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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

That's pretty messed up way of putting it, so the killing of people is justifiable because they are weak. That would be acting like animals. I guess all to their own beliefs.

its the way the world works.
u dont have to like it, i dont like it.

americans didnt care about when bahrain people wanted to topple the regime because bahrain is under control. america dont want democracy in saudia arabia because america already controls them, so keep the status quo.
million iraqis died, but never heard a peep from america because iraq was under american control.
democracy is the best form of government to control.
western multinationals and bribe and buy elections to fit the american empire.
but if a dictatorship is already under american control, then no need for democracy.

america tried to topple the chinese government in 1989 by funding and egging on young students using secret serivce agents, NGOs, journalists, but it failed. china repelled.

russia went under control of the americans during the 1990s during yelstin using american puppets like boris berezovsky, but putin sneeked in and got elected and turned on the americans and restored true russian independence.

unfortunately, nearly all of asia is under american control bar a few exceptions like north korea, belarus.

the west is extremely powerful, they have multinationals with lots of money and the western media controls global information. they have information power. russia and china have little information power.
so what the western media says is what the world usually accepts as they control the major news agencies like reuters, AP, AFP and global news channels like cnn, bbc, fox, sky news, cnbc, bloomberg.

america will cry about human rights until they control that particular country, then human rights dont matter.
depleted uranium,, agent orange, drone killings dont matter then.

russia and china are too powerful to be controlled, so they must be contained like american increase focus on asia now because of china. and missile defence shield in europe to contain china.
war on terror and iran are must tools used to achieve the grand objective.
just like weapons of mass destruction in iraq.

chinese and russian governments understand the true game being played.
the people are too gullible as we see the western media showing graphic videos and that manipulates the mind into supporting the west.
in libya the western media never showed the deaths caused by constand airstrikes by nato where thousands died because telling and showing that would cause hatred of the west and support of russia and china.

US, russia and china are all using economic, military, political, technological, information, cultural and resource power to get the uppe hand. right now the american empire is the dominant power in each of these power pillars, so its tough for russia and china to win.

global geopolilitcs is a ruthless game.
read some of henry kissingers books.
You mean the University of Kent massacre in the 70S?

4 students dead is not a genocide like the ones supported by the chinese. But good try!

Amnesty International has documented widespread human rights violations in China. An estimated 500,000 people are currently enduring punitive detention without charge or trial, and millions are unable to access the legal system to seek redress for their grievances. Harassment, surveillance, house arrest, and imprisonment of human rights defenders are on the rise, and censorship of the Internet and other media has grown. Repression of minority groups, including Tibetans, Uighurs and Mongolians, and of Falun Gong practitioners and Christians who practice their religion outside state-sanctioned churches continues. While the recent reinstatement of Supreme People's Court review of death penalty cases may result in lower numbers of executions, China remains the leading executioner in the world.
The key is too difficult to know the truth, some Syrians support the Government, some people object to the Government, how you judge such a situation? Can only say,allow them to solve.

I fully accept that there would be Western operatives amongst the rebels. However, this kind of indiscriminate killing should not be tolerated.

As for the bigger picture, China/Russia need to learn to play the game a lot smarter. Do what the West does. Plant your own people as democratic candidates. Buy key media outlets and use them to promote your guys in "democratic" elections. This way you get your puppets in place, but under the guise of democracy.

China/Russia are real amateurs at this game.
Why do you think USA finger prints and retina scans all people from China Russia , to track Spies and who they transfer money to in USA....

they invented espionage
I fully accept that there would be Western operatives amongst the rebels. However, this kind of indiscriminate killing should not be tolerated.

As for the bigger picture, China/Russia need to learn to play the game a lot smarter. Do what the West does. Plant your own people as democratic candidates. Buy key media outlets and use them to promote your guys in "democratic" elections. This way you get your puppets in place, but under the guise of democracy.

China/Russia are real amateurs at this game.

i agree we are amateurs at the game but u need resources to play this game a subtle way.
what china and russia lack is a global media empire like the US and UK have.
russia has Russia today and china has CCTV news, CNC world, xinhua, china daily.
but they are not global yet and they only started going global very recently and many have not even heard about them.

information power is vital in changing opinions of the public.

china is doing its best to improve our media power and cultural power but this will take many years.

the west has incredible media power aswell as cultural power.
not to mention economic, military, financial, political and technological power.
And that is a lie, plain and simple. Your leaders are supporting Assad because he is just like themselves. YOU have nothing at all to say about it. YOU are blinded by the false nationalism that they spin to you. It is too bad that MY country allows you to suck out OUR knowledge in service of your Communist masters.

PS. If it were up to me we would not allow any PRC students into the USA. Too many are very poor guests.

sir, if I may be bold as to take your thought to the logical conclusion:

Countries support each other and are allies because they share very similar values, beliefs and system of government.

Therefore, US and its allies in Saudi Arabia, Uganda, Kenya, Philippines, apartheid South Africa, South Vietnam...
4 students dead is not a genocide like the ones supported by the chinese. But good try!

4 people, they are not life? So easy to be ignored like dust?
Do you want to tell me the United States has a good record in prison? To learn more in your country, not to mention, there is still a fascist bill in the U.S..

Do not misunderstand, I do not like you and the Indians, I admit that China has a big problem in the judicial system, but I assure you it is far better than India, a largest democratic country, need I give you some news to see?
4 people, they are not life? So easy to be ignored like dust?
Do you want to tell me the United States has a good record in prison? To learn more in your country, not to mention, there is still a fascist bill in the U.S..

