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Royal Saudi Air Force to take part in Anatolian Eagle 2011 exercise

Before this thread descends into further mud-throwing. I think it's nice that AE join the exercise. However I believe it's healthy for Turkey to keep a professional distance for our own good. basically because of the mentality, "hey you are a muslim, so am I, I can trust you with my life....".
Before this thread descends into further mud-throwing. I think it's nice that AE join the exercise. However I believe it's healthy for Turkey to keep a professional distance for our own good. basically because of the mentality, "hey you are a muslim, so am I, I can trust you with my life....".

A true muslim should trust another true muslim with his life. But unfortunately we live in an age where we can't even trust each other with cheap materials. But i agree that we should conduct relations proffesionally, and i am sure the current Turkish government knows its ways.
yeahh riiiight typiccal villager bs..

you made me smile because i knew what you are since the very begining..but the bold part is one of the most disgusting thing i have ever seen in this forum..10xYou < one villager
Ovarel end of june i am in Istanbul, tell me what i am in front of me..ive enough of your f.. bs insults tell me in my face and ill whoop your big all over the place boy... you are the most coward mf i know if you dont come to say it in my face ... what i am.. i will make you eat everything you said

back to topic please! do it before one of you get banned :D
A true muslim should trust another true muslim with his life. But unfortunately we live in an age where we can't even trust each other with cheap materials. But i agree that we should conduct relations proffesionally, and i am sure the current Turkish government knows its ways.

How do we know if someone is true muslim or not.. should it be Erbakan supporter like you and your friend Ovarel? Yeahhh rightt you aint worth sh.. in my eyes with this behavior.

And the Turkish goverment although i support Erdogan, they dont know shitt..still i support them thinking maybe they know wtf they are doing..
Ovarel end of june i am in Istanbul, tell me what i am in front of me..ive enough of your f.. bs insults tell me in my face and ill whoop your big all over the place boy... you are the most coward mf i know if you dont come to say it in my face ... what i am.. i will make you eat everything you said
Thank you for ruining this topic by your excessive language.
Secular experiement gone wrong or identity crisis?

I know what im saying.. And nothing wrong with it... Im grandson of Ottomans.. im Turk.. Sunni Hanafi medheb. Only because i dont agree with your Wahhabi friends you keep mentioning the Secular bs thats or identity crisis ? as i said Muslim Turk and Ottoman. Just 1 more thing i understand you people deserve it..well i dont care if only my people be safe from these backward arabs i will be okay so have a good day and good luck with them :wave:

That explains your attitude towards arabs..Since ottoman was an agarian empire and not an industrial power like todays Turkey, it is safe to assume that you are a villager too with a mind still stuck in past. The last of your ancestor tried to supress Arabic language and culture out of bias and bigotry as well imposed the so called form of " Turkish Islam" which advocated grave worship at various cementries of Makkah and Medina with colorful rituals.

But Lo behold, May Allah bless the Wahabis of Nejd they drove your backward agarian ancestors into the dirt of history! And you are behaving no different than the typical agarian villager!

With appologies to my sensible Turkish brothers who can understand the pun intended ;-) ;-)
That explains your attitude towards arabs..Since ottoman was an agarian empire and not an industrial power like todays Turkey, it is safe to assume that you are a villager too with a mind still stuck in past. The last of your ancestor tried to supress Arabic language and culture out of bias and bigotry as well imposed the so called form of " Turkish Islam" which advocated grave worship at various cementries of Makkah and Medina with colorful rituals.

But Lo behold, May Allah bless the Wahabis of Nejd they drove your backward agarian ancestors into the dirt of history! And you are behaving no different than the typical agarian villager!

With appologies to my sensible Turkish brothers who can understand the pun intended ;-) ;-)
Wonderful. I assumed people would stay rational and polite, but nevertheless I was wrong. Insulting and making up facts is not the way you do a sarcasm, if that's what you really tried to do.
Didnt the AKP already won twice and the secular fabric of turkish society is in shambles not at all helped by recent sex scandals against secular party only holding 14% of seats?

I live in a wahabi country for last 25 years and yes I agree they are harsh on the biddatis but never i have heard a government sanction preaching adovating people to kill and declare kafir. Yes that does happen by individual clerics but they are more often found in royal guest house of security services than the throne they like to lecture on.

"secular" is a relative term here.
A "secularist" in Pakistan, or a "reformer" in Saudi Arabia are actually more conservative than a Turkish "Islamist".
AKP is not anti-secular, though they want better ties with between Turkey and other middle Eastern countries, while at the same time maintaining good ties with Europe.
Anyway....back to the topic.....

Does anyone know exactly which aircrafts the Saudis are expected to bring to this exercise?

I'm assuming that the Saudi Aircraft that will take part are F-15 and Panavia Tornado as those are their main fighter aircraft for the last couple of decades.

Will the Saudis also be bringing their newly acquired Eurofighters to it.

It would be beneficial for Pakistan to see how well an F-16 block 50/52 can respond to a Eurofighter trying to attack it.
Secular experiement gone wrong or identity crisis?

The Saudis have always delcared sucide bombing as forbiden however the traditional rival, Iran not only promoted but pioneered the use of sucide bombings and manufacturing of sucidal blast gears during iraq-iran war.

Taliban, TTP and Al-Q being the brain child of CIA not saudis. The saudis gave money on request of Pakistan to who ever came forward and they were not paid out for sucide bombing unlike Iran.

wow, I just thought about a PLA hero during the civil war in 49 between communism and KMP, i guess he's shot but not fatal, and took an explosive device getting closer to a fortress, he couldn't found someplace to hold the device to get a detonation after safely clear the area, the guy was holding the device all the way up to the bottom of the fortress, and blew the whole up.

wow, never in my life did I realize the Chinese has suicide bomber too and well predates iran-iraq war.

Ignore Alperen, it's really not worth reading his comments. And don't reply to him. The more he posts the more it's obvious that he's rabid. People like him are delicassies for the western world politicians. They'll say, "Look this is what turks and muslims are rabid dogs".
No, sorry, I think Alperen is 100% right. Wahhabis are a danger to Islam itself, more dangerous than any non-Muslim can be. Just look at the two Wahhabi countries of the world: Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. I don't care what Wahhabis say, I only care what they do. They have ruined KSA and PK, and are now trying to infiltrate every Muslim country. I don't want Bangladesh or Turkey or any other country to become like PK or KSA. So I think its not only OK but necessary to oppose this movement at every step. If we want role models then Turkey and Iran are the ones to follow, not KSA or PK. We don't want to have a society full of hatred towards the "kaffirs" that depends on the same "kaffirs" for every technological good.
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