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Russia and India to work on 5th-gen upgrade Su-35 to Su-35s

Typical post from @batmannow

lolzz .... lozz.... lolzz

ye lolwa gaya hai.
Typical post from @batmannow

lolzz .... lozz.... lolzz

ye lolwa gaya hai.
wasting your time on such people thing is there frustation and jealousy has no limits so is there paranoia and appitite for conspiracy theories best is let them what they want to beleve till the news comes from the orignal source (here its russia)wait and watch with a lrage pack of popcorn :D
Mate I just fell down from the chair reading this post

Please be MORE specific

Is NIRBHAY a success and can be operationalised
and productionised

Nirbhay is a work in progress bro, we need to demonstrate the use of two systems for a effective cruise missiles

One is use of TERCOM which is more of legacy system used by CMs from 1980s which goes well with on board altimeter.

Second, the modern CMs need GPS enabled flexibility which gives a much bigger boost and more information to process with onboard advancement of chip designing

Now the question of true deployment of CMs in actual sense can only happen when we do the following

Secondary role: Activation of Gagan GPS
Primary role: Activation of military satellites dedicated in nature (3in numbers and 1in stand by)

When this system is onlne, only then the true potential of a proper CMs can be used. Also the primary role helps in BMs as well as ABM Missile shield role too as it will feed into the central system from which or may be even a direct line may be given to either of S400 triumf system or THAAD of USA whichever we use for our multi layer Missile shield.

Without these no countries whatever they claim can have a true CM. TERCOM inflexibility as well as older maps being fed in can result in changes in altitude to avoid the numbers detected by altimeter and probable obstacles (example a new building) resulting in detection and shoot down or even collateral damage... That's why GPS enabled CMs are needed and these will take time till we have our other primary secondary systems in place.

At the moment Nirbhay needs more live firing but with truly terrain hugging is sometimes away from public viewing. Be assured Nirbhay is already tested close to 50m height as per my source and twice pontoon launched. These were carried out from Andaman and Nicobar in complete secrecy. But we cannot showcase a successful CM demonstrating a true terrain hugging feature with so limited time of development (project start from 2007) and without independent GPS systems in place. If we do we raise too many eyebrows and get ourselves in trouble in front of world power and some countries who may use this excuse to arm themselves just like every time......with a similar product help from their own friends.. But of course without either the true independent GPS system or a deal to access their GPS system too..

Hope I could meet your expectation
Only two kind of people would not believe this .

1. Those who have IQ in single digit.

2. Those who have their tongue so deep in Chinese @rsehole that it come out of mouth aka china's fanbois.

And if this NEWS is correct, people in Defence ministry should be praised They do have basic common sense and are fit for decision making process on account of their strong personality.

A CEO of A mega corporation is much more reliable than some third grade anonymous PAF official.

BTW we have the HVJ pipeline for more than 10 years now which is already 3 times longer than lahore karachi pipe.

HVJ Gas Pipeline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I guss , another will be project like ,LCA , PAKFA ?lolzz
Well , sorry it was not any PAF official stating about SU- 35 deal between Russia & Pakistan ?
It was their DFM?lolzz
Unlike a stupid 4th party fake news like this thread ?lolzz
& can any CEO from any bussines organization from Russia can state anything about sukhoi & Russian govt ?
I mean that's called a worst joke ever ?lolzz

Typical post from @batmannow

lolzz .... lozz.... lolzz

ye lolwa gaya hai.
Sure , for nonsensically posted threads like this , its just another astonishing slap , to let few desperate Indians friends wake up , from their nonsensical dreams ?lolzz

Only two kind of people would believe this $hit.

1. Those who have IQ in single digit.

2. Those who have their tongue so deep in Russian @rsehole that it come out of mouth aka Russia's fanbois.

And if this NEWS is correct, people in Defence ministry should be sacked. They do not have even basic common sense and are unfit for decision making process on account of their weak personality.
& they need to eat beef , daily to have a strong common senses ?lolzz

wasting your time on such people thing is there frustation and jealousy has no limits so is there paranoia and appitite for conspiracy theories best is let them what they want to beleve till the news comes from the orignal source (here its russia)wait and watch with a lrage pack of popcorn :D
Oh sure , LCA ,PAKFA every other will be & Indian friends desperation , we are just loving it ?lolzz
Cause everything from Russia is just another will be like all ?lolzz
If there is any truth in it then it will be clear only in december when modi visits moscow.
No substantial confirmation could come before that.

Russia and India have signed an agreement to jointly develop a fifth-generation upgrade of the Su-35 Super Flanker multirole fighter, according to a report published March 8 on Virginia-based military affairs website Defense News.

The fighter will be a fifth-generation fighter like the US Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II, as opposed to the fourth-generation version of the Su-35 over which Russia and China are currently negotiating a deal.