Do not misunderstand, I do not like you and the Indians, I admit that China has a big problem in the judicial system, but I assure you it is far better than India, a largest democratic country, need I give you some news to see?

4 people does not equate to genocide. Not really a difficult statement to comprehend now is it? and you want to give me info on India's judicial system to counter yours? sure, while you are it give me Somalis too, because it has as much relevance to me as India's.
I fully accept that there would be Western operatives amongst the rebels. However, this kind of indiscriminate killing should not be tolerated.

As for the bigger picture, China/Russia need to learn to play the game a lot smarter. Do what the West does. Plant your own people as democratic candidates. Buy key media outlets and use them to promote your guys in "democratic" elections. This way you get your puppets in place, but under the guise of democracy.

China/Russia are real amateurs at this game.

If some people have weapons, I would not think it is a massacre, it is too cheap for the massacre, one to take up arms to shoot other people, and then to scream at other people to shoot him? Ridiculous.

As for the other, those things are complex, the strength of the international media is still in English, a dominant force in the West in the media, which is a gradual long-term rather than short term.
I fully accept that there would be Western operatives amongst the rebels. However, this kind of indiscriminate killing should not be tolerated.

As for the bigger picture, China/Russia need to learn to play the game a lot smarter. Do what the West does. Plant your own people as democratic candidates. Buy key media outlets and use them to promote your guys in "democratic" elections. This way you get your puppets in place, but under the guise of democracy.

China/Russia are real amateurs at this game.

you are assuming that obtaining this kind of influence/this level of infiltration/this capability of subversion is good for china and russia. it isn't, and so we won't play it.

it is a game that only non-continental powers can play (brits, americans, or the aussies who may have fed you this idea - in a word, anglo-saxons). they play this game because their strategic interests are forever in a flux and creating and holding onto particular factions and thereby dividing a eurasian country internally is the only way they can ever gain a toehold in the supercontinent. chinese and russian strategic interests are borne of geography, and that is why they must deal with their allies differently. over the decades china refrained from any interference in its closest allies like korea and pakistan even when anglo-americans were ardently playing this game of subversion and picking sides in all their nominal allies (pakistanis, above all, must know the taste of this american interference). and yet in the long run sino-pakistani ties haven't suffered because china didn't install a puppet regime in islamabad. and back in the days when brits were playing this game against a continental power like austria, bismarck, who viewed austria as the biggest obstacle to his german project and could have unleashed the subversive forces in austria to a far more devastating extent than brits ever could, decided against it. and you would dare say it is a lack of political maturity of bismarck? continental powers simply subscribe to a different code of conduct whereas anglo-saxon powers seek profit only in subversion.

i quite suspect you earned your think tank job from some anglo-saxon institutes.
I fully accept that there would be Western operatives amongst the rebels. However, this kind of indiscriminate killing should not be tolerated.

As for the bigger picture, China/Russia need to learn to play the game a lot smarter. Do what the West does. Plant your own people as democratic candidates. Buy key media outlets and use them to promote your guys in "democratic" elections. This way you get your puppets in place, but under the guise of democracy.

China/Russia are real amateurs at this game.

i agree we are amateurs at the game but u need resources to play this game a subtle way.
what china and russia lack is a global media empire like the US and UK have.
russia has Russia today and china has CCTV news, CNC world, xinhua, china daily.
but they are not global yet and they only started going global very recently and many have not even heard about them.

information power is vital in changing opinions of the public.

china is doing its best to improve our media power and cultural power but this will take many years.

the west has incredible media power aswell as cultural power.
not to mention economic, military, financial, political and technological power.

I think you stalwarts of think tanks and commentators here missed this http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/157064-chinas-online-propagandists-revealed.html
Why do you think USA finger prints and retina scans all people from China Russia , to track Spies and who they transfer money to in USA....

they invented espionage

China has known espionage for thousands of years hence why we are concerned about them.
4 people does not equate to genocide. Not really a difficult statement to comprehend now is it? and you want to give me info on India's judicial system to counter yours? sure, while you are it give me Somalis too, because it has as much relevance to me as India's.

What is your allegations of genocide for China? Tell me thank you. If you are referring to a genocide in the Indians, I know it, thank you for reminding, or you say the use of pesticides in Vietnam, as treat the insects to treat Asians?

Why can not India, you want to belittle India? India, the biggest democratic country, we are an authoritarian state, or do you think India is not a democratic country? Can answer my question?

---------- Post added at 01:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

I think you stalwarts of think tanks and commentators here missed this http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/157064-chinas-online-propagandists-revealed.html

You do not see my post, and you even use a mass communicators in Chinese network, you do not think it is a fair game? You to debate and CCP, then just a fact can exist in later.That is all good for the Chinese people.
Russia was never going to vote no due the the military base and its finger in the Syrian pie. Russia still clings to its soviet style outlook of "my friends are not your friends" attitude. I think China's response that it didnt want regime change is pretty much the bottom line. Discussions of amended resolutions and pressure from other members is a moot point.
I think when its all said and done there will be regime change in Syria. China should recognize this and hedge its bets accordingly. And to the rest of the world it still shows China as still a schoolboy when comes to stepping up the the plate and doing the right thing. As the old saying goes "Evil only exists when good people stand back and do nothing"
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