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RSS: No need for secularism in India; colour of flag should be turned saffron as tricolour injects c

I agree
the nawaz league and specially Shabaz sherif vindicated himself by ordering the elimination of the entire bloodline of this serial killer who openly bragged his murders and his victims included even judges, witnesses, policemen and lawyers.

I follow the terrorism problem constantly. Everytime a big terrorist is killed I am ecstatic. I celebrated the killing of people like Qari Hussain and Hakimullah. Now I wait for news of Fazlullahs death. What we need is to hunt down the leadership of all terrorist groups. Glad to see terrorism incidences have fallen.

the police "encounter" had such an impact that it shrank the leadership of ASWJ in their holes which is political face of the sectarian terrorists. there was not even a half hearted protest let alone blocking the roads and shouting murder and chaos. some analysts suggested that they had parted ways with more violent sectarian terrorists but that's not true since it was ASWJ which frequents Red Mosque and agrees with its support for ISIS and TTP.

ASWJ still operates and that shows us that proper action is still to be taken against not just the Malik Ishaks but Ludhianvis as well. My hope is we crush terrorism once and for all. Completely.

Indian right wing parties have a case in point and an example in Pakistan which they must not follow because the impact will be 5 or 10 folds bad. if they keep their rhetoric to mere words and speeches then it will be less hurtful than actually putting them into action by lynching beef eating Indians and torching churches and mosques etc.

Agreed. Though those hateful speeches often tell us muslims we have no place in a united India.
Nice information doc. So it proves that no community is immune to... immune to well being barbarians and killing on the basis of their faith.

Parsis were quite the hooligan rioters in British times apparently. Probably the fact that the community at the time was 200,000+ strong and younger could have something to do with it.

In 1832 in Bombay there were the famous "Parsi Dog Riots" where the Parsis led other Indian communities in a riot across Bombay for 2 days in protest against the British decision to cull stray dogs.

There is an interesting article "Mad Dogs and Parsis: The Bombay Dog Riots of 1832" by Jesse S. Palsettia (a Parsi), in The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. I can only find abstracts but the whole article is paid only.

No human was killed in the rioting though. But the British were suitably shaken and the law was instantly repealed. :)

Parsis were quite the hooligan rioters in British times apparently. Probably the fact that the community at the time was 200,000+ strong and younger could have something to do with it.

In 1832 in Bombay there were the famous "Parsi Dog Riots" where the Parsis led other Indian communities in a riot across Bombay for 2 days in protest against the British decision to cull stray dogs.

There is an interesting article "Mad Dogs and Parsis: The Bombay Dog Riots of 1832" by Jesse S. Palsettia (a Parsi), in The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. I can only find abstracts but the whole article is paid only.

No human was killed in the rioting though. But the British were suitably shaken and the law was instantly repealed. :)

Dog riots? Why protect dogs. Is there something in Parsi religion for it? Just an innocuous question. I know very little about Parsis. Hindus exist in sindh with 8.5% of the total provincial population while there are also our neighbors so I have some knowledge of Ram, Sita, Kali Maa etc. But Parsi religion no insights at all. You worship fire right?
Because they are a lot better than many humans. And deserve our protection for their love and loyalty and their devotion.
@jamahir may strongly disagree. Bro why do you dislike dogs? But I share his view of cats. Beautiful creatures and very loveable. Don't even need a walk.
Because they are a lot better than many humans. And deserve our protection for their love and loyalty and their devotion.

Instead of wasting your time Googling, you would find a lot more information on Parsis, all in one place, here .....

India’s vanishing Parsis
I checked said thread out. Talks about disappearing parsis but not about the core Parsi beliefs. Thanks though.

And cats show love by rubbing themselves around your leg. My cats used to do it. They wanted to be petted.
I checked said thread out. Talks about disappearing parsis but not about the core Parsi beliefs. Thanks though.

And cats show love by rubbing themselves around your leg. My cats used to do it. They wanted to be petted.

There is a ton of stuff in the 37 pages about core beliefs. Among other things like food and dress and customs and history and mindsets and social issues etc.

Can't stand cats. Nasty cold creatures. Just thinking of petting one is making me shudder and get goose-pimples. Hair standing on end.
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I checked said thread out. Talks about disappearing parsis but not about the core Parsi beliefs. Thanks though.

And cats show love by rubbing themselves around your leg. My cats used to do it. They wanted to be petted.
people have different perspectives and must be acknowledged if not respected. phobia is an extreme word but some just cant stand any animal or kind of animal or even clowns.
animals also show different reaction. horses don't like rigours patting and rubbing and give a disapproving Hufff.. whereas dogs love a lot of patting and rubbing. cats are smart and normally very dismissive except when in a mood to show you some affection.
I will tell you why a number of muslims in Indian occupied territories support Pakistan.

1) Shared culture-especially with migrants of Pakistan. For example I have a dish called kakori kebab which is famous and eat haleem with spoons.

2) Same history-We all voted in 46 and other elections for the AIML. This is a fact and any muslim can ask his forefathers and they will reveal the truth.

3) Common ideology: We all supported the ummah once.

4) Common relations-our relatives are on both sides of the border. Dividing by a line.

