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Running out of time: Fearing prosecution, Afghan refugees look towards home

You know that tribals=afghanis are not same thing right?

yeah i know ,they are different but they hardly follow the border rules :D

="rockstar08, post: 6747459, member: 149533"]the problem with people here, that when some one say , he is against Tribal culture , he become racist ... that is weird logic i guess , and oh yes , a default supporter of MQM lolz , just like only MQM is suffering in Karachi or they are only killers ?

the problem is not in the culture mate if you made up shit about my culture off course i would call you a racist. wouldn't you call me that too if i say shit about your culture?

strange fact is mostly everyone is proud on his ethnic background , but some so called Urdu speaking people are ashamed of themselves ... lolz at them .. now all Pakistani are free to go anywhere, I agree... but you are not allowed to take your tribal culture with you .... now suppose tomorrow all Urdu speaking people go to FATA with out way of living , will they accept ?? they wont ..... but Karachi host all ethic background people , but that doesnt mean you are allowed to start messing the city law and order ...

how about take up responsibility of the mess in karachi and stop blaming it on all tribals. Karachi is in the mess since 90's did you have this tribal issues then too?? no you dint have so own up your mess don't blame it on us tribals. we are not angels but certainly we are not the reasons for every wrong doing in the country and karachi.

so many people here , specially live in Punjab , Balochistan , KPK and they are masters in debate with a person who has lived his entire life in Karachi ... so thats a big lol

i wont say i know the situation of Punjab better than a person who is living there from 20 years or more

Karachi offer people " rozi " so come here and work hard , but if you make your areas the way , these tribals had made them , than no body will like it ... .i am openly challenging anyone here on PDF , that go to Mango pir , and afghan basti in jeans and shirt with music on in car ... and if you remain alive , than we will talk ...

for your information we did not make our areas this way, they have been kept like that for the past 65 years, i asked this question from like 10 ppl who are criticising tribals to tell me about a single university they have built in tribal areas or a hospital can you name one??? the problem is not in my culture the problem is in how we are kept since the first day of the creation of this country and then you blame us for it?? you start building universities let me see how many tribals oppose you.

my friend in a university some 3 years back , told me that there are 4 different areas where Afghans are running their jirga law , with the help of Tribal of course ... now tell me , Karachi is not FATA , there is a law here . and anyone who break is must be punished according to it ..

let me tell you one thing there is nothing wrong in jirga if ppl living there are solving their disputes this way. that is the problem with you guys, you guys know nothing about tribal cultures and starts saying shit about it. if you two brothers have some disputes in your family wouldn't they sit on it to work it out?? yeah you would and that is what we do and we call it jirga and so to everyone keeps their words after jirga few elders of the tribe are included into it so what on earth is wrong with it?? yeah if its practiced bad then that is the governments responsibility to make sure they don't abuse that system. you simply cannot call the whole jirga system as some evil ritual or something.

so before you jump into the pool of Emotions about your Tribe , ethicity ... first know about the fact ,which is different from what you see on media ... media show " Hum sab Pakistani " blah blah blah .. but in real we are everything but " Pakistani " .... and of course the champion here " Punjabi " ... they are devil when they are out of Pakistan ... i have meet more than 10 people who tell them that just because of their Punjabi boss , they lost their jobs, and he bring his fellow Punjabi on that position ... Pathan support Pathan , Sindhi support sindhi ..

and yeah one more thing here , that i have no problem if someone from any part of Pakistan to karachi for work , Rozi Allah ata kerta hai , jahan jis ka rizk hai , use milay ga ... but i would appreciate much more that if govt make at least one Karachi in every state of Pakistan ... people dont have to leave their area and go to other place to find jobs , health facility or education ... when i saw news of shikar pur attack , and news told us that the wounded people were transferred to Karachi , i feel so angry, that why not these A$$ hole govt make at least one good Hospital in every city ?? what if anyone who is critically injured die within the Transport process ?? all cities must have 2-3 universities , 2-3 Hospitals ( big ) and small clinics , their own electricity centers, jobs etc ...

second your thoughts on this one make one karachi (industrial zone) in my tribal area too i will give you the land.

on topic .... these Afghans should go back to their country , same go for Uzbek , Tajik , and bangali's .... who are illegally living here , should be send back to it ...

you type a long reply dude, i wasnt expecting it though ... but let me clear your mind a bit ...

first i said i dont have problem with Tribal people but with Tribal system ... so its different , you are free to say anything to my culture , i have been listening to many things is here , my brother was once told by a Jamati pathan , that Muhajir ko maarna , aur kutty ko maarna baraber hai , so to be honest i dont give jack shit about them ...

