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Rumors: Pakistan to acquire five C-130J Super Hercules

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Thanks a lot.
This is quite a recent post. The F-16 issue is about one year, 18 months old if i remember correctly. Anyway thanks for sharing this post. I have dropped him an email as well to discuss this further. :)

Also checking with couple of other people.

@Blacklight @airomerix ok i just talked to some friends and the news about C-130J is pretty serious and correct it seems :yahoo:
Thank you guys, tps and khafee, everyone who shared this with us.

However, sorry for arguing on and on like this, nothing on AH-1Z yet. How sure you guys are about that?

Its okay. Full litany of what is coming (that can be revealed and a lot more is going on than this that is better left unsaid):

1. Z-10 special Pak version
2. J-15 special Pak version
3. Non Chinese helicopters
4. VT-4 Tank
5. wheeled SPH
6. AH-1Z
7. F-16s (this is tricky, can be stopped in the last minute so don't ban me if this doesn't happen like @Khafee)
.... more...
The biggest news are not tangible products but parts and cooperation. And I think a lot more is brewing in India... they may get a deal of the century from the Americans and assorted monkeys.
Thank you. I have no idea what that is! is it sensitive tech? I think I need to do some googling. Any links or some explaination etc would be greatly appreciated.
Excellent write up by @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Pakistan’s C4ISR (Part 2): Land and Airborne Surveillance Systems
In the first phase of Project Crystal, the PAF acquired 45 Mobile Pulse-Doppler Radar (MPDR) systems from Siemens in Germany. Six mobile control and reporting centres (CRC) were also acquired, which would connect to the MPDRs through real-time data-link connectivity.[7] In other words, the radar’s information would be processed in the CRC and displayed on monitors, hence offering early network-centric situational awareness to the PAF. The MPDRs were acquired in three sub-variants, with two mobile types (offering 45km in range) and one transportable variant (with 60km in range).[8]

In Project Crystal’s second phase, the PAF acquired six AN/TPS-43 long-range three-dimensional (3D) air surveillance radars from the U.S.[9] These radars were capable of tracking an object as well as its elevation and azimuth (i.e. direction). With a maximum detection range of 400km, the AN/TPS-43s formed the high-altitude search umbrella of the PAF’s integrated air defence system (with the MPDRs serving as low-level sensors). Like the MPDRs, the sensory feed from the AN/TPS-43s was processed and displayed (i.e. data-linked), particularly to commanding officers in each of the PAF’s three regional commands.[10]

The work done under Project Crystal essentially formed the foundation of not only Pakistan’s current-day air defence system, but its overall C4ISR framework. Look back to part-one of this series, and note how Pakistan had begun utilizing modern C4I concepts and systems by the mid-1980s, such as building real-time situational awareness through the use of advanced sensors and data-link architecture. From the mid-2000s, the PAF had begun to build upon this foundation through a series of high-tech acquisitions.


So that dude Khafee was right all along.... Hope those who insulted and humiliated him will find a cup to drown themselves in ....shame on those members who chased him away ..:

Why only cup!!
Look for something bigger than that.
I suggest a spoon. Would you be happy!:whistle:
With a maximum detection range of 400km,

I once got banned for pointing out Ataturk was an atheist and hated Muslims. And did everything possible against Islam and Muslims. So not convinced that people don't get banned because they don't share the other's opinions.
Khafee was banned cuz of religious issue
15 AH-1Zs and 15 Z-10Ps

PS: Corrected Typo (10 not 20)
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Excellent write up by @Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Pakistan’s C4ISR (Part 2): Land and Airborne Surveillance Systems
In the first phase of Project Crystal, the PAF acquired 45 Mobile Pulse-Doppler Radar (MPDR) systems from Siemens in Germany. Six mobile control and reporting centres (CRC) were also acquired, which would connect to the MPDRs through real-time data-link connectivity.[7] In other words, the radar’s information would be processed in the CRC and displayed on monitors, hence offering early network-centric situational awareness to the PAF. The MPDRs were acquired in three sub-variants, with two mobile types (offering 45km in range) and one transportable variant (with 60km in range).[8]

In Project Crystal’s second phase, the PAF acquired six AN/TPS-43 long-range three-dimensional (3D) air surveillance radars from the U.S.[9] These radars were capable of tracking an object as well as its elevation and azimuth (i.e. direction). With a maximum detection range of 400km, the AN/TPS-43s formed the high-altitude search umbrella of the PAF’s integrated air defence system (with the MPDRs serving as low-level sensors). Like the MPDRs, the sensory feed from the AN/TPS-43s was processed and displayed (i.e. data-linked), particularly to commanding officers in each of the PAF’s three regional commands.[10]

The work done under Project Crystal essentially formed the foundation of not only Pakistan’s current-day air defence system, but its overall C4ISR framework. Look back to part-one of this series, and note how Pakistan had begun utilizing modern C4I concepts and systems by the mid-1980s, such as building real-time situational awareness through the use of advanced sensors and data-link architecture. From the mid-2000s, the PAF had begun to build upon this foundation through a series of high-tech acquisitions.


Brilliant, thank you once again, so helpful.
Sir please do confirm and inform the members about difference between"a consideration" and "sure they are coming, look one just took off!!" :P :D
There will be new Blk70's and EDA's IA. This is confirmed.

Over the last one year a lot of back and forth, on the actual numbers. My head spins when I recall all those conversations.

26 units? That is a big number!! Do we need this many to cover our air space? Yes i know we will like to have a few back up options or spares but how many? 5 times what is required?
IA this will insure that all three PAF Air Commands are covered.

Will it be possible for PAF to change the engines to GE ones on the existing F-16s? Esp Blk 52?

If that technically possible @airomerix @Blacklight
Although a serious headache, but still possible.

Nonetheless not required, for now. AS only the new Blk70's and EDA's would have them.

PAF Vipers that would be upgraded to Blk-70 specs, would be in reality Blk-72's.

Ohh bahi i didnt got him banned!!
I do not ban people because i do not agree with them!! :lol: NO ONE DOES!

I respect Khafee for his experience and knowledge. I just confronted him about the certainty factory, have pages long private conversations with him and going to drop him an email as well :)
I am not aware if he talked about C-130J, i just remember the F-16 issue and even on that my disagreement was not about the possibility but about the certainty of the claims!!
On the C-130J's He opened a thread on his forum on the 24th of April.
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