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RSS wants Narendra Modi as Prime Minister


Aug 11, 2013
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New Delhi, September 10, 2013
16:16 IST(10/9/2013)

RSS has made it clear to BJP it wants Narendra Modi to be declared as Prime Ministerial candidate, contending that he enjoys "the support and respect of people" who want "change" but said the timing of the announcement has to be decided by the party.

RSS leader Ram Madhav told reporters that the Sangh members have felt during their programmes across the nation that people want "change".

"The country wants a change and we also realise it. During the two-day meeting between RSS and BJP this issue came up and it has been conveyed to the leadership in the party. Now the decision has to be taken by them but from our side the message has been given that the voters in the country want a change," Madhav said.

Asked if he is referring to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi when he talks about change, Madhav said, "When we say people want a particular change, it is obvious that the support and respect of the people is for which person and for which post. This is clear to all."

At the end of a two-day conclave here yesterday, RSS had said that there is no dilemma or turmoil in the party over Modi but the decision on when the PM candidate should be announced has to be taken by the BJP.

Rajnath Singh has indicated that BJP's Parliamentary Board is likely to meet by next week. It is widely expected that the party will announce Modi's name before his birthday which falls on September 17.

Source: RSS wants Narendra Modi as PM - Hindustan Times
Even, I want NAMO to be BJP'S PM Candidate. If he cannot; then, I am going to vote for "BROOM" but will never Vote for United Public-Looters Association. :girl_wacko:

While Modi is my hero, he faces bigger obstacles from the power hungry Advani and his cohorts like sushma swaraj
and vekaih naidu etc who have failed to play the role of opposition even properly and to my mind our subservient to
the italian queen.They are bigger obstacles than Modi winning elections.
Two promises Modi has made to RSS

1. Stop Cow slaughtering
2. Remove Article 370 from J&K

:victory: If done

There will be nuclear war if article 370 is removed, Kashmir is for kashmiris only. It can never be infested by Indians, and your goverment knows it.
According to indiatoday RSS also wants grand Ram temple and uniform civil code along with the other two conditions.

So what is wrong if they make a temple?

I heard that the Hindu community was granted a part of the land alongside the land concession granted to Muslims and another sect of Hindus.

They have all the right to make a temple on the land given to them by law.

And are you against the Uniform Civil Code? :azn:

I being a non-Hindu am all for Uniform Civil Code which will, for the first time in India's modern history, give EQUAL treatment to all communities as citizens. No sharia, no more whining from certain minorities.

It will lead to true nationalism and create intra-national harmony across the country.

There will be nuclear war if article 370 is removed, Kashmir is for kashmiris only. It can never be infested by Indians, and your goverment knows it.

ARTICLE 370 grants J&K some special whining privileges that other states don't get. It is a part of our constitution and we have the right to remove it.

If it is removed, FDI and even national investment will flow into Kashmir as more and more companies will invest in its booming tourism sector and make it grow. And we will do that.

You can nuke us all the time here on PDF.
As far as I am concerned all four are legitimate conditions in fact I can think of many more but dont want
to be banned.
Nuking is not childs play, if by chance pakistan does nuke India, india will not only nuke pakistan but also its
caretaker china which in turn will nuke india, america japan etc, which will make the whole world alight.
We will remove Article 370 when we want and no $hit is going to happen let even a nuclear war .

I came to know about Article 370 removal couple of months back but I was feeling reluctant to post that. Good, it is materializing now.

Once implemented, Within 5 years militancy in Kashmir will be wiped off.
370 is here to stay, Kashmir is for only kashmiris not every hindu baniya, brahmin.
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