i hate tribal culture cause its always contradict with govt law , its baba adam ke zamane ka law , and why education is not in Fata , i dont see any Jihad for education starting from fata ? but jihad for their own version of Islam .. that is also a reality ..

well yeah why not , clean the karachi .. but problem is when last time police of Rangers go to Afghan basti , mango pir they were attack by rocket launchers lolz so if you are from Pashtoon warrior blood , than please come and clean the Karachi , i dont mind if you kill the MQM thugs ...

the problem with jirga is i dont want to see it in my neighborhood , as i said ,if tomorrow USA come to FATA and say now FATA is a nudist area, that is how we live, our rules ... will they accept ?? lolz
tribals come to karachi for work , come and work , live there , enjoy .. but leave your tribal system in FATA , and if it is than keep it to your home ..

and as i said , i didnt said the tribal even ask for any schools or college , or any Industrial zone ... all they want no police , no govt interference , they want them to be left alone with their pride of Pashtoons , and their tribal system ...

i said it my first message , i have no problem with anyone coming to karachi , work here ... enjoy , but leave your tribal system back there .... and if they come keep it there , because of that system they give shelter to their tribals brother who work for taliban , and when police go there , there A$$'s on fire that " Chaar divari ka taqadu pamal ho raha hai " when they bring Uzbeks,tajik than they dont care about their wife and daughters ?? that is just a joke to me ...

their weapons , smuggling , extortion ...
i know that karachi was mess when they were not here , but now its more mess .. and before that there were no no go areas , i have been to university for 4 years , and we go to some areas where today even in morning we cant go ...
My friend half of MQM walas have pakhtun surnames like Babar Ghauri and claim pathan decent. So how are you sure tribal culture will not go away? They will change in Karachi eventually, just 1 generation. And if you are muslim then its your farz to have patience.

And as far as Afghanis and Bonglas are concerned, again patience is required here since they are not going anywhere.

Babar Khan Gauri is definitely of 100% Bihari stock, not a single drop of Afghan blood is running in his veins. It is written all over his face (I am not being racist here but this is the reality). Most of these people just changed their family names when they migrated to Pakistan. I can also chose a name like Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud but it won't make me a Bedu. A very tiny minority of Muhajir people have “ashraaf” background, namely those whose ancestors didn’t convert to Islam from Hinduism but came from the west of Indus and settled down in Hindustan during the Mughal rule. The hate being spewed against Tribal Pashtuns here is nothing new, vilifying the people of other ethnic groups is a very muhajir thing. Don’t think that Punajbis, Sindhi or the people of any other ethnicities are saved from their baseless hatred.
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They hate Pakistan from their very core.
We give them education, jobs, scholarships, healthcare and what not.
And I dare you to go to any random Afghan news website or page on facebook and show me one single comment that is pro-Pakistani. They despise us after all we've done for them. A bunch of ungrateful twats. I've seen innumerable Afghani pages where they openly 24/7 spew hate against Pakistan.
On top of that they are the largest community of terrorists in Pakistan.
They freeload, steal our jobs, kill our people; the least they could do was abide by the law but no! Not even that.
You kick them out back to their country and they come dying crying back for mercy because our worst FATA agency is better than their Kabul/Jalalabad.
I hope we get rid of them all as soon as we can.
afghanis are cancel and there is no cure for them. if Pakistan want to finish terrorism then we should throw these naiki chod people out of our country. clean the afghan mess then we could focus on our other issues
After 15 years of war and destroyed economy few still defending Afghans and cross border inter-linked tribes of north west region just because of ethnic similarities, well , It prove at least one point that today ethnic background is prioritize over national interests , here a member speaks about 1 generation required @save_ghenda , 1 generation is enough to let large number of our own citizens will be exiled from our own cities, our citizens are not from fighting backgrounds , they are from educated background , try to avoid violence unlike afghans . they don't have 10 to 12 child that at least a dozen should be sacrificed for useless inter-rivalries. 1 generation is enough to destroy the efforts of many generations.
Babar Khan Gauri is definitely of 100% Bihari stock, not a single drop of Afghan blood is running in his veins. It is written all over his face (I am not being racist here but this is the reality). Most of these people just changed their family names when they migrated to Pakistan. I can also chose a name like Al-Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz al Saud but it won't make me a Bedu. A very tiny minority of Muhajir people have “ashraaf” background, namely those whose ancestors didn’t convert to Islam from Hinduism but came from the west of Indus and settled down in Hindustan during the Mughal rule. The hate being spewed against Tribal Pashtuns here is nothing new, vilifying the people of other ethnic groups is a very muhajir thing. Don’t think that Punajbis, Sindhi or the people of any other ethnicities are saved from their baseless hatred.