The Su-35 Super Flanker will be unable to compete with other "genuine" fifth-generation fighters and China does not need to get caught up in a game of one-upmanship with India and Russia, said an expert cited by China's nationalistic tabloid Global Times

Fifth-Generation Su-35S

Defense News cited a Russian military insider as stating that Moscow and New Delhi have signed an agreement to design what Russia is calling the fifth-generation version of the Su-35 in India, which will see an Indian variant of the fighter created called the Su-35S. Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Russian state-run tech export corporation Rostec, was cited by the website as saying, "We have been negotiating and have signed the intention protocol for the Su-35...Now we are working on designing ideas for this contract and on creating a manufacturing platform for the aircraft of the fifth generation."

The shift from the fourth-generation Su-35, currently in service with the Russian Air Force, to the fifth-generation Su-35S will necessitate a large upgrade. The report in Defense News questioned the ability of the Su-35S to bear comparison with the F-35. An Indian Air Force official said Russia has pitched the Su-35S several times over the last six months, stating that it can replace the Indian Air Force's MiG-21 and MiG-27 fighters, set to be retired from service in seven to eight years.

Russia and India have already worked together on the development of a fifth-generation stealth fighter, the PAK FA T-50. The Defense News report suggested that the reason Russia has suddenly announced the development program for the stealth fighter is because they are trying to undercut France following the refusal of Paris to provide Russia with two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships. In 2012, New Delhi decided to buy 126 Dassault Rafale multirole fighters from the French company but they have been unable to reach a final agreement due to the technology transfer involved and the price. A Russian industry source cited in the report said the Su-35S will cost only US$85 million, very competitive when compared with the Rafale, and poses a threat to the deal between France and India. A report in the New Delhi-based Economic Times previously stated that India's air force command considers the Russian fighter and the Rafale to be complementary and that the former does not replace the need for the latter.

China and the Fourth-Generation Su-35

There had previously been a lot of buzz in the media about China becoming the first country to take delivery of an Su-35. According to the previous report on the website, China is set to sign a deal on May 19 to buy 24 Su-35 fighters from Russia. A Russian official has stated that the deal involves the fourth-generation Su-35, not the fifth-generation Su-35S. The official added, however, that China will be the first country in the world to buy the plane.

The Defense News report did not specify the details of the differences between the Su-35 and the Su-35S. However, a Chinese military expert cited by the Global Times stated that the fifth-generation fighter will likely be based on the Su-30MKI that Russia and India developed together and will be equipped with advanced fifth-generation fighter avionics purchased by India, including active electronically scanned array radar, an infrared sensor for longer range targets and a custom tactical data link suited to the needs of the Indian Air Force, along with anti-electrical interference equipment. The source also stated that the fighter likely has limited stealth capabilities, including metal plating on the hood of the cabin and stealth materials coating the air inlets. Stealth capabilities hinge mostly on the exterior design of a fighter, however, he said. The area of the fifth generation F-22 that reflects radar is just 1 square meter and Russian aircraft maker Sukhoi has stated that the area of Su-30 series fighters that reflects radar is around 20 sq m.

As the Su-35S will not involve a total rehaul of the outer structure of the series, it is not possible for the Su-35S to match the stealth capabilities of the F-22. The move to brand the Su-35S a "fifth-generation" fighter, therefore, seems a little more driven by propaganda than reality, according to Global Times. Given that the Su-30MKI went into production in 2002, six years after India and Russia signed the joint development agreement on the aircraft, the Su-35S will likely take a sustained period of time to develop and undergo tests before it can be commissioned or sold.

Can the Fourth- to Fifth-Generation Gap be Bridged?

A Chinese military expert stated that fourth-generation fighters can be upgraded to give them capabilities approaching those of fifth-generation fighters. This is most evident in the area of avionics, if enough investment is made, as with sufficient funds the avionics of the Su-35S could surpass those of the T-50. Through the purchase of fifth-generation directional efflux nozzles with a large thrust to weight ratio, the Su-35S could reach a level of subsonic maneuverability equal to that of the T-50.

In terms of the exterior there is still quite a large gap between fourth- and fifth-generation fighters, however. Especially in terms of supercruise and stealth capability, aspects in which the Su-35S cannot compete with the F-22 or the T-50. The Chinese expert stated that China and India should not bicker over which Su-35 is more advanced, as the Su-35 is simply a complementary aircraft which will play a transient role in China's air fleet. As the development of the Su-35S will also take time, China's domestically developed fifth-generation J-20 stealth fighter will likely already be ready to be commissioned by the time the Su-35S is ready for service.
Su-35 part is BS- India has no interest in it. This news is specifically relates to the Su-30MKI's MLU- the "Super" upgrade that has been hanging for a while.

+ either way Pakistan's delusions of getting Su-35s are over.

