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Run for your life: Persecution of Shias and Ahmadis in Pakistan

Pakistan has the second largest Muslim population in the world, as well as the second largest Shia Muslim population.
In that case they are in greatest danger ?

No, there is no danger to Shia Muslims in Pakistan. They are part & parcel of Pakistani society, & as a Pakistani Shia Muslim, I have never had any problems anywhere in Pakistan, & I have lived in Punjab, NWFP & interior Sindh (& traveled to Balochistan & Gilgit-Baltistan as well).
No, there is no danger to Shias in Pakistan. They are part & parcel of Pakistani society, & as a Pakistani Shia, I have never had any problems anywhere in Pakistan, & I have lived in Punjab, NWFP & Sindh.

I know there are many saudis funded anti shia organisation in Pakistan... the incident which are happening on regular basis in FATA and other tribal areas are enough to substantiate the danger they are facing.
I know there are many saudis funded anti shia organisation in Pakistan... the incident which are happening on regular basis in FATA and other tribal areas are enough to substantiate the danger they are facing.

There are Shia extremist organizations as well, such as Lashkar-e-Mehdi & a few others. Pakistan has hosted a proxy war between Saudi Arabia & Iran on its soil over the last few decades, & if the recent years are looked at, increasing number of Shia extremists have been responsible for sectarian killings as well, more than Sunni extremist groups. It all comes down to education, & the blame does not fall on any individual group, but it is our collective responsibility to eradicate these evils from our society. And God willing we will.
I know there are many saudis funded anti shia organisation in Pakistan... the incident which are happening on regular basis in FATA and other tribal areas are enough to substantiate the danger they are facing.

there are also some Iranian-funded militant Shiia groups --- dont hear much about them and they arent very active but they do exist

as for FATA, I hope youre aware that in terms of sect -- very few areas of FATA or even KP have Shiia populations.... a few scatters in DI Khan and other areas, sizeable presence in northern part of Kurram Agency (my native area). You also have Hazaras who settled in some of these areas, as well as in Balochistan.

Pakistan isn't like Iraq or Bahrain where sectarian issue is so pronounced and where people constantly kill or divide eachother based on sect. Issue does exist, but its so small and only a problem among hate groups existing in rural areas where development and education levels are low
There are Shia militant organizations as well, such as Lashkar-e-Mehdi & a few others. Pakistan has hosted a proxy war between Saudi Arabia & Iran on its own soil, & if the recent years are looked at, increasing number of Shia extremists have been responsible for sectarian killings as well, more than Sunni extremist groups. It all comes down to education, & the blame does not fall on any individual group, but it is our collective responsibility to eradicate these evils from our society.

Very wise post.. But do you extend the same logic to Ahamadis as well.. Which most of Pakistan doesnt even consider Muslims...
so you admitted to being a troll....


How so.. Pray tell??? By creating a separate topic and not making off topic posts in an India bashing thread? I thought that's the right practice to keep one thread about one topic only..
Very wise post.. But do you extend the same logic to Ahamadis as well.. Which most of Pakistan doesnt even consider Muslims...

Pakistanis are probably mixed on it. Regardless of whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim (Muslims believe Allah SWT has the final say) they should be treated as lawful citizens of Pakistan who enjoy rights shared by other Pakistanis.

many threads existing already on this topic; surely you've even authored many of those threads ;)
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