and wailing about Nanking every year but salivating on vulnerable Ukrainian war refugee women
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They paid u in ruble which is more in value than Indian rupee and most other currency.
Its more about willingness to serve for Russia than money
For this China has long historic tradition of serving for Russian armies

Kamenev And The Moscow Soviet

The Soviet passed a resolution expressing "firm confidence that the Soviet Government will succeed in getting peace and so in opening a wide road to the construction of a proletarian state." A note was passed up to Kamenev who, glancing at it, announced that the newly elected representative of the Chinese workmen in Moscow wished to speak. This was Chitaya Kuni, a solid little Chinaman with a big head, in black leather coat and breeches. I had often seen him before, and wondered who he was. He was received with great cordiality and made a quiet, rather shy speech in which he told them he was learning from them how to introduce socialism in China, and more compliments of the same sort. Reinstein replied, telling how at an American labour congress some years back the Americans shut the door in the face of a representative of a union of foreign workmen. "Such," he said, "was the feeling in America at the time when Gompers was supreme, but that time has passed." Still, as I listened to Reinstein, I wondered in how many other countries besides Russia, a representative of foreign labour would be thus welcomed. The reason has probably little to do with the good-heartedness of the Russians. Owing to the general unification of wages Mr. Kuni could not represent the competition of cheap labour. I talked to the Chinaman afterwards. He is president of the Chinese Soviet. He told me they had just about a thousand Chinese workmen in Moscow, and therefore had a right to representation in the government of the town. I asked about the Chinese in the Red Army, and he said there were two or three thousand, not more.

There is also evidence that 1918 influenza epidemic started from China.
The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) shows 5.2 is avg of Indian men.

Indian men avg are definitely not 5.6-5.7 ,that's your wishful thinking. ncd risc v world height mean avg.
View attachment 881594
Correction according to old NFHS reports it was 165 cm or 5.4, Now I see multiple sources giving conflicting info on either it's grown to 5.8 or still the similar(5.5-5.6), in either case it was never 5.2. Your own image shows Indian average as 165 cm+.
Chinese people have no body odor. Men's perfume brands all over the world have done similar surveys, so they avoid the Chinese market.

Indian body odor is famous all over the world.


Bro whats the point of the article you posted lol? Thats like insulting yourself. If chinese people are not buying deodrants that doesnt mean you dont have body odour sparky:lol:, it just means you are cheap and dont spend on essential items. Or that you simpy dont care baout how u smell.

Nanking spawn in hanland started posting lewd comments Ukrainian refugee women and this triggered a major backlash to the point handland ask Chinese in Ukraine not to identify as Chinese (aka pretend to be Japanese)

Women on Weibo call out men who said they wanted to take in attractive Russia-Ukraine war refugee girls
View attachment 881616

Ukraine: Sexist comments on Chinese social media trigger backlash

Imagine moaning and wailing about Nanking every year but salivating on vulnerable Ukrainian war refugee women
These little pygmy skinny people are sick fucks. They did something similar with African people, posting weird images of them.
The National Family Health Survey (NFHS) shows 5.2 is avg of Indian men.

Indian men avg are definitely not 5.6-5.7 ,that's your wishful thinking. ncd risc v world height mean avg.
View attachment 881594

Nor does it match with what I see walking around

I haven't seen actual Indians in India proper but even Indian diaspora isn't as short as they say in the map- in my experience atleast
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