Russia and India have signed an agreement to jointly develop a fifth-generation upgrade of the Su-35 Super Flanker multirole fighter, according to a report published March 8 on Virginia-based military affairs website Defense News.

The fighter will be a fifth-generation fighter like the US Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor and F-35 Lightning II, as opposed to the fourth-generation version of the Su-35 over which Russia and China are currently negotiating a deal.

The Su-35 Super Flanker will be unable to compete with other "genuine" fifth-generation fighters and China does not need to get caught up in a game of one-upmanship with India and Russia, said an expert cited by China's nationalistic tabloid Global Times

Fifth-Generation Su-35S

Defense News cited a Russian military insider as stating that Moscow and New Delhi have signed an agreement to design what Russia is calling the fifth-generation version of the Su-35 in India, which will see an Indian variant of the fighter created called the Su-35S. Sergey Chemezov, CEO of Russian state-run tech export corporation Rostec, was cited by the website as saying, "We have been negotiating and have signed the intention protocol for the Su-35...Now we are working on designing ideas for this contract and on creating a manufacturing platform for the aircraft of the fifth generation."

The shift from the fourth-generation Su-35, currently in service with the Russian Air Force, to the fifth-generation Su-35S will necessitate a large upgrade. The report in Defense News questioned the ability of the Su-35S to bear comparison with the F-35. An Indian Air Force official said Russia has pitched the Su-35S several times over the last six months, stating that it can replace the Indian Air Force's MiG-21 and MiG-27 fighters, set to be retired from service in seven to eight years.

Russia and India have already worked together on the development of a fifth-generation stealth fighter, the PAK FA T-50. The Defense News report suggested that the reason Russia has suddenly announced the development program for the stealth fighter is because they are trying to undercut France following the refusal of Paris to provide Russia with two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships. In 2012, New Delhi decided to buy 126 Dassault Rafale multirole fighters from the French company but they have been unable to reach a final agreement due to the technology transfer involved and the price. A Russian industry source cited in the report said the Su-35S will cost only US$85 million, very competitive when compared with the Rafale, and poses a threat to the deal between France and India. A report in the New Delhi-based Economic Times previously stated that India's air force command considers the Russian fighter and the Rafale to be complementary and that the former does not replace the need for the latter.

China and the Fourth-Generation Su-35

There had previously been a lot of buzz in the media about China becoming the first country to take delivery of an Su-35. According to the previous report on the website, China is set to sign a deal on May 19 to buy 24 Su-35 fighters from Russia. A Russian official has stated that the deal involves the fourth-generation Su-35, not the fifth-generation Su-35S. The official added, however, that China will be the first country in the world to buy the plane.

The Defense News report did not specify the details of the differences between the Su-35 and the Su-35S. However, a Chinese military expert cited by the Global Times stated that the fifth-generation fighter will likely be based on the Su-30MKI that Russia and India developed together and will be equipped with advanced fifth-generation fighter avionics purchased by India, including active electronically scanned array radar, an infrared sensor for longer range targets and a custom tactical data link suited to the needs of the Indian Air Force, along with anti-electrical interference equipment. The source also stated that the fighter likely has limited stealth capabilities, including metal plating on the hood of the cabin and stealth materials coating the air inlets. Stealth capabilities hinge mostly on the exterior design of a fighter, however, he said. The area of the fifth generation F-22 that reflects radar is just 1 square meter and Russian aircraft maker Sukhoi has stated that the area of Su-30 series fighters that reflects radar is around 20 sq m.

As the Su-35S will not involve a total rehaul of the outer structure of the series, it is not possible for the Su-35S to match the stealth capabilities of the F-22. The move to brand the Su-35S a "fifth-generation" fighter, therefore, seems a little more driven by propaganda than reality, according to Global Times. Given that the Su-30MKI went into production in 2002, six years after India and Russia signed the joint development agreement on the aircraft, the Su-35S will likely take a sustained period of time to develop and undergo tests before it can be commissioned or sold.

Can the Fourth- to Fifth-Generation Gap be Bridged?

A Chinese military expert stated that fourth-generation fighters can be upgraded to give them capabilities approaching those of fifth-generation fighters. This is most evident in the area of avionics, if enough investment is made, as with sufficient funds the avionics of the Su-35S could surpass those of the T-50. Through the purchase of fifth-generation directional efflux nozzles with a large thrust to weight ratio, the Su-35S could reach a level of subsonic maneuverability equal to that of the T-50.

In terms of the exterior there is still quite a large gap between fourth- and fifth-generation fighters, however. Especially in terms of supercruise and stealth capability, aspects in which the Su-35S cannot compete with the F-22 or the T-50. The Chinese expert stated that China and India should not bicker over which Su-35 is more advanced, as the Su-35 is simply a complementary aircraft which will play a transient role in China's air fleet. As the development of the Su-35S will also take time, China's domestically developed fifth-generation J-20 stealth fighter will likely already be ready to be commissioned by the time the Su-35S is ready for service.

