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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

Resisting Western influence is fine, but Russia/China must also show they are with the people of Syria, not the tyrant.

what people? if there were still a valid notion of peoplehood in syria, we wouldn't be witnessing this amount of bloodshed and this civil war. and if syrians needed to be somehow fashioned into a people but only with u.n. help, then they didn't deserve to be a people to begin with.

china has no duty to syrian people, for which there is none right now; syria's most recent political constitution was irrevocably destroyed (even if assad somehow finds a way to survive this) and is not yet reconstituted, as evidenced by the relentless fighting between various factions. china's moral duty is thus to the possibility of that reconstruction of syrian peoplehood, and china did just that yesterday, very nobly vetoing another anglo-saxon attempt to usurp syrians' power to make themselves a people again.

any further talk of "syrian people" from you or the americans is a cheap tactic to substitute rhetoric for a well-defined political concept.
I can understand that Russia and China are apprehensive about supporting Western 'takeover' of Syria, but they can't just stop at a veto. They must go further and use their influence to 'convince' this murderous Assad to implement democratic reforms.

Resisting Western influence is fine, but Russia/China must also show they are with the people of Syria, not the tyrant.

One thing that Russia and China can do is make sure first that the western nation don't attack. Then they should ask Assad to stop the killing and step down and if he doesn't then simply cut the supply of weapons. The guys would eventually come to talks when he sees that Russia and China are not going his way. The west shouldn't push things let Russia and China try to solve this diplomatically and if that fails then bring the issue again to UN council.
I can understand that Russia and China are apprehensive about supporting Western 'takeover' of Syria, but they can't just stop at a veto. They must go further and use their influence to 'convince' this murderous Assad to implement democratic reforms.

Resisting Western influence is fine, but Russia/China must also show they are with the people of Syria, not the tyrant.
without assad, syrians would be slaves of the white man just like the rest of the arab world.

iran and syria are the only countries standing not under western control.

assad should be killing those terrorists.
they dont represent the syrian people, its a terrorist network trying to topple the assad government.

assad has been too nice to terrorists, he should use full military force and crush these terrorists.
One thing that Russia and China can do is make sure first that the western nation don't attack. Then they should ask Assad to stop the killing and step down and if he doesn't then simply cut the supply of weapons. The guys would eventually come to talks when he sees that Russia and China are not going his way. The west shouldn't push things let Russia and China try to solve this diplomatically and if that fails then bring the issue again to UN council.

sorry, russia and china aren't supposed to interfere either. we are gatekeepers, only here to make sure that all syrian affairs remain syrian and that when syria resurfaces from this again they may still call themselves an independent nation. if russia and china were to issue directives to assad and his opponents, we would be hypocrites in vetoing the anglo-american resolution and no better than the profiteering anglo-americans.
what people? if there were still a valid notion of peoplehood in syria, we wouldn't be witnessing this amount of bloodshed and this civil war. and if syrians needed to be somehow fashioned into a people but only with u.n. help, then they didn't deserve to be a people to begin with.

china has no duty to syrian people, for which there is none right now; syria's most recent political constitution was irrevocably destroyed (even if assad somehow finds a way to survive this) and is not yet reconstituted, as evidenced by the relentless fighting between various factions. china's moral duty is thus to the possibility of that reconstruction of syrian peoplehood, and china did just that yesterday, very nobly vetoing another anglo-saxon attempt to usurp syrians' power to make themselves a people again.

any further talk of "syrian people" from you or the americans is a cheap tactic to substitute rhetoric for a well-defined political concept.

LOL, the ministry of propaganda is touring the US. The only intention for the veto was because China has not met a dictator it does not love for the money they make off them vs. the massacre perpetrated by them on their citizens.

The ending to this story will be just like in Libya, where the Chinese were thrown out. Syria, when free from Assad, will remember how China and Russia supported this regime. And Americans will win once again. We've been wining with a lot of your neighbors too.
sorry, russia and china aren't supposed to interfere either. we are gatekeepers, only here to make sure that all syrian affairs remain syrian and that when syria resurfaces from this again they may still call themselves an independent nation. if russia and china were to issue directives to assad and his opponents, we would be hypocrites in vetoing the anglo-american resolution and no better than the profiteering anglo-americans.