It does not work like that, Gauri invaded what? 8 centuries ago. He could as well be real decendent of Gauri and not look like Afghan.

After 15 years of war and destroyed economy few still defending Afghans and cross border inter-linked tribes of north west region just because of ethnic similarities, well , It prove at least one point that today ethnic background is prioritize over national interests , here a member speaks about 1 generation required @save_ghenda , 1 generation is enough to let large number of our own citizens will be exiled from our own cities, our citizens are not from fighting backgrounds , they are from educated background , try to avoid violence unlike afghans . they don't have 10 to 12 child that at least a dozen should be sacrificed for useless inter-rivalries. 1 generation is enough to destroy the efforts of many generations.

Exiled? Go in detail.

Anyway with time they will integrate, especially next generation of tribals in Karachi.
Have they f**ked off yet? Or do I need to come there and pillage their slums and forcibly send them back to Afghanistan by shooting them one by one through a cannon.
Also @Orakzai the tribal culture must be abolished for non city dwelling Pashtun communities to move forward and make something of themselves. Integrate with the state and become a society, not a tribe.

Feel free to remember tribal culture in history books, paintings, anything symbolic really. Its your culture and I respect it. However it can no longer be an active component of Pakistan society. It is a dated system which does not work. Time to evolve.

Same goes for this mohajir nonense and anything else that exists in the country which creates divisions. Ethnic divides must be erased.
"rockstar08, post: 6747715, member: 149533"]yeah i know ,they are different but they hardly follow the border rules :D

you type a long reply dude, i wasnt expecting it though ... but let me clear your mind a bit ...

well i had to do it coz you people never stop saying shit about my culture and my people.

first i said i dont have problem with Tribal people but with Tribal system ... so its different , you are free to say anything to my culture , i have been listening to many things is here , my brother was once told by a Jamati pathan , that Muhajir ko maarna , aur kutty ko maarna baraber hai , so to be honest i dont give jack shit about them ...

well that is why i don't give a jack shit about what you say we will go wherever in this country no one can stop us this is as much our country as much is yours.

i hate tribal culture cause its always contradict with govt law , its baba adam ke zamane ka law , and why education is not in Fata , i dont see any Jihad for education starting from fata ? but jihad for their own version of Islam .. that is also a reality ..

anyone hates my culture i hate him. waowww did you do jihad for education did you do jihad for hospitals did you do jihad for roads??? why do we tribals have to suffer for even the most basic rights???

well yeah why not , clean the karachi .. but problem is when last time police of Rangers go to Afghan basti , mango pir they were attack by rocket launchers lolz so if you are from Pashtoon warrior blood , than please come and clean the Karachi , i dont mind if you kill the MQM thugs ...

yes we are the warrior blood we have been defending this country since day one example for 50 years you did not need any army on your western borders. can you and your people guard that sindh border for even a day?? huh.
yeah right we should protect borders for you we should clean cities for you, we should fight proxy wars for you, we should provide you our land to train fighters and then you leave your mess there and blame it on us, infect we should be guarding your house too isn't it?? and why do you guys do?? sit home watch teli eat burgers get fat and say more shit about my people?

the problem with jirga is i dont want to see it in my neighborhood , as i said ,if tomorrow USA come to FATA and say now FATA is a nudist area, that is how we live, our rules ... will they accept ?? lolz
tribals come to karachi for work , come and work , live there , enjoy .. but leave your tribal system in FATA , and if it is than keep it to your home ..

you have a problem with jirga system don't follow it. if you don't like it i don't care its my culture i will follow it and use it and do it anywhere i like in karachi in peshawar islamabad or in tribal area.
huh look at you reminding me that you are doing us a favour if tribals are working living in karachi. karachi is not your personal property mate that if tribals go there you guys are doing big favour on them so get your facts straight and get down on the ground from that high horse you are riding on.

and as i said , i didnt said the tribal even ask for any schools or college , or any Industrial zone ... all they want no police , no govt interference , they want them to be left alone with their pride of Pashtoons , and their tribal system ...

if some people don't want government doesn't mean all don't want it and what good is this government if they can't in force their laws upon people?? its the governments responsibility to provide most basic rights to every citizen of the country anyone comes in the way deal with them with iron fist but don't ignore them and deprive them from the most basic rights? IT IS THE GOVERNMENTS RESPONSIBILITY I AM SAYING OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

i said it my first message , i have no problem with anyone coming to karachi , work here ... enjoy , but leave your tribal system back there .... and if they come keep it there , because of that system they give shelter to their tribals brother who work for taliban , and when police go there , there A$$'s on fire that " Chaar divari ka taqadu pamal ho raha hai " when they bring Uzbeks,tajik than they dont care about their wife and daughters ?? that is just a joke to me ...

