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Rumors: Pakistan to acquire five C-130J Super Hercules

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USA not releasing the engines for T129 has nothing to do with Pakistan, its the Turk US relations that are not on good terms...
I think it is more a case of killing the competition. In keenly contested categories this is often done to cut down any chance of another contender in the market. My 2 paisas worth.

Complete garbage. Please explain how the J-15 doesn't have any IP issues. It's an unlicensed copy of the Su-33, which the Chinese acquired a couple of examples from Ukraine. It will have the same IP issues as any other Flanker clone the Chinese make, such as the J-16. If the J-15 operates from land, the folding wings and tail hook won't be removed for the same reason that land based F-18 Hornets in use by Canada, Finland and Australia haven't removed their tail hooks or folding wings - the complexity and cost. You can't just swap out folding wings for fixed wings that easily. Take a look at the F-18L design concept, McDonnell Douglas' land based Hornet design from the 80s. It was cancelled because of cost and those interested in the Hornet decided to stick with the naval variant. And no, it does NOT mean the PAF will be making any landings on Chinese carriers :crazy:
Been trying to say this for some time. Unless we pay royalty to the Russians or make some other arrangements. The other thing is if we are going to induct another platform, with the 16s coming why not wait and lets induct Azm. failing that J20/31 would be a much more logical induction than J15.

They wont..they will simply state hey buy the zulus..and army wouldnt say no..
Anyway getting zulus or f16s and tones of otger equipment will be on higher pirority list as compared to arguing about t129 engine.

Philippines didnt get it..we wont either
It would be prudent to wait on the Turkish engine and buy a product which would be sanction free. With Zulus coming( IF) we can afford to wait.
GE has a lot more lobbying power that P&W. That's one point not thought out.

Say, there is an emergency in GB and you need to fly in forces in addition to the forces available nearby. Similarly, say there is an emergency in the Iran border regions and you need to move forces in addition to those available in Quetta.

Similarly, Pakistan has less forces in North Sindh where India plans a cold start. A battalion in time is often a very valuable military asset. This is not even mentioning paratroopers.

500 light infantry troops will male little difference. Much cheaper to increase troops and presence and have bases nearby with short rail/road access. Extre C-130s for this purpose a massive waste of money.

As you also mention, best use maybe to renforce northern areas.

Mainly these planes will be used for paratroops and to supply PAF dispersal bases during war. To transport troops from one part of mainland Pak to another on C-130 is a massive waste, it's also the reason why we invested so much in a big strategic road network
To be fair Khafee did break the news of 9 C130Js coming with contract signed on his forum. However he said 2 were likely to arrive in 2-3 months . He has also steadfastly maintained Zulus are coming as well as the likely !6 would be 70 rather than 72. It does seem his info was right but the timing may have been off ie he spoke a bit too soon. However credit must be given to him as well as @Tps43. These are good news. Let us wait to see it materialize.
I broke this news long time ago , so did @Khafee Some more good thing are under consideration

now 2 members have already posted about this news so I think now its time for me to give credit to the person who first broke this news @Tps43
Thanks :D

I think he also broke the MPDR-replacement news too.
Yes I did

its not confirm but I believe for MPDR segment TPS-77 MRR is not purchased but different radar is selected again its not confirm so we have to wait for sometime for the disclosure about the selection form official source
26 new sqns of AD are raised radars are YLC -18 and tps77 Mrr
Add to this, a new SQN being raised (No 52) and CN235s moved under it from No 6 SQN.

52nd squadron was raised due to a different reason.

180's crash had a major contribution to it since the instructor pilot was found to be 'double currency' as in he flew both CASA's and C-130's with 6 sqn.

Hence, 52 sqn was made and pilots were barred from flying both typess at the same time.
52nd squadron was raised due to a different reason.

180's crash had a major contribution to it since the instructor pilot was found to be 'double currency' as in he flew both CASA's and C-130's with 6 sqn.

Hence, 52 sqn was made and pilots were barred from flying both typess at the same time.
Yar bhai Block 3 ki koi update ? When can we expect Pic or vid ? Not bothered with any spec or something, Just some pic or vid, And is it going in accordance with latest timeline ?
I broke this news long time ago , so did @Khafee Some more good thing are under consideration

Thanks :D

Yes I did

26 new sqns of AD are raised radars are YLC -18 and tps77 Mrr

What is difference between TPS-77 or TPS-77MRR??
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