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Rupee trading in range of 230-232 in open market as spread with inter-bank widens

Logic & Common Sense

We had 27 billion Dollar and people and businesses moved Money out of Pakistan into UAE Property and Banks why? because

a) Cipher Government change and indication of instability
b) People noticing that the NAB and other provisions were suspended by crooks
c) Internet shutdowns
d) TV black blackouts
e) Cell phone blackouts
f) Kidnapping of people by Police

When our 27 billion Dollar reserve hit the reserve what chance that 1 billion IMF loan will have
It shows lack of understanding the impact of decisions which are costly and go beyond financial damage

The financial system and currency crash is due to anyone who is anyone now , moving funds out of Pakistani financial system
Google shows incorrect data every now and then. This is the last tweet from SBP

Look a this Google rate. I though SBP dumped a billion dollars. 😅
People refuse to send money(overseas Pakistanis) and fast fleeing investors/businesses to uae and beyond…..seems dollars are flying abroad

I think a world recession and currency/economic crash is imminent…..gonna happen worldwide
Its just a matter of a little time.

Chaos, famine, hunger…..it will be real and not even dha will be able to avoid it……its coming head-on but our ppl, asleep and ignorant as usual……
People refuse to send money(overseas Pakistanis) and fast fleeing investors/businesses to uae and beyond…..seems dollars are flying abroad

I think a world recession and currency/economic crash is imminent…..gonna happen worldwide
Its just a matter of a little time.

Chaos, famine, hunger…..it will be real and not even dha will be able to avoid it……its coming head-on but our ppl, asleep and ignorant as usual……
Food secure and fuel secure nations will survive. It will be a struggle for others.
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