Bhai kuch hamare lye b chor do.. Ab kia jaan logay bachy ke ?? :(
Kya kare hamen china jaisa dost nahi hai jo ki Jf 17 jaisa allian plane hame beche . Majburi main PAKFA , MKI, Rafale, Su35 kharidna padta hai.
Out of the 4 you mentioned MKI is the only plane IAF has and that too with 50-55% serviceability.
what a punch it will be hornets + rafales+Su-35s+super MKIs+ FGFA+Tejas man that can smash any asian air force :sniper::victory:
Out of the 4 you mentioned MKI is the only plane IAF has and that too with 50-55% serviceability.

thing is serviceability of MKI now is in access of 70% but still 6 squads of MKI are more than enof for PAF with two squads of upgraded M2k & 3 squads of upgraded Mig29s are more than enof to deccimate entire PAF ... think about it
thing is serviceability of MKI now is in access of 70% but still 6 squads of MKI are more than enof for PAF with two squads of upgraded M2k & 3 squads of upgraded Mig29s are more than enof to deccimate entire PAF ... think about it

Mirage 2000 and Mig 29 are the real and hidden strength of IAF

This 2 squadron ; 3 squadron officially declared thing is just baloney

Only Su 30 Numbers are made public

That is why you see no urgency regarding Rafale
I think it's about su 30 mki upgrade..

Nothing else make sense , since we are buying pak fa already ..
@Stephen Cohen
There are lot of good works done secretly but seldomly discussed in public
example In the recent IAF meet few points discussed as per insider is

1 .Su30 servicability had come a long way now reaching 70% and plan is to raise to 75% by max 5-6 months. A major part of spares and other contingencies are getting procured and IAF is not leaving any option to let anyone (read HAL) blame them for not sanctioning enough spares storage (critical and directly procured ones as well as long gestation ones). The ultimate aim is to raise it 80% in 18 months and a ambitious target of 85% plus in max 24 months.
Now if that is done its at par with reasonable availability of western fighters except few who have 90% plus availability specs.

2. Discussion on Su30 Super upgrade program. The initial batch of 80 selected fighters are already identified. Critical issues which are being looked includes newer engine with longer engine life and a internal target of 5m2 from present 20m2 with discussion of a possibility of using RAM coatings on specific squadrons"on demand" birds which may carry deep strike assets like ALCM with an ability to reduce the 5m2 figure further. AESA Radar selection is almost final. (again not declared to me)

A strange but solid topic of discussion was if a conformal fuel tanks linkages can be explored under Super30 program which may enable Southern bases to hit NW/NE zones without actually moving the Aircrafts to different bases. No clarity as of now but such a request is being actively considered to evolve the strategies.

3. Pakfa and FGFA program have issues which is making IAF top brass uncomfy. The initial plan of IAF was that tech help to develop a true 5th gen FGFA will enable india to utilize some of that tech in domestic project (AMCA and a future low end light fighter code named LCA Mk3). As of now the unavailability of much information is making them feel left out.

FGFA may have a MK1 version with single seater and a 2 seater more advanced version planned much later as Mk2.
Again the 5th gen engine is not ready so IAF lacks clarity

(F35 talks are for IN only with no word for IAF at all.)

4. Off the shelf purchase of present PAKFA is discussed to fill in quick 5th gen jet induction and study it closer and provide inputs to make FGFA customizable.

IAF has requested MOD to clarify whats the real capability of PAKFA and proposed FGFA. DM Parrikar is suppose to learn few things when he visits Russia.

5. Rafales choice is still being rooted unanimously. The plan included 80 off the shelf and 90 in MII. if 80 off the shelf is not agreed the second option is 36 flyaway now and another 36 in sometime (withing 2 years max) making the total of directly from france 72 and rest in india under MII. The brass is totally in awe with Rafale's capability.

6. LCA program progress was reviewed and 80 new orders for navy airframe based version was told

7. The faltering squadrons number was discussed in detail

8. The pilots training schedule is now getting converted into 2 stage from 3 stage. The 3rd stage will be reintroduced in 5-6 years when LCA LIFT will be procured in adequate numbers

Based on a specific query i asked to the source on Su35 Stealth 5th gen capability bird, there was no discussion at all. The presentation was made a total of 3 times by Russians to IAF and MOD. IAF brass informally agreed Su35 upgradation looks good but at present they are insisting to get the maximum of such upgrades to MKI under Super program. In other words, they are linking first the Super program to check the feasibility of such a tech in operational capability of a bird before embarking on a new platform which needs a bit of financing for producing and then procuring.
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