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RSS plans to convert 4,000 Christian & 1,000 Muslim families to Hinduism .

Like i said to the indians before....if yr sincere with yourself u will try to stop them if not them the world also wont be keeping quiet.

This is actually good for people
Let the religious orgs give Free things to people
But where does it end? What is the state doing? Why is one faith being allowed to intimidate another one within the shadows of the secular constitution?

you are arguing with hindutva trolls with hate filled fascist supremist mindset...... might as well try to have a meaningfull conversation with monkeys
But where does it end? What is the state doing? Why is one faith being allowed to intimidate another one within the shadows of the secular constitution?

It has been happening for a long time....It used to be one way..... now there is an attempt made to reverse the trend which is creating lot of news headlines....... What can state do???? If something is been done forcefully then the state can interfere, they were not interfering before they are not interfering now also......

Some how I feel no one should be converted, and it should be left to the individual to decide
what exactly do you know other than what has been feed to you by your hindutva goon masters ? Slinging mud as defense mechanism to justify forced conversion of poor muslims is both transparent and ineffective....

hundutva = fascist scum

As to hinduism without a caste system ...... pull the other one.... its the primary feature of your religion
I know a lot more about Bangaldesh than you will ever know about India.The reason behind this that i am a highly educated person while i can't say the same thing about you and hence unlike you i don't be influenced by any random tom,dick or Harry!!I have studied with a lot of Bangaldeshi Hindus who came in Kolkata in search of better education and all of them confessed that the Hindu minorities are indeed facing the risk of extinction because of the atrocities and forceful conversions of the Bangaldeshi Jamaatis:coffee:
what exactly do you know other than what has been feed to you by your hindutva goon masters ? Slinging mud as defense mechanism to justify forced conversion of poor muslims is both transparent and ineffective....

hundutva = fascist scum

As to hinduism without a caste system ...... pull the other one.... its the primary feature of your religion
This peace talk does not suit to those group of people who shows gun for conversion shouting Master's name & blame others..Kind of habitual to it..
Converting to Islam or Christianity has not necessarily reformed lives of Dalits, but going back to Hinduism will mean they will "be used as fuel against minorities", she added

Who is this idiot lady?

They try surely, but without using all the Gold and temple funds, most Hindu trusts are underfunded(source is mostly only India). While evangelical missions get donations from ALL over the WORLD. So no competition. Down with Hindus. :tup: :D

Let us establish a 1 Lakh crore fund fot reconversion of Muslims and chiristians to Hinduism.
Peaceful? Just because you didn't see any violence, it doesn't mean it is peaceful or self initiated. These are the poor people, they were being pressured into losing their livelihood if they didn't oblige.
Link for the red part, please.
Real Indians are busy making unreal Indians more real. I wonder which caste the new converts would be given?
what exactly do you know other than what has been feed to you by your hindutva goon masters ? Slinging mud as defense mechanism to justify forced conversion of poor muslims is both transparent and ineffective....

hundutva = fascist scum

As to hinduism without a caste system ...... pull the other one.... its the primary feature of your religion

Are you mad because most of converts are Bangladeshi migrants ( mostly illegal )?

Real Indians are busy making unreal Indians more real. I wonder which caste the new converts would be given?

It is not the first time that muslims have been converted. They would become Arya Samaji.

Arya Samaj - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We should never allow this. All secular Indians should unite and donate their everything to Christian Evangelicals and Tablighi Jamaat to convert 10 or 100 times this number into their respective faiths. Only a demise of Hinduism in its entirety can guarantee communal harmony.

RSS is not converting them forcefully by threatening them.. pakistanis in PDF are jumping on these kind of news because in pakistan minorities are endangered species facing kidnapping and force conversion.. they are trying hard to prove that india is not different. so if you are living in india then you know that Hinduism is a peaceful religion than any other religion. the violence is done by every religion especially Muslims. if you are studied in a christian missionary school you will understand how may times the school principal will told you to convert to Christianity if you are a non-christian.
RSS is seriously messing up peace within the country.

People with a mentality like those fuc*heads are the reason that India is still underdeveloped and why it has to fight so many social problems.

If we cant get our priorities right, we will never develop. Religion should be something personal, not a public fukcing show.
Real Indians are busy making unreal Indians more real. I wonder which caste the new converts would be given?

before making such a statement fools like you must understand the problems faced by minorities in pakistan... pakistan is a hell for non-Muslims ever week there is news reports of forces conversation and kidnapping of minorities.. instead of looking into india you must look at your own country and advice your fellow pakistanis not to kill minorities..
Real Indians are busy making unreal Indians more real. I wonder which caste the new converts would be given?
Usually Arya. Slightly different to the way how the people chose their sect when converting to other faiths.
RSS is seriously messing up peace within the country.

People with a mentality like those fuc*heads are the reason that India is still underdeveloped and why it has to fight so many social problems.

If we cant get our priorities right, we will never develop. Religion should be something personal, not a public fukcing show.

Seriously, every religion is converting people.. Then why Hindus converting people become an issue here? Can you deny that most of the people converting in India is because they believe in greener pastures? People are making unnecessary issue about small things.
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