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Russia and China veto UN Resolution against Syria

I don't speak for my "nation". I am an individual American. But, if I did, so what? The USA ended apartheid in SA, no one else did. And as for Israel, how is Israel equivalent to the Baath dictators of Syria? Your point does not, in any way, rebut my charge that Russia and China are amoral supporters of the Syrian dictator, and who are, actually, the soul mates of dictators the world over.

Also see my recent opinion piece: http://www.defence.pk/forums/u-s-defence/155591-us-s-complete-support-israel-best-interest-us.html


Oh and btw saying that russia and china will get their comeuppance is retarded.All signs point to Russia realizing their potential and china becoming the most powerful country on earth.
I don't speak for my "nation". I am an individual American. But, if I did, so what? The USA ended apartheid in SA, no one else did. And as for Israel, how is Israel equivalent to the Baath dictators of Syria? Your point does not, in any way, rebut my charge that Russia and China are amoral supporters of the Syrian dictator, and who are, actually, the soul mates of dictators the world over.

Also see my recent opinion piece: http://www.defence.pk/forums/u-s-defence/155591-us-s-complete-support-israel-best-interest-us.html

Both Israel and Syria (and USA for that matter) are fighting terrorists.
The terrorists are outgunned so they hide among civilians - as a result, civilians will die.
In Israels (and Americas) case, all the blame for civilian deaths go to the terrorists, for hiding among civilians.
In Syrias case, all the blame for civilian deaths go to the security services.
Double standards much?

Secondly, the good old US of A would never dream of supporting any dictactors/brutal regimes in the Middle East or Latin America.
So typical of both the Communist Chinese and the post-Communist Russians. They absolutely have no sympathy for, or understanding of, human rights. Both nations are ruled by autocrats. Pity. They are both on the wrong side of history and will see their comeuppance within the next generation. Their leaders will rue the day they choose their own selfish power over the aspirations of the people of Syria.

So are your fat lazy hypocrazy killing 300000 innocent Iraqis and pissing the honorable dead in A'stan?

Fvck off your righteous, Syria has problems, but get your dirty hand off there.
Secondly, the good old US of A would never dream of supporting any dictactors/brutal regimes in the Middle East or Latin America.

(1) Sarcasm is against the "rules" of posts here at the PDF .....

(2) As my parents taught me: "Do as I say, not as I do!" USA support of dictators, if it has occurred, is no justification for Russia and China to do so in the 21st Century.
(2) As my parents taught me: "Do as I say, not as I do!" USA support of dictators, if it has occurred, is no justification for Russia and China to do so in the 21st Century.

don't flatter yourself. we aren't supporting assad because americans are supporting many worse instances of dictators and mass murders. we simply aren't supporting assad - russia and china vetoed the syrian resolution to stop american aggression, plain and simple.
we simply aren't supporting assad - russia and china vetoed the syrian resolution to stop american aggression, plain and simple.

And that is a lie, plain and simple. Your leaders are supporting Assad because he is just like themselves. YOU have nothing at all to say about it. YOU are blinded by the false nationalism that they spin to you. It is too bad that MY country allows you to suck out OUR knowledge in service of your Communist masters.

PS. If it were up to me we would not allow any PRC students into the USA. Too many are very poor guests.
Guys no point in responding to the crazy American. Let him rant about the Russian and Chinese governments if he wants to. Won't change the reality that the East is on its way up and the West is on its way down.
And that is a lie, plain and simple. Your leaders are supporting Assad because he is just like themselves. YOU have nothing at all to say about it. YOU are blinded by the false nationalism that they spin to you. It is too bad that MY country allows you to suck out OUR knowledge in service of your Communist masters.