Russia and China are not sending troops, just ask Assad to stop the killing and peacefully negotiate with the people. Nothing more, otherwise if anything similar to Libya happens, then there will be resentment in the eyes of the Syrian people for the two countries.
Russia and China are not sending troops, just ask Assad to stop the killing and peacefully negotiate with the people. Nothing more, otherwise if anything similar to Libya happens, then there will be resentment in the eyes of the Syrian people for the two countries.

syrians are, as of yet, an unconstituted mob. i don't presume to disrespect syrians to tell them how they will turn out to be like as a reconstituted people, but at the same time i don't fear the resentment of a fictional people
listen indian, we all know u love serving the whites. and lets hope u keep serving them for a long time to come but this is a matter between independent countries of russia, china and the US.

this is a geopolitical chess game between the 3 great powers.

syria, iran, india, britain, france, germany, japan, vietnam, philippines, south korea, north korea, arab world, latin america, africa, australia, etc are just pawns used by these 3 great powers in the grand chess game.

if u want to be a respected and powerful nation, u must first have an independent foreign policy like the US, china and russia.

india is a pawn used by the US as is many others like japan, south korea, phillippines, australia, etc.

so stop acting as though india is some independent country, u are not, u dance to the tune washington plays.

the events in asia, middle east, africa, latin america, south asia, southeast asia, east asia, oceania, western europe and eastern europe are all a geopolitical battle between US, russia and china.

stay out of it.

Okay, I don't get your sense of reasoning, the only thing I posted was the west should stay out and let Russia and China deal with it. I don't understand is to where I supported the west in that matter.
LOL, the ministry of propaganda is touring the US. The only intention for the veto was because China has not met a dictator it does not love for the money they make off them vs. the massacre perpetrated by them on their citizens.

The ending to this story will be just like in Libya, where the Chinese were thrown out. Syria, when free from Assad, will remember how China and Russia supported this regime. And Americans will win once again. We've been wining with a lot of your neighbors too.

You mean the University of Kent massacre in the 70S?
Okay, I don't get your sense of reasoning, the only thing I posted was the west should stay out and let Russia and China deal with it. I don't understand is to where I supported the west in that matter.

this is a geopolitical battle between US, russia and china.
US has more subservient slaves as its the only empire, but even though china and russia are not superpowers yet, both of us are the only 2 nations that has the independence to counterbalance the american empire.

libya was just a mere move in the chess game that US won due to trickery by the american regime.
china and russia are trying its best to not let syria go too.
then we only have iran as our final card.

its harsh to say but the people dont matter in this world, its all about great powers fighting eachother wanting their own space and preserving their own space.

these kinds of battles have been going on for thousands of years, it happened when the spanish, portugese, dutch, french and british empires were around.
it happened during the cold war between the american empire and the soviet empire.

neither of the 3 great powers care about the people, its about strategic objectives, its called global geopolitics.

its a ruthless world out there.
the strong shall survive and the meek and the weak shall perish.

its not how i like it, but these are the facts that people dont want to talk about because of its sensitivity.
this is a geopolitical battle between US, russia and china.
US has more subservient slaves as its the only empire, but even though china and russia are not superpowers yet, both of us are the only 2 nations that has the independence to counterbalance the american empire.

libya was just a mere move in the chess game that US won due to trickery by the american regime.
china and russia are trying its best to not let syria go too.
then we only have iran as our final card.

its harsh to say but the people dont matter in this world, its all about great powers fighting eachother wanting their own space and preserving their own space.

these kinds of battles have been going on for thousands of years, it happened when the spanish, portugese, dutch, french and british empires were around.
it happened during the cold war between the american empire and the soviet empire.

neither of the 3 great powers care about the people, its about strategic objectives, its called global geopolitics.

its a ruthless world out there.
the strong shall survive and the meek and the weak shall perish.

its not how i like it, but these are the facts that people dont want to talk about because of its sensitivity.

That's pretty messed up way of putting it, so the killing of people is justifiable because they are weak. That would be acting like animals. I guess all to their own beliefs.


This is one of the image caught showing the abuse.

Good acting, I need to say?
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Can you guys please keep race out of this? When I wrote "West" I meant it in the sense of the dominant powers.

Russia is more "white" than America.

The key is too difficult to know the truth, some Syrians support the Government, some people object to the Government, how you judge such a situation? Can only say,allow them to solve.
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