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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

Problem is that if China forfeit and let western powers overthrow leaders that are not friendly to them, one after another and soon enough NATO powers will start to do the same thing to China, given the fact that western media never stop manipulating news to bash China. China simply doesn't like imperalism power messing up internal affairs of developing countries in the name of spreading "freedom".

Living in the US you would know the media bashes the local government more than it does China. Do you think this should also stoped? Or just news relating to China? The ability to criticize the government is cornerstone to progression and advancement. This has nothing to do with imperialism, unless of course you think the Arab League is a secret Zionist society.
To clarify and answer some points:

- All existing and upcoming powers are engaged in a battle of influence and resources, so it is wrong to say that Russia/China do not desire to 'control' other countries. Realistically, they all do. When I wrote my 'advice' about installing puppets, it was an acknowledgement of reality. Ideally, each country should be left alone to find its democratic balance based on purely internal forces but, if the big powers will do their power play, it's much better that they 'fight' in the media, rather than with guns. The only people who get hurt in these proxy battles are the locals.

you now took such a reductive approach to issues that it again serves to obscure and not illuminate. of course russia and china wanted to control things around them - as they must. but they do so in methods completely different from anglo-saxons who lean on subversive tactics as the only means. in the double veto, i detect only a genuine respect of syrian sovereignty and a resentment of anglo-american subversion. in other words, the syrian vetoes aren't meant for syria but for a certain international system and principles, certain decorum and rules, that can ensure non-interference for all small nations. now i am not saying this system isn't prejudiced against the american way of diplomacy and isn't heavily in favor of russians and chinese in their desire to control smaller countries, but the alternative is not palatable at all to china and russia. so we vetoed the resolution.
when china first learned to act like a great power, aussies hadn't even conquered england yet, so no one gives a damn about what you think of chinese

LOL hey? Maybe that was lost in translation.
"When China first learned to act like a great power" no sure what you mean by that?
"aussies hadn't even conquered england yet" yeah we never conquered England, nor Aus want to conquer anybody, maybe you are talking about cricket? :laugh:
"so no one gives a damn about what you think of chinese " This is a public forum that invites content, if you have a problem with that then log off and get a life.
This has nothing to do with imperialism, unless of course you think the Arab League is a secret Zionist society.

the league used to be a collection of great arab leaders. today it was attended by a bunch of cowardly monarchists who care about their crowns more than the common cause of the arab world and who are led by the biggest cowards among them who also happen to be american running dogs. so it is not too far-fetched to say the today's leaguists are zionist running dogs, too.
LOL hey? Maybe that was lost in translation.
"When China first learned to act like a great power" no sure what you mean by that?
"aussies hadn't even conquered england yet" yeah we never conquered England, nor Aus want to conquer anybody, maybe you are talking about cricket? :laugh:
"so no one gives a damn about what you think of chinese " This is a public forum that invites content, if you have a problem with that then log off and get a life.

when aussies, that is, their anglo-saxon predecessors, hadn't even set foot on england, and that was thousands of years before they established criminal colonies in the south pacific and let these criminals breed and reproduce there whose offsprings now call themselves aussies. learn some european history, aussie!
when aussies, that is, their anglo-saxon predecessors, hadn't even set foot on england, and that was thousands of years before they established criminal colonies in the south pacific and let these criminals breed and reproduce there whose offsprings now call themselves aussies. learn some european history, aussie!

I am having trouble understanding what your first line and a half means.

I think I have a pretty good grasp of Australian history. And I guess thats where you and I differ. I have no problem at all exposing deplorable treatment by past governments, especially the treatment of Aboriginals and Chinese in particular. The penal colonies were established in Australia to establish a foothold and to discourage other European land claims. I think we have turned out alright but there is always more work to do.