PS. If it were up to me we would not allow any PRC students into the USA. Too many are very poor guests.

no politicians like each other because they are alike. prc and us were for many years in this cold-war alliance not because there was any resemblance between their political culture and institutions. none of the alliances us built was built purely because us was politically similar to them, and it sought out the most disgusting scums to install as dictators in its allied countries. it is national interests, and russian and chinese national interests dictate the saving of syrians from another round of american invasion - indiscriminate bombing, black prisons, torture, murder at the hands of american high-school dropouts and the rape of their women and daughters, plundering, corruption, theft. now all these can be stopped - again, only partly out of china and russia's noble spirit but mainly because china and russia see the freedom of syrians from american threat as something that is in their interest as well.

if you have an actual argument to make, stop play chicken and say everyone who disagrees with you is "blinded" by nationalism. it makes people doubt your intelligence, not to mention the determination to seek the truth of all your country's dirty secrets and intentions
Russia followed the same reasoning I did when I saw the text of the resolution:

Russia, China veto new U.N. resolution on Syria - latimes.com

The Russian U.N. ambassador, Vitaly Churkin, complained that Western nations had undermined the chance for a political solution by "pushing the opposition towards power."

The U.N. resolution would have condemned the Syrian government's "widespread and gross violations of human rights." Russia sought equal condemnation of Assad's armed opponents, a stance deplored as "reprehensible" by Rice. The Russians also complained that the plan would have obliged the government to withdraw its forces from cities and towns, but no such requirement was imposed on insurgents.

"When the Syrian government forces were pulling out, armed groups were pulling in," Churkin said.
Russia followed the same reasoning I did when I saw the text of the resolution:

Russia, China veto new U.N. resolution on Syria - latimes.com

anglo-americans must explain how and wherefrom the rebels acquired these weapons and why they are supporting elements in syria that kill innocent people who just wanted to live in peace and prefer not to see a civil war on their motherland - much less to join the rebels - in which syrians are sheding each other's blood. yesterday we all saw the bloodthirst and savage satisfaction on susan rice and other americans' face when the council was about to vote on the resolution - the anglo-americans craved for more syrian blood and they knew their draft, if passed, would give them more syrian blood to drink from. this bloodthirst was plainly written on their faces, and TruthSeeker's computer screen was staring at such a face right now
I can understand that Russia and China are apprehensive about supporting Western 'takeover' of Syria, but they can't just stop at a veto. They must go further and use their influence to 'convince' this murderous Assad to implement democratic reforms.

Resisting Western influence is fine, but Russia/China must also show they are with the people of Syria, not the tyrant.
no politicians like each other because they are alike. prc and us were for many years in this cold-war alliance not because there was any resemblance between their political culture and institutions. none of the alliances us built was built purely because us was politically similar to them, and it sought out the most disgusting scums to install as dictators in its allied countries. it is national interests, and russian and chinese national interests dictate the saving of syrians from another round of american invasion - indiscriminate bombing, black prisons, torture, murder at the hands of american high-school dropouts and the rape of their women and daughters, plundering, corruption, theft. now all these can be stopped - again, only partly out of china and russia's noble spirit but mainly because china and russia see the freedom of syrians from american threat as something that is in their interest as well.

if you have an actual argument to make, stop play chicken and say everyone who disagrees with you is "blinded" by nationalism. it makes people doubt your intelligence, not to mention the determination to seek the truth of all your country's dirty secrets and intentions

You are not disagreeing, you are calling our national fiber as being rapist, murderers, plunders. The very country you chose to live in. But you are Chinese so we are not that surprised. You folks have not met a single genocide where you did not love their dictators.
You are not disagreeing, you are calling our national fiber as being rapist, murderers, plunders. The very country you chose to live in. But you are Chinese so we are not that surprised. You folks have not met a single genocide where you did not love their dictators.

i am not living in us - i am travelling. if i cannot call out u.s. for the crimes it habitually commits around the world, i guess i would have to forbid myself to talk about britain, germany, canada, all of which i will visit in the next few months, and above all china, which is where i actually keep my residence.
i am not living in us - i am travelling. if i cannot call out u.s. for the crimes it habitually commits around the world, i guess i would have to forbid myself to talk about britain, germany, canada, all of which i will visit in the next few months, and above all china, which is where i actually keep my residence.

Ah- so you are not american, thank god! . Nvm. The world has seen your list of freinds vs. ours.
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