AS I TOLD YOU ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS IF WE COME TO KARACHI who the hell are you to tell us that you are doing us a favour?? your people dint even exist in karachi prior 1947 so what that shity favouring thing you are rubbing in on my face??
and that bloody hoax of uzbeks tajiks etc they might be living in some mountain or in some part of the tribal areas but its not like they are every fucking where get it in your head. i have not seen a single one of them in whole of my freaking life. and that rona on police raids its your people who cry all the time OHH WE LEFT EVERYTHING FOR THIS COUNTRY AND NOW THEY ARE TREATING US SHIT AND BLAH BLAH BLAH MOST OF THE THUGS ARRESTED IN KARACHI ARE HAPPEN TO BE YOUR BRETHREN URDU SPEAKING I HELD YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR THAT WHY DONT YOU GUYS KILL THEM AND STOP THEM?? NO BUT YOU GUYS SHELTER THEM IN YOUR HOUSES DONT YOU GUYS HAVE WIFES AND DAUGHTERS IN YOUR HOUSES WHEN YOU SHELTER THEM???

their weapons , smuggling , extortion ...
i know that karachi was mess when they were not here , but now its more mess .. and before that there were no no go areas , i have been to university for 4 years , and we go to some areas where today even in morning we cant go ...

man you are seriously arguing like a 7 year old kid. if it wasn't that messy why would they have to do 1990's operation in karachi when after your people started whining and became mazloom???

yeah i know ,they are different but they hardly follow the border rules :D

you type a long reply dude, i wasnt expecting it though ... but let me clear your mind a bit ...

first i said i dont have problem with Tribal people but with Tribal system ... so its different , you are free to say anything to my culture , i have been listening to many things is here , my brother was once told by a Jamati pathan , that Muhajir ko maarna , aur kutty ko maarna baraber hai , so to be honest i dont give jack shit about them ...

i hate tribal culture cause its always contradict with govt law , its baba adam ke zamane ka law , and why education is not in Fata , i dont see any Jihad for education starting from fata ? but jihad for their own version of Islam .. that is also a reality ..

well yeah why not , clean the karachi .. but problem is when last time police of Rangers go to Afghan basti , mango pir they were attack by rocket launchers lolz so if you are from Pashtoon warrior blood , than please come and clean the Karachi , i dont mind if you kill the MQM thugs ...

the problem with jirga is i dont want to see it in my neighborhood , as i said ,if tomorrow USA come to FATA and say now FATA is a nudist area, that is how we live, our rules ... will they accept ?? lolz
tribals come to karachi for work , come and work , live there , enjoy .. but leave your tribal system in FATA , and if it is than keep it to your home ..

and as i said , i didnt said the tribal even ask for any schools or college , or any Industrial zone ... all they want no police , no govt interference , they want them to be left alone with their pride of Pashtoons , and their tribal system ...

i said it my first message , i have no problem with anyone coming to karachi , work here ... enjoy , but leave your tribal system back there .... and if they come keep it there , because of that system they give shelter to their tribals brother who work for taliban , and when police go there , there A$$'s on fire that " Chaar divari ka taqadu pamal ho raha hai " when they bring Uzbeks,tajik than they dont care about their wife and daughters ?? that is just a joke to me ...

their weapons , smuggling , extortion ...
i know that karachi was mess when they were not here , but now its more mess .. and before that there were no no go areas , i have been to university for 4 years , and we go to some areas where today even in morning we cant go ...
yeah that is what he thinks. somebody ask him if sindhi's on india side is same as sindhis on pakistani side or punjabi

man you are seriously arguing like a 7 year old kid. if it wasn't that messy why would they have to do 1990's operation in karachi when after your people started whining and became mazloom???

the Operation was against MQM ( not my people ) and that turn out to be somewhere 15,000 dead , and many missing ....

the 1992 Operation was a Political move , and you can come up with something more recent , MQM history and present is full of sh!t ... but you know what ? i dont give a Damn about them :D

i am a Supporter of Mushi ...
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