I would like those so called patriotic muslims to think critically of India. We have so much in common and clearly where the hell will you go when and if India massacres you? Our family went to Pakistan Why? Because its the only place that will help oppressed muslims when they are in trouble. @The_Showstopper, @Syama Ayas @Razia Sultana @jamahir

So the question is why defend a superimposed identity like India which we fought against (not physically but through our votes) in 46 elections where we all overwhelmingly voted for Jinnahs Pakistan-even if you do not agree then why maintain a hostile stand to Pakistan-I mean its clear that more than even muslims left there in Indian occupied parts Pakistanis are more concerned about the welfare of muslims in Indian occupied parts. Shouldn't that make us allies?
Thanks for marking me. I have a little different views and I will go point wise:
1. shared culture- we indeed share culture with mohajirs of pakistan because we were same people and i believe we still are same people. But do mohajirs of pakistan support India? if not, then how do they expect indians to support pakistan specially when they themselves are struggling for an identity in pakistan? Those muslims who supported pakistan already migrated to pakistan from 1947 until 1965.
2. same history- agree. but not all muslims voted for AIML, there were muslims in congress like my forefathers. voting in India is still done on caste lines so it was very natural for muslims to go with Muslim League. majority of the muslims were illiterate to understand the meaning of partition and pakistan. Thats why when it came to moving to pakistan, even the supporters of AIML changed their mind. They chose India over migration. They chose to live in minority over migration.
3. same ideology? i will put a question mark here. Entire muslim world is divided. Ummah looks good on paper but its not a reality. if it had any meaning, bangladesh would still be called east pakistan.
4. common relations - its negligible now. we find more relatives in US and UK than in pakistan. Our blood relations in pakistan have chosen to cut off ties for whatever reasons.

Coming to where to escape when we will be massacred in India??? Please tell me where the syrians, yemenis and iraqis are going in the arab world? where the shias, ahmedis, christians and hindus are going in pakistan? Where are rohingyas going and where have bihari muslims gone? We are much safer and content in India than many muslim nations.
I am not denying the conflict as some vested interests are there in all communities and its more about politics than religion.

you do know that i am not a nationalist with unquestioning, unthinking, misplaced loyalty to the indian state/establishment/military but i am loyal to the oppressed and innocent from india and speak for them and am getting into politics for them... india has a wrong political system which must be replaced... this is my identity as a socialist and opposite to the sanghi fascist/nationalist way of thinking which seeks to perpetuate injustice, oppression, idiotic mythologies, reactionarism etc.

however, it is also true that there can be civil war in india in the coming three years or so, precisely because of bjp winning elections last year... some people i know locally have mentioned this, and the topic of this thread ( saffron flag and all ) points to the real agenda of this government... but i honestly don't know what i will have to do when that situation arises.

i don't know how @The_Showstopper, @Aamna Ali and @Razia Sultana see this.
Radicalization is rising be it saffron or green or any other color. Problem is not with our political system but lack of education and transparency. Things will turn out to be better with time. Its good to be politically aware and active. best wishes.

we do follow a pretty warped version of "secularism" here, it should be discarded.

we need a proper uniform civil code and real secularism to stop pandering to people because of their religion, minority or majority.
There cant be versions of secularism. As regards to uniform civil code, its just impossible to impose on people who have several diversities. Those who talk about uniform civil code have failed to draft a model code. So talking about it is just fomenting political passions, nothing else.
Parsis were quite the hooligan rioters in British times apparently. Probably the fact that the community at the time was 200,000+ strong and younger could have something to do with it.

In 1832 in Bombay there were the famous "Parsi Dog Riots" where the Parsis led other Indian communities in a riot across Bombay for 2 days in protest against the British decision to cull stray dogs.

There is an interesting article "Mad Dogs and Parsis: The Bombay Dog Riots of 1832" by Jesse S. Palsettia (a Parsi), in The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. I can only find abstracts but the whole article is paid only.

No human was killed in the rioting though. But the British were suitably shaken and the law was instantly repealed. :)

Doctor Saab..you have good knowledge of history and south Asian politics..your English reflects that you are a well read person.But how could you find so much time to post 24/7 on PDF? Have you stopped practising? Just curious to know..no offence meant.
Doctor Saab..you have good knowledge of history and south Asian politics..your English reflects that you are a well read person.But how could you find so much time to post 24/7 on PDF? Have you stopped practising? Just curious to know..no offence meant.

LOL you really think so? Must be a seasonal thing then. Buddy I actually have a lot of catching up to do and am nowhere close (not even on the same planet) as some of my more prolific co-professionals here.

@Syed.Ali.Haider has 23483 posts since 2010 :usflag:

@he-man has 10874 posts since 2013 :woot:

@Mosamania has 10205 posts since 2011 :tup:

@Manticore has 9801 posts since 2009 (same batch as me)

@haman10 has 8554 posts since 2013

@kobiraaz has 8466 posts since 2010

@farhan_9909 has 8161 posts since 2009 (another batch-mate of mine)

@Emmie has 5027 posts since 2011

And of the newbies

@wolfschanzze has 4868 posts since 2013

@halupridol has 4448 posts since 2013

I have just 4372 posts.

Even considering my two extended periods of absence from the forum totaling to 2-2.5 odd years, that's not really something I can shout out from the rooftops about.

Cheers, Doc
good going india, you are on the right track to progress

Do you have any problem in that ?
AFAIK you are Pakistani and domestic matters in India is not your concern.

On topic: Partly I agree with these opinion.
Neither Hinduism is a organized religion nor have a history of conservative theocracy.But I cant agree with his opinion about tricolour flag.
Indias flag is tricolour and wwill remain as tricolor.

Then evrr person and organization has their own rights of freedom .Frredom for expressing their own opinion.
Don't forget the 10,000-odd posts of mine that have been deleted and the long periods of bans during which no posts were possible. :D

One of the times I sorely miss a genuflecting smiley.

Just so you know, its what I'm doing in front of my laptop as I type this out. :enjoy:
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