I can understands China's position to the resolution, its obvious and business like. Im all for progress and none for dictators.
when aussies, that is, their anglo-saxon predecessors, hadn't even set foot on england, and that was thousands of years before they established criminal colonies in the south pacific and let these criminals breed and reproduce there whose offsprings now call themselves aussies. learn some european history, aussie!

These criminals were sent to Australia during the 18th and 19th century by the British Crown. Then the monarch with the help of the convicts colonized the entire continent and the natives became foreigners in their own land. We have seen the repetition of the same experiment in Palestine! Only this time, European Jews played the role of the British convicts and the the Palestinians became the Aborigines of Palestine.
That's what happened in Libya. Fortunately, Russia and China are not standing back this time and are making sure that evil NATO doesn't destroy Syria.

finally we have similar standing point
I am having trouble understanding what your first line and a half means.

I think I have a pretty good grasp of Australian history. And I guess thats where you and I differ. I have no problem at all exposing deplorable treatment by past governments, especially the treatment of Aboriginals and Chinese in particular. The penal colonies were established in Australia to establish a foothold and to discourage other European land claims. I think we have turned out alright but there is always more work to do.

I can understands China's position to the resolution, its obvious and business like. Im all for progress and none for dictators.
kid, progress and dictator doesnt have much correlation, besides the west has turned blind to so many dictatorships just because they abbey the rules of game set up by the West.

if the west really cares about what unfortunate people's life then we wouldnt have such mess in Africa and middle east..its all western colonial's fault if not too stretched.
kid, progress and dictator doesnt have much correlation, besides the west has turned blind to so many dictatorships just because they abbey the rules of game set up by the West.

if the west really cares about what unfortunate people's life then we wouldnt have such mess in Africa and middle east..its all western colonial's fault if not too stretched.

Ha! bit of a warped sense of the world. Dictator ships and progress dont have much correlation? Maybe my definition of progress is different to yours, but I would say moving past the rule of country moving from father to son and letting the population decide its own future would be progress.

"Western" this word gets thrown around so much, its a soviet throwback to the early years after WW2. Its like throwing everybody in the same basket and blaming a race. Its like me blaming all asians for Japans aggression during WW2 because they are "Eastern" People term Australia as a "western" country guess we are also to blame for Africa's woes. Play the ball not the man.
I am having trouble understanding what your first line and a half means.

I think I have a pretty good grasp of Australian history. And I guess thats where you and I differ. I have no problem at all exposing deplorable treatment by past governments, especially the treatment of Aboriginals and Chinese in particular. The penal colonies were established in Australia to establish a foothold and to discourage other European land claims. I think we have turned out alright but there is always more work to do.

I can understands China's position to the resolution, its obvious and business like. Im all for progress and none for dictators.

Ha! bit of a warped sense of the world. Dictator ships and progress dont have much correlation? Maybe my definition of progress is different to yours, but I would say moving past the rule of country moving from father to son and letting the population decide its own future would be progress.

"Western" this word gets thrown around so much, its a soviet throwback to the early years after WW2. Its like throwing everybody in the same basket and blaming a race. Its like me blaming all asians for Japans aggression during WW2 because they are "Eastern" People term Australia as a "western" country guess we are also to blame for Africa's woes. Play the ball not the man.

there is no "western", so don't muddle the water and hide behind this term. it is exclusively anglo-saxon
there is no "western", so don't muddle the water and hide behind this term. it is exclusively anglo-saxon
he was right . some of forumers are just so much obsessed with what they call West.
He was right to answer to someone obsessed with this word. so don't blame him but the guy he answered ;)
thankyou russia and china once again.

its always a great day when that evil american regime and its puppets lose.

humiliated those evil bastards.
I don't find any thing wrong, to be frank its good that China and Russia vetoed against the resolution.
if this resolution is passed then there is a posibility that the NATO forces might do some thing like in Libiya and bring more suffering to the people of Syria more than what Azad is bringing to his own people.
And on moral grounds its good that Azad steps down and calls for election rather than having this issue burning and consuming the country as whole.
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