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Rumoured cancellation of J-31

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Good for Pakistanis if true.
Now do some less corruption and go for J-20
IF it is true and consider that it happened just after the “strategic dialogue" between China and the US,could only means one thing,that is the US offered China something in exchange for China to drop the program.. otherwise the ”poor man‘s F-35“ could definitely endanger the market outlook for the real thing

And that‘s a big IF,havent heard anything from local source
Read about it just now so I thought I will put it here for discussion.., :)
****no trolling pls****

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The J-31 is supposed to be a low Cost, low-end stealth fighter primarily designed for export like the JF-17. The PLAAF had initially agreed to buy limited numbers to support its development while the fighter found export customers to further fund the project. But since then, the PLAAF has criticized the aircraft saying it was never meant for domestic use.

The project has only one prototype (No. 31001), which had its maiden flight in 2012. Any fighter program dictates availability of multiple prototypes to test various parameters and design changes to expedite its development. But so far, Shenyang has not hinted on building additional prototypes for the project. This puts the future of the entire program in doubt.

The main problem is the lack of committed export customers and its failure to meet design parameters. When the fighter was unveiled publicly at the Zhu Hai Airshow in 2014, it was highly criticized for its aerodynamic inefficiencies during flight maneuvers. The aircraft bled a lot of energy and the pilot had a hard time keeping the nose up during turns and other maneuvers. The afterburners also had to be engaged often to maintain a proper energy utilization curve. Flights were done when the jet was "clean," so results would be worse when fitted with a combat load-out. The jet is also said to be considerable overweight. The lack of a good engine also affected its chances, with the WS-13 failing to meet the specifications.

The only country that expressed interest was Pakistan, but China believes that the limited numbers (30-40 aircrafts) will not compensate for the cost incurred while developing the jet. The required number would be atleast 150+ airframes. The PLAN never officially expressed their interest in the project. Unless PLAAF decides to back the project, the J-31 might be as good as dead.
This kind of no link article was not expected from you...

If one does consider that they are not going to continue the project of J-31 that would indicate J-20 would be sold to Pakistan. At-least 30-50 Aircraft for PAF would available...

If J-31 is not even bought by the PLAAF it does not indicate that an export product would not be made of J-20.
This kind of no link article was not expected from you...
I guess I shld have not made a thread out of it. But I put it up for disscussion to know if this true. I guess mod can help me merging it with a thread on similar topic. :)
I guess I shld have not made a thread out of it. But I put it up for disscussion to know if this true. I guess mod can help me merging it with a thread on similar topic. :)
These days there is a lot of stuff that is going on but unfortunately nothing is being made public. This is due to various reasons. You can be sure that something is cooking because when War is declared then Defence budget has priority over all